WWE SmackDown Review (5/19/2023)

WWE SmackDown Review – May 19, 2023

Kicking off this week’s Smackdown with Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns tells Columbia to acknowledge him, but before he can continue Kevin Owens’ music hits he & Sami Zayn come out.

Reigns says things worked out because he was planning on bringing them out here then he tells them to acknowledge him and demands they drop their Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles and leave but Zayn & Owens refuse to do so and Reigns says he figured that would happen.

Reigns address Zayn directly and says he’s experienced both the highest of highs and the lowest of lows throughout his career. He says the one regret he has was him. Zayn tells him that his one regret is not blasting him with that chair sooner then says he never thought he would never have the chance to look him in the eye and tell him what he needs to. He says now that they’re standing there, he has nothing to say except one thing. Zayn says Reigns has gotten everything he’s ever wanted but he won’t get the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles because he’s not as good as himself & Zayn. He says since they’re at it, he’s not as good as The Usos either.

Reigns says Zayn gave him opportunity after opportunity, but before he can continue The Usos appear and level both Zayn & Owens. The Usos superkicks Zayn on the announce table and high 5. Jimmy looks to high 5 Reigns but Reigns slaps his hand away and says he didn’t tell them to come out here. He looks to exit the ring but shoulder checks Solo Sikoa on his way out.

Tag Team Match
Pretty Deadly (Kit Wilson & Elton Prince) vs. Brawling Brutes (Butch & Ridge Holland)

Kit Wilson & Butch lock up to get this match started then Butch delivers a shoulder tackle but Wilson plants Butch and tags in Elton Prince. Pretty Deadly delivers a double boot and an ax handle then hits their signature pose. Butch grabs their hands then stomps on them and follows it up with a dropkick. Ridge Holland lands a delayed vertical suplex then tags in Wilson & he hits a DDT that takes us to a break.

After the break Prince delivers an uppercut and tags in Wilson. Wilson tags Prince back in, and they double team on Holland. Holland fires back with a shoulder tackle then Wilson & Butch tag in. Butch stomps on Wilson’s head then sits him on the top turnbuckle and delivers an enziguri. He ascends to the middle rope and rains down right hands but Wilson pushes him off.

Holland tags back in and stacks up Pretty Deadly on his shoulders, then plants both men. He then delivers 10 Beats Of The Bodhran on Wilson as Butch does the same to Prince from the outside while the referee is distracted by Butch after he was knocked off the top rope then Pretty Deadly delivers Spilled Milk for the win.

Winners: Pretty Deadly

Michael Cole & Wade Barrett then introduce a memorial video for Superstar Billy Graham.

Asuka vs. Zelina Vega

Zelina Vega delivers a kick to Asuka’s face then follows it up with a dropkick to her spine and sets up for the 619 but Asuka ducks out of the way then the action spills to the outside before Asuka lands a kick on her head and gets Vega up on her shoulders then sends her crashing face first into the announce table as we go to a break.

After the break Asuka delivers a kick to Vega’s head. Vega fires back with a forearm but Asuka whips her into the corner. Vega then lands a dropkick and follows it up with a drop toe hold into the ropes. She lands the 619 and ascends to the top rope then delivers a Meteora and goes for a pin.

Asuka kicks out and Vega pins her once again but Asuka looks for the Asuka Lock but Vega escapes and pins Asuka but Asuka manages to lock in an arm submission for the win.

Winner By Submission: Asuka

After the match Asuka keeps the lock in but Raw Women’s Champion Bianca BelAir’s music hits and she runs down to the ring to make the save. Asuka tries ambushing her while she checks on Vega but BelAir fights back until Asuka spits blue mist in her face.

After the break Grayson Waller welcomes fans to The Grayson Waller Effect and introduces AJ Styles. Styles’ music hits and he heads down.

Waller tells Styles he’s thought a lot about what he told him during their last interaction, then asks what it would mean for him to win the World Heavyweight Title. Styles says the ankle injury he sustained caused him to be sidelined from action for the longest in his career and all he thought about was getting back to wrestling. He says he trained hard for an opportunity and it came in the form of the World Heavyweight Title Tournament. He says he wants the World Heavyweight Title more than the air he breathes and says he’s ready for his Night Of Champions match against Seth Rollins.

Waller says he’s most looking forward to the ending of the match so he can hear Rollins’ name announced when the new World Heavyweight Champion has been crowned then Styles then stares down Waller.

Tag Team Match
Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford) vs. LA Knight & Rick Boogs

Montez Ford looks for a clothesline but Rick Boogs blocks it and Ford looks for a 2nd & 3rd one but Boogs catches him and does some press ups with Ford. Angelo Dawkins tags in and Boogs catches him with a shoulder tackle. He then does some bicep curls with Dawkins and tags in LA Knight.

Dawkins executes a jawbreaker but Knight lands the Knight Slam and follows it up with an elbow drop. Boogs & Ford tag in. Ford ascends to the top and delivers a crossbody to Boogs & Knight then catches Boogs with a step up enziguri. Dawkins tags in and delivers a slam, then tags in Ford & he hits From The Heavens for the win.

Winners: Street Profits

After the match Knight helps Boogs up and hugs him before delivering the BFT.

We are back from the break we head to a message for AJ Styles from Karrion Kross.

Non Title Match
NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn vs. Valentina Feroz & Yulisa Leon

Alba Fyre & Yulisa Leon starts us off then Fyre delivers a back elbow. Isla Dawn tags in and delivers a running Meteora before Valentina Feroz tags in and ascends to the top rope but Dawn pulls her down and tags in Fyre. Fyre & Dawn then deliver Gory Bomb/Flatliner combination for the win.

Winners: NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn

Wade Barrett & Michael Cole then announce that Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez have relinquished the Women’s Tag Team Titles on account of Morgan being injured and new Women’s Tag Team Champions will be crowned in 2 weeks on Raw in a Fatal 4 Way match.

United States Champion Austin Theory welcomes fans to Austin Theory Live then complains about the lack of respect he’s received since arriving on Smackdown and losing his Quarter Final Match for the World Heavyweight Title Tournament last week. He says he gets why Bobby Lashley came after him but he doesn’t get why Sheamus went after him, considering how much they have in common including beating John Cena. He says the only difference is Sheamus did it several years ago while he did it this year.

Sheamus’ music hits and he heads down. He looks to grab a mic but opts to deliver a Brogue Kick.

Tag Team Match
Latino World Order (Santos Escobar & Rey Mysterio) vs. The Usos (Jimmy & Jey)

Jey Uso sends Rey Mysterio into the corner then he rains down right hands then tags in Jimmy Uso. Jimmy delivers several right hands of his own then gets Mysterio up on his shoulders but Mysterio escapes and delivers a boot to Jimmy’s midsection. Santos Escobar tags in and clotheslines The Usos to the outside as we go to a break.

After the break Escobar rains down right hands on Jimmy. Jimmy whips Escobar face first into the top turnbuckle then Jey tags in and clocks Mysterio with a right hand on the apron but Escobar lands a few right hands. Jey sends him crashing into the mat then tags in Jimmy. Jimmy delivers a hip attack before Jey & Mysterio tag in.

Mysterio delivers a hurricanrana then ascends to the top and delivers a senton then he follows it up with a springboard crossbody but Jey lands a kick. Mysterio hits a Code Red and goes for a pin, but Jey kicks out. Jimmy delivers a cheap kick to Mysterio while the referee is distracted, allowing Jey to deliver a neckbreaker. He goes for a pin but Mysterio kicks out.

Jimmy tags in and The Usos set up for a double suplex but Mysterio sends them crashing to the outside and tags in Escobar. Escobar goes flying over the top rope to take out The Usos then tosses him back in the ring. Escobar delivers a running knee and a hurricanrana off the top, then tags in Mysterio. Escobar holds Jimmy in place and Mysterio hits a leg drop off the top then goes for a pin but Jey breaks the fall.

Mysterio sets up for the 619 but Jimmy counters into a superkick. Jey tags in and ascends to the top then delivers Usos Splash and goes for a pin but Mysterio kicks out before The Usos ascend to the top rope but Kevin Owens appears. Sami Zayn then knocks Jimmy off the top rope allowing Mysterio to send Jimmy into the ropes. Escobar tags in and Mysterio lands the 619 before Escobar hits a splash for the win.

Winners: Latino World Order

After the match we head back to The Bloodline’s dressing room. Solo Sikoa looks to get up but Reigns stops him to close out this week’s Smackdown.