Zoey Stark Had No Idea She Was Going To Be Drafted To WWE RAW Until It Happened

(Photo Credit: WWE)

Zoey Stark recently appeared on After The Bell with Corey Graves for an in-depth interview covering all things pro wrestling. During the discussion, Stark said she did not know she was getting drafted to RAW until it happened (note: this is the case for most of the talent):

“What you saw was a genuine reaction. We didn’t know. We had no idea. So being able to sit there and actually seeing my name pop up on the screen, that’s something I’ve been working towards for 11 years, my whole wrestling career, 11 years. So finally being able to see that and start my RAW journey was very emotional for me.”

What Trish Stratus meant to Stark when Stark was growing up:

“She was a role model, but not just because of her looks, because she really laid the ground for us women. She was the first to main event RAW. She’s the first one that really hit me knowing that, hey, I could do that one day. She made everything happen for us women and I think people forget that.”

What she has learned working with Trish Stratus:

“To show confidence and not letting anyone get in your way. After every match or after every promo, she’s sitting there. She’s helping me. She’s critiquing me telling me when to slow down. In every little aspect. she’s really been a big mentor so far.”

You can check out the complete podcast below:

(h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription)