Zelina Vega wants to spit in the faces of people who don’t want to be cool.
Just like Carlito.
The LWO member recently spoke with Screen Rant for an interview, during which she shared her thoughts on the WWE return of Carlito, and how she wants to do his signature apple bit with him.
Featured below are some of the highlights from the interview.
On wanting to share in Carlito’s signature apple spit taunt: “I want to do a double spit an apple thing. I think that’d be fun. But I also know that I’d trip out and be like, Oh, the pressure. It’s going to be a little blip. I don’t even know if I’m going to be able to do it right. But no, I think it’s cool because I feel like it’s been so long that it’s going to give us a nice, refreshing feeling to give something the crowd to feel refreshed about. It’s always cool when you add somebody to the mix, but somebody as amazing and talented as Carlito, it’s just so fun because now you never know where we’re going to take it. I have no idea what will happen on Friday, for instance.”
On how excited the WWE Universe is to have Carlito back: “No clue, but it’s exciting for me to go to work and go, OK, what are we going to do now? What’s going to be the next step for us? So it’s just more exciting than anything else. And I think the crowd is ready for it. And my God, I haven’t seen this kind of support in a while because it just feels like I said this on ‘The Bump’, but I feel like we have so many people’s hopes and dreams, especially Latinos, I feel like we have so many of their hopes and dreams on our shoulders, and we carry it so proudly that we’re ready to take this to the next level.”
Check out the complete interview at ScreenRant.com.