WWE WrestleMania 40 Night 2 Review – April 7, 2024

(Photo Credit: WWE)

WWE WrestleMania 40 Night 2 Review – April 7, 2024

World Heavyweight Title Match
Seth Rollins (c) vs. Drew McIntyre

Drew McIntyre hits Seth Rollins with a Claymore as soon as the bell rings and gets a two count.

Rollins out of the ring so McIntyre follows him to the outside and continues the assault.

McIntyre suplexes Rollins on the outside and goes for Future Shock DDT but Rollins counters and hits a Pedigree on the outside.

Rollins rolls back into the ring waits for McIntyre and hits Curb Stomp for a two count of his own. Rollins goes for another Pedigree but McIntyre counters into a back drop.

Rollins & McIntyre slug it out in the middle of the ring as Rollins lands a superkick but McIntyre answers with a Glasgow Kiss.

McIntyre sets up for another Claymore but Rollins counters into a powerbomb.

Rollins hits a 2nd Pedigree and once again hits Curb Stomp before Rollins hits a 2nd Curb Stomp but McIntyre again kicks out at two.

Rollins heads up top and goes for a top rope diving Curb Stomp but McIntyre steps out of the way. McIntyre hits Future Shock DDT but only gets a two count.

McIntyre goes for Go 2 Sleep but Rollins counters into a roll up for a two count.

McIntyre lands a Claymore but once again only gets a two count.

McIntyre drags Rollins out of the ring and tries to powerbomb him through the announce table but Rollins blocks and hits Curb Stomp onto the announce table.

Rollins rolls McIntyre back into the ring but immediately eats a Claymore.

McIntyre makes the cover but Rollins once again miraculously kicks out.

McIntyre hits 1 more Claymore to get the win.

Winner & New World Heavyweight Champion: Drew McIntyre (10:40) (NEW CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)

After the match McIntyre gets in CM Punk’s face and relentlessly taunts him. Punk finally gets fed up and knocks McIntyre off the announce table. Punk takes off his arm brace and blasts McIntyre in the face. Here comes Mr Money In The Bank Damian Priest & he hits McIntyre in the face Money In The Bank Briefcase & cashes in.

World Heavyweight Title Match
Drew McIntyre (c) vs. Mr Money In The Bank Damian Priest

Priest rolls McIntyre into the ring & hits South of Heaven to get the win.

Winner & New World Heavyweight Champion: Damian Priest (0:07) (NEW CHAMPION!!!)

6 Man Tag Team Philadelphia Street Fight
The Final Testament (Karrion Kross, Akam & Rezar) vs. Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford) & Bobby Lashley

The action spills to the outside and Street Profits set up a table at ringside.

Authors Of Pain whips Street Profits into the ring steps then grab kendo sticks.

Lashley gets triple teamed with kendo stick shots then Kross hits a neckbreaker onto the back of a chair. Kross makes the cover but Street Profits make the save.

AOP hits Super Collider and then try to do it again but Lashley makes the save.

Lashley dumps AOP to the outside and hits Kross with a belly 2 belly suplex.

Montez Ford dives onto AOP on the outside as Lashley goes to work with chair shots to Kross in the ring.

Lashley hits a spinebuster onto the chair and goes for the Hurt Lock but Scarlett makes the save.

B Fab charges into the ring drags Scarlett to the apron and hits a side Russian leg sweep off the apron and through the table at ringside.

Kross gets in Bubba Ray Dudley’s face so Bubba Ray puts on his glasses and stares down Kross.

Bubba Ray coaches Street Profits & Dawkins hits Whassup Headbutt then they got the tables.

Lashley & Dawkins puts Kross on a table and Ford hits From The Heavens through the table. Lashley makes the cover for the win.

Winners: Street Profits & Bobby Lashley (8:36)
Rate: 6

LA Knight vs. AJ Styles

AJ Styles charges into the ring and starts brawling with Knight as soon as the bell rings.

Styles goes for a running clothesline but Knight side steps him and Styles tumbles to the outside.

Knight connects with a dropkick between the ropes and then repeatedly slams Styles’ face into the announce table.

Knight rolls Styles back into the ring but Styles catches him with a chop block.

Styles wrenches Knight’s leg into the mat and then goes to work with kicks to the thigh.

Styles hits a shin breaker but Knight fights back with a series of clotheslines and a side Russian leg sweep. Knight hits a tornado DDT and gets a two count.

Knight takes Styles up top and goes for a superplex but Styles slides between the legs and drops Knight face first onto the top turnbuckle.

Styles delivers a sit out facebuster and gets a two count.

Styles heads up top but Knight climbs up behind him and pounds on his chest.

Styles rakes the eyes but Knight fights back with a avalanche German suplex.

Styles locks in the Calf Crusher but Knight makes it to the rope to break the hold.

Styles slides out of the ring and slams Knight’s leg into the ring post.

Styles pulls down Knight’s knee pad and dropkicks the knee into the ring post.

Styles tries to pull Knight crotch first into the ring post but Knight counters and pulls Styles face first into the ring post.

Knight pulls up the ringside pads and sets up for a powerbomb onto the exposed floor but Styles counters into a back body drop onto the exposed floor.

The action returns to the ring and Styles goes for a springboard 450 splash but Knight gets his knees up. Knight & Styles slug it out in the middle of the ring.

Styles goes for Phenomenal Forearm but Knight avoids contact.

Styles goes for Styles Clash but Knight blocks.

Styles again goes for Phenomenal Forearm but Knight hits the ropes and follows up with BFT for the win.

Winner: LA Knight (12:28)
Rate: 7

United States Title Triple Threat Match
Logan Paul (c) vs. Randy Orton vs. Kevin Owens

Logan Paul slides out of the ring as soon as the bell begins but Randy Orton & Kevin Owens head right out after him.

Orton & Owens double team Paul on the outside and Orton drops Paul back first onto the Spanish announce table.

Owens drops Paul onto the announce table then Orton does it 1 more time.

Owens rolls Paul back into the ring but Paul shoves Owens into Orton.

Owens & Orton resist the urge to turn on each other and beat Paul to the mat.

Orton lands a back elbow shot to Paul & Owens follows up with a back senton.

Orton & Owens both go for the cover and that’s finally enough for Orton to go for the RKO on Owens. Owens blocks and slugs it out with Orton in the middle of the ring.

Paul connects with a slingshot double clothesline that levels both Owens & Orton.

Paul slams the side of Owens’ head into the turnbuckle then connects with a running splash to Paul in the opposite corner.

Owens hits a double cannonball to both Paul & Orton in the corner and then goes for a Swanton Bomb but Paul gets his knees up.

Paul heads up top & hits a Swanton Bomb to Owens and rolls right into a standing frog splash to Orton for a two count.

Paul & Orton slug it out in the middle of the ring before Orton dumps Paul to the outside.

Orton hits a powerslam to Owens and sets up for rope assisted DDT but Paul blocks.

Paul goes for a slingshot clothesline to Orton but Orton counters into a powerslam.

Orton hits both Owens & Paul with a double rope assisted DDT. Orton goes for an RKO on Paul but Paul blocks.

Owens hits a Codebreaker/senton combo to Orton & Paul then covers Paul for a two count.

Owens & Orton head up top but Owens knocks Orton back down to the mat.

Paul springs up top with Owens but Owens hits a power slam from the top.

Owens heads back up top and connects with a moonsault to Paul for a two count.

Paul grabs brass knuckles and lands a punch to Orton then makes the cover but Orton kicks out at two.

Orton grabs the brass knuckles and hands them to the referee instead of using them himself. Orton sets up for Punt but the Prime Bottle mascot pulls Paul out of the ring.

Orton heads out of the ring and IShowSpeed shoves him so Orton kicks IShowSpeed to the ground and hits an RKO onto the announce table.

Paul shoves Orton face first into the ring post and heads up top.

Paul goes for a frog splash but Orton rolls out of the way.

Owens hits Paul with a pop up powerbomb and catches Orton with a stunner.

Owens covers Orton but only gets a two count.

Owens goes for a pop up powerbomb to Orton but Orton counters into an RKO.

Paul tosses Orton out of the ring heads up top and hits a frog splash to Owens for the win.

Winner & Still United States Champion: Logan Paul (17:38) (STILL CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 9 (Recommend)

Women’s Title Match
Iyo Sky (c) vs. 2024 Women’s Royal Rumble Winner Bayley

Bayley goes for a Iyo Sky as soon as the bell rings but Sky rolls to the outside to evade.

Sky charges back into the ring and begins to brawl with Bayley and the action spills to the outside. Sky rolls Bayley back into the ring but Bayley snaps her neck off the middle rope.

Sky falls the outside and Bayley follows up with a suicide dive.

Bayley rolls Sky back into the ring and makes the cover for a two count.

Sky again rolls out of the ring and Bayley goes for a sliding dropkick under the bottom rope but Sky grabs Bayley’s legs and slams them into the ring post.

Sky pulls Bayley back into the ring and hits a dragon screw in the corner.

Sky catches Bayley with a double stomp to the gut and gets a two count.

Bayley rolls out of the ring and pulls Sky out to the floor before Bayley tosses Sky into the timekeeper’s area.

Sky leaps up onto the barricade and dives at Bayley but Bayley counters into a powerslam on the floor. Bayley rolls Sky back into the ring and makes the cover for a two count.

Bayley lifts Sky onto her shoulders and spins her into a side slam for a two count.

Bayley heads up top but Sky knocks the ropes and sends Bayley tumbling to the floor.

Sky heads up top and connects with a moonsault to Bayley on the outside.

Sky rolls Bayley back into the ring and hits a springboard dropkick.

Bayley goes for a German suplex but Sky floats over and lands on her feet.

Bayley catches Sky with a sunset flip into the corner then Sky hits a bridging German suplex and rolls directly into a 2nd bridging German suplex for a two count.

Sky heads up top and goes for the moonsault but Bayley gets her boots up.

Bayley heads up top and goes for a diving elbow drop but Sky rolls out of the way locks in a crossface. Bayley rolls Sky into a pinning predicament to force Sky to break the hold.

Sky goes back to the crossface and then transitions to the STF.

Bayley breaks the hold with elbow shots to the face and hits the Bayley 2 Belly for a two count.

Bayley goes for Rose Plant but Sky blocks before Bayley & Sky trade slaps in the middle of the ring and Sky hits a double underhook backbreaker.

Sky heads up top and hits the moonsault but Bayley kicks out at two.

Sky hits a standing moonsault and a 2nd rope moonsault.

Sky goes for a Over The Moonsault but Bayley counters into Rose Plant.

Sky springs to her feet and charges at Bayley but Bayley catches her with a clothesline.

Bayley heads up top and hits the diving elbow drop. Bayley hits Rose Plant to get the win.

Winner & New Women’s Champion: Bayley (14:22) (NEW CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)

Undisputed WWE Universal Title Bloodline Rules Match
Roman Reigns (c) vs. 2024 Royal Rumble Winner Cody Rhodes

Roman Reigns slowly walks up to Cody Rhodes.

Reigns stares down Rhodes and begins to circle him. Rhodes muscles Reigns to the corner but Reigns easily creates space.

Reigns lands a back elbow shot and drops Rhodes with a shoulder block.

Reigns goes for a clothesline but Rhodes drops to the mat and hits an uppercut from below.

Rhodes posts Reigns in the corner and Reigns tumbles to the outside.

Rhodes pulls out a table from under the ring and slides it into the ring but Reigns catches Rhodes with a Drive By.

Reigns pulls the table back out of the ring and slides it back under the ring.

Rhodes whips Reigns into the ring steps and rolls him back into the ring.

Reigns grabs a kendo stick from under the ring and lands a kendo stick shot between the ropes.

Reigns goes to work with kendo stick shots in the ring but Rhodes catches Reigns in the Figure 4 Leg Lock.

Reigns rakes the eyes to break the hold and tosses Rhodes out of the ring. Reigns tosses Rhodes over the barricade and into the audience.

Reigns & Rhodes slug it out in the middle of the ring.

Reigns rolls Rhodes onto a support platform and tries to suplex Rhodes off the platform but Rhodes counters and suplexes Reigns on the platform.

Rhodes tosses Reigns back over the barricade and rolls him into the ring.

Rhodes goes for Disaster Kick but Reigns counters into a powerbomb. Reigns hits a superplex and chokes Rhodes across the bottom rope. Reigns delivers a back suplex and gets a two count.

Reigns locks in a cravat but Rhodes fights back to his feet then Reigns goes for a back suplex but Rhodes floats over and lands on his feet.

Reigns hits a Perfect Plex and gets a two count.

Reigns works over Rhodes in the corner but Rhodes catches Reigns with a side kick.

Reigns & Rhodes hit each other with simultaneous clotheslines and now both men are down on the mat.

Reigns & Rhodes climb back to their feet and slug it out in the middle of the ring.

Rhodes catches Reigns with a powerslam and follows up with the Disaster Kick.

Rhodes covers Reigns but only gets a two count then Rhodes goes for Cody Cutter but Reigns counters into Cross Rhodes and gets a two count of his own.

Reigns goes for the Superman Punch but Rhodes ducks and peppers Reigns with jabs and the Bionic Elbow. Reigns rolls to the outside and Rhodes follows him.

Rhodes clears off the announce table but Reigns catches Rhodes with a low blow.

Reigns drags Rhodes to his feet and powerbombs him through the announce table.

Reigns rolls Rhodes back into the ring and hits the Superman Punch.

Reigns covers Rhodes but Rhodes miraculously kicks out at two then Reigns goes for a 2nd Superman Punch but Rhodes evades and hits Cody Cutter.

Rhodes goes for Cross Rhodes but Reigns blocks so Rhodes hits a spear for a two count.

Rhodes hits Cross Rhodes and goes for another Cross Rhodes but Jimmy Uso comes out of nowhere and hits Rhodes with a super kick. Here comes Jey Uso to even the odds.

Jimmy charges up the stage to attack Jey but Jey spears Jimmy off the stage.

Reigns hits a spear but Rhodes once again kicks out at two.

Reigns locks in a guillotine but Rhodes tumbles out of the ring to break the hold. Rhodes spears Reigns through the barricade and into the timekeeper’s area.

Rhodes rolls Reigns back into the ring and hits Cross Rhodes.

Rhodes hits another Cross Rhodes and goes for a 3rd but Solo Sikoa comes out of nowhere and hits Rhodes with a Samoan Spike.

Sikoa pulls Reigns on top of Rhodes for the cover but Rhodes kicks out at two.

Sikoa drags Rhodes back to his feet, and Reigns & Sikoa hit a Spear/Samoan Spike combination. Reigns covers Rhodes but Rhodes once again kicks out at two.

Here comes John Cena to even the odds. Cena dumps Sikoa out of the ring and hits Reigns with an Attitude Adjustment.

Cena heads to the outside and hits Sikoa with an Attitude Adjustment through the announce table.

Here comes The Rock squares off the Cena in the middle of the ring. Rock Bottom to John Cena then The Shield Music hits.

Seth Rollins shows up in his Shield gear but Reigns catches him with a Superman Punch then we hear the gong & the Lights go out & The Undertaker is in the ring.

He hits a Chokeslam to The Rock then The lights go out and The Undertaker is gone.

Only Roman Reigns, Cody Rhodes & Seth Rollins are left in the ring.

Reigns hits Rollins with a chair shot but Rhodes catches Reigns with Cross Rhodes.

Rhodes hits a 2nd and 3rd Cross Rhodes to score the win.

Winner & New Undisputed WWE Universal Champion: Cody Rhodes (33:25) (NEW CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 11 (Recommend)

After the match Randy Orton, Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, LA Knight, Jey Uso, John Cena & CM Punk celebrate with Cody Rhodes in the ring. Rhodes grabs a microphone and asks Bruce Prichard & Triple H to come out, because he wouldn’t be back there without them. Prichard & Triple H make their way down to the ring and hug Rhodes. Triple H raises Rhodes’ arm then Zayn & Orton lift him onto their shoulders. Rhodes hops out of the ring and hugs Michael Cole & Corey Graves. Everyone leaves Rhodes alone in the ring to celebrate his victory then Rhodes heads up the ramp as we end WrestleMania 40.