Zachary Wentz Comments On His TNA X-Division Championship Victory At Emergence

Immediately following his X-Division Championship victory at TNA Emergence, The Rascalz’s Zachary Wentz appeared in a digital exlusive to talk about a number of topics, including his title victory.

Wentz said, “This is crazy, this is insane, it was a different story two years ago, I never thought I was going to wrestle again, I made mistakes, but this is redemption. This goes to show to anybody, if you’re a good human being and you fight hard enough, you’ll be back, you’ll be doing crazy stuff.”

“Just look at those names, look at the names that have held this, legends, look at the match I was in to get it, it’s the most iconic match in TNA Wrestling and now I get to etch my name, Zachary f*****g Wentz, I couldn’t be happier dude, especially on my best friend’s birthday.”

“This is redemption, this is it, but the tears, all this, it’s done. Anybody who wants it, step up and grab it, this is the face of the X-Division, I’m not going anywhere anytime soon, smoke ’em if you got ’em, and I’ve got all of them. Sick, dude.”

You can check out Wentz’s comments below.