WWE RAW Review – July 24, 2023


WWE RAW Review – July 24, 2023

Kicking off this week’s Raw with Mr Money Damian Priest calls for fans to rise before Rhea Ripley says Judgment Day runs all of WWE. Finn Balor introduces himself and his fellow Judgment Day members before throwing it to a video of Dominik Mysterio winning the North American Title this past Tuesday on NXT. Ripley then introduces NXT North American Champion Dominik Mysterio and he makes his way down to the ring.

Mysterio says he is the new & fighting NXT North American Champion but before he can continue Kevin Owens’ music hits and he appears alongside Sami Zayn.

Owens says the same thing happened last week in regards to fans not wanting to hear Mysterio talk. He says it really bothers him when people don’t learn from a lesson and since Mysterio didn’t learn from last week he gets blunt by telling Mysterio that no one cares what he thinks. He says the best thing he can do for the professional wrestling business is to shut his mouth forever. Mysterio says he will not be disrespected now that he’s a champion and Zayn says while that’s true no one in the arena respects him. He says he has an idea for Mysterio to earn some respect and challenges him to a 1 on 1 match. Mysterio then accepts and Zayn reminds Judgment Day about making a big deal about their Undisputed Tag Team Titles not being up for grabs during their tag team match last week. He calls for Mysterio to put his North American Title on the line and Ripley accepts on Mysterio’s behalf.

Becky Lynch vs. Zoey Stark

If Lynch wins she gets a match with Trish Stratus.

Becky Lynch wastes no time as she fires off stomps on Zoey Stark in the corner then delivers a shoulder tackle. Stark slides out of the ring for a breather and looks to get back in once she’s recovered but Lynch knocks her off the apron.

The action spills to the outside and Lynch gets Stark back inside the ring before Stark delivers a dropkick off the top rope and sends Lynch face first off the top rope as we go to a break.

After the break Lynch sends Stark repeatedly crashing into the barricade and gets her back in the ring then she ascends to the top rope and lands a leg drop then delivers a boot to Stark’s jaw. Lynch dropkicks Stark back out of the ring and delivers an elbow drop off the apron and dumps her back inside.

Trish Stratus takes a cheap shot at Lynch while the referee is distracted & that allows Stark to deliver a kick and go for a pin but Lynch kicks out and Stark delivers an enziguri then ascends to the top rope but Lynch meets her up there and delivers a superplex. She then looks for an armbar but Stark reverses it into a powerbomb.

Lynch sets up for the Manhandle Slam but Stark reverses it into a roll up. Lynch then locks in the Dis Arm Her but Stratus hops up on the apron to distract her. Lynch relinquishes the hold and Stark rolls her up but Lynch kicks out then hits Manhandle Slam for the win.

Winner: Becky Lynch (Since Lynch won she gets a match with Stratus)

Cody Rhodes asks Tampa Florida what they want to talk about then says everyone saw Brock Lesnar’s attack on him last Monday in front of his mother. He says he didn’t have that on his 2023 bucket list but he isn’t surprised. He says he’s rather impressed but his mother did not share the same feelings as him. Rhodes says his mother has been around wrestlers countless times and Lesnar made a mistake by leaving him breathing. He says that he doesn’t want to go to SummerSlam anymore to win their rubber match but rather to embarrass him. He dares Lesnar to come and get him then says he wants to beat him at SummerSlam because Lesnar deserves it. He says he wants to look back on their match to see the final chapter he penned and how he ended things once and for all in their upcoming bout.

NXT North American Title Match
Dominik Mysterio (c) vs. Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champion Sami Zayn

Match starts off with a lock up then they go back & forth with submission holds before Sami Zayn clotheslines Dominik Mysterio out of the ring and goes flying to take him down as we go to a break.

After the break Zayn ascends to the top rope but Damian Priest pushes him off as Rhea Ripley distracts the referee. Kevin Owens levels him but the referee catches him and ejects him from ringside. Ripley & Priest laugh at him as he makes his way to the back but they stop abruptly after the referee ejects them from ringside.

Zayn then lands a Michinoku Driver and looks to charge at Mysterio but Mysterio slides out of the ring then he gets back inside and delivers a dropkick before Zayn responds with a clothesline that turns Mysterio inside out.

He then climbs back up to the top rope but Mysterio meets him there so Zayn knocks him off and looks to go flying but Mysterio catches him with a dropkick mid air then he fires off right hands and delivers a stomp then lands another dropkick and looks for the 3 Amigos.

Zayn escapes and looks to plant Mysterio but Mysterio delivers a hurricanrana that sends Zayn into the ropes. He dials it up for the 619 but Zayn escapes and hits a Blue Thunder Bomb.

Mysterio looks to slide out of the ring but Zayn pulls him back in but Mysterio fights his way out of Zayn’s grasp and delivers a dropkick to his spine that sends him into the ropes once again and lands the 619. He goes for a pin but Zayn manages to kick out.

Zayn then fires off right hands on Mysterio before Mysterio fires back with the 3 Amigos then he ascends to the top rope and looks for a Frog Splash but Zayn gets his knees up and executes an exploder.

He sets up for the Helluva Kick but becomes distracted after Rhea Ripley & Damian Priest appear on the ramp with an injured Owens in hand & this provides Mysterio with the opportunity to roll up Zayn for the win.

Winner & Still NXT North American Champion: Dominik Mysterio (STILL CHAMPION!!!!!)

After the match Zayn then runs up the ramp to check on Owens and is joined by medical personnel in the meantime Mysterio escapes through the crowd.

After the break we see Kevin Owens being checked on in a medical office as Sami Zayn & Adam Pearce stand by.

We then head over to a video recapping the confrontation between Jey Uso & Roman Reigns this past Friday on Smackdown.

Backstage Ricochet asked Shinsuke Nakamura if he knew where Logan Paul was. Nakamura said he did not and then Ricochet exited the scene. Nakamura turns around and Tommaso Ciampa was smiling at him. Ciampa said he would let Nakamura kicking him in the face slide because he cost him his match. He told Nakamura that he only gets one free shot. Ciampa said he had to settle things with Bronson Reed and didn’t want to see Nakamura out there. Ciampa said that if Nakamura showed up then he’d know that they have a problem

Mysterio, Ripley & Priest were walking backstage when they came across Apollo Crews talking with Akira Tozawa. Mysterio told Crews to show some respect for the NXT North American Champion. Crews asked if Mysterio was going to act like he wasn’t standing there. Priest said that’s exactly how he was going to act and asked if there was a problem. Ripley asked Tozawa the same thing. Tozawa said no and made a quick exit.

Crews said Judgment Day walks around picking on people and he’d love to see them try it on him. Priest asked if he was really saying that to the most dangerous man in WWE. Priest told Crews he would receive his punishment tonight after they left Tozawa returns and told Crews that he had this.

Tommaso Ciampa vs. Bronson Reed

Tommaso Ciampa & Bronson Reed waste no time going after one another before Reed tosses Ciampa out of the ring then follows him out then they exchange right hands on the apron before they get back inside the ring Ciampa fires off stomps on Reed in the corner then delivers a running knee.

Reed responds with a powerslam and stomps on Ciampa’s chest before he lands an elbow drop. The action then spills to the outside and Reed looks to go flying off the apron but Ciampa catches him with a knee mid air that takes us to a break.

After the break Reed delivers a powerslam to Ciampa before Ciampa delivers a boot to Reed and plants him with an inverted DDT then delivers a series of forearms and right hands before landing several splashes. He hits a rolling elbow and a modified Famouser then looks for a sunset flip on Reed.

Reed sits on Ciampa then drags him over to the corner then he delivers a senton but Ciampa fires off several chops and a boot. He exposes his knee and runs the ropes but Reed catches him with a clothesline.

They stare one another down and go back & forth with forearms before Ciampa lands a knee strike and follows it up with an Air Raid Crash then goes for a pin but Reed kicks out then Shinsuke Nakamura then saunters down to ringside and Ciampa stares him down.

This allows Reed to deliver a running shoulder block off the apron and dump him back in the ring then hits Tsunami for the win.

Winner: Bronson Reed

Backstage Liv Morgan told Byron Saxton that Raquel Rodriguez was hurting from Rhea Ripley’s attack last week but she would be back soon to take care of her. Morgan pointed out that she’s the last person to defeat Ripley. Morgan said maybe she’ll get beat up, maybe she won’t. She said she wouldn’t back down. Morgan laughs and said watch me before leaving the scene.

Women’s Tag Team Champions Sonya Deville & Chelsea Green shows up. Deville was bothered by Saxton interviewing Morgan instead of giving them time. Saxton said he interviewed them last night and Morgan has a match tonight. Green complained that everything revolved around Morgan or Rhea Ripley.

Deville stops Green once she noticed that Ripley was standing next to Saxton before they made a quick exit and then Ripley recalls warning Morgan & Rodriguez to stay out of her business. Ripley said they didn’t listen so she took out Rodriguez & Morgan is next.

Seth Rollins was shown checking out the contract for his SummerSlam match while Adam Pearce held it up.

Non Title Match
Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley vs. Liv Morgan

Rhea Ripley blindsides Liv Morgan on the outside before she sends her crashing into the barricade and the ring post then sends her arm bounding off of it and grabs a chair. Morgan slides inside the ring and Ripley follows her in the ring & she slides Morgan’s arm into the chair and stomps on it.

Medical officials run down to the ring to check on Morgan as Ripley laughs at her and grabs her Women’s World Title as she reminds Morgan who she is before sliding Morgan’s arm into the chair once again and stomping on it then slides out of the ring and makes her way to the back.

Winner: No One (Match Never Got Started)

After the broadcast team recapped the angle then the trainer was shown tending to a crying Morgan in the backstage area while Pearce stood by.

Backstage Chad Gable congratulated the Viking Raiders on winning the Viking Rules match. He said no one knows what the rules are and then said they should have an Academy Rules match. Maxxine Dupri said no one puts the Alpha Queen through a table and then challenged Valhalla to face her in a match next week before Otis yells Oh yeah.

Ricochet asks where Logan Paul is and calls him out to the ring. He says there is a locker room and an arena full of people who know Paul doesn’t belong in WWE and calls himself special every time he gets in the ring. He says people think he doesn’t belong in WWE not because of his talent but because of his arrogance. Ricochet says he’s given his life to professional wrestling but Paul doesn’t understand all the sacrifices that have to be made and he never will. He says wherever Paul is in the arena he’ll hear what he has to say. He then challenges Paul to a 1 on 1 match at SummerSlam.

Paul then blindsides Ricochet from behind and accepts his challenge then says he will show everyone why he is the best in WWE and gloats & that allows Ricochet to superkick him before delivering a standing shooting star press and taking a selfie on Paul’s phone.

Shayna Baszler was interviewed by Jackie Redmond on the backstage interview set. Baszler said she’s tired of hearing Ronda Rousey’s name in reference to everything she does. She said talking hasn’t settled it and a match won’t settle it so she’s going to settle it by fighting Rousey

Logan Paul was walking backstage when Saxton tried to get a word with him. Paul said what Ricochet did was unprofessional. Paul said he feels victimized but it doesn’t matter because he would be in Raw next week to pop Ricochet’s bald head.

Mr Money In The Bank Damian Priest vs. Apollo Crews

Damian Priest wastes no time then he delivers a boot and a right hand then follows it up with a knee to Crews’ midsection before Crews dumps Priest out of the ring and delivers a moonsault off the apron then dumps him back inside and ascends to the top rope.

He delivers a crossbody but Priest fires back with an elbow in the corner and a Broken Arrow then he looks for South Of Heaven but Crews escapes and delivers a knee then he runs the ropes but Priest sends him crashing to the mat before he delivers a clothesline and South Of Heaven for the win.

Winner: Mr Money In The Bank Damian Priest

Becky Lynch was shown walking backstage when she spotted a toy skull then she moves the skull’s mouth while saying she did it and she told you she would. Jackie Redmond shows up and interviewed Lynch & she said her feud with Trish Stratus isn’t over until she wins.

Viking Raiders had a brief promo. Erik said it’s known in the 9 realms that no one likes to fight more than the Vikings. Ivar said the gods are pleased when they battle in their names. Valhalla said it was with a glad heart that she accepted Maxxine Dupri’s challenge because the gods smile upon brave women. Valhalla told Dupri to consult the gods because she will need them.

Drew McIntyre says he heard what Gunther had to say last week and calls for him to put the Intercontinental Title on the line seeing as they’re both dressed for the occasion. Gunther makes sure he heard McIntyre clearly and says he raised his Intercontienetal Title to a whole new level and says he sees why fans connect with McIntyre. He says like them he gets nothing done in life and reminds him of his previous shortcomings against him. He tells McIntyre he can ride his coattails and he will humiliate him once more during their SummerSlam match.

McIntyre says when he first met Sheamus, they dreamed of having a singles match at WrestleMania. He says they got to do that in their Triple Threat Intercontinental Title Match with Gunther but SummerSlam will just be the two of them and he’ll show Gunther why he is the chosen one.

Ludwig Kaiser tells McIntyre how dare he speak to Gunther in that manner and McIntyre says he likes him. He says he has charisma and should be the leader of Imperium and Kaiser says he won’t let McIntyre disrespect Imperium. McIntyre then challenges Kaiser to a 1 on 1 match and calls for a referee to get down to the ring.

Drew McIntyre vs. Ludwig Kaiser

Match starts off with a lock up then Ludwig Kaiser delivers a right hand to Drew McIntyre’s spine but McIntyre fires back with a shoulder block and a body slam then he clotheslines Kaiser out of the ring then delivers a pair of chops and sends him crashing into the barricade.

He follows it up with a chop and dumps Kaiser back in the ring then Giovanni Vinci hops up on the apron allowing Kaiser to send McIntyre into the ring post. Kaiser then drapes him by his feet and dropkicks him out of the ring & that takes us to a break.

After the break Kaiser & McIntyre teeter on the ropes. McIntyre plants Kaiser with an Air Raid Crash off the middle rope then delivers a pair of suplexes and a neckbreaker then he kips up and sets up for the Claymore but Kaiser rocks him with an enziguri and an uppercut before he lands a 2nd enziguri and runs the ropes but McIntyre catches him with a Claymore for the win.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

After the match Gunther & Vinci attack McIntyre but Matt Riddle runs down to the ring to make the save. Gunther plants him with Powerbomb then delivers a kick to McIntyre on the outside and delivers a right hand. He clears the announce table and looks for a Powerbomb but McIntyre counters with a back body drop and powerbombs Gunther through the announce table before grabbing the Intercontinental Title and holding it high above his head.

Backstage Jackie Redmond asks Ronda Rousey about Shayna Baszler challenging her to a fight. Rousey said she doesn’t just have a fight. Rousey said when she fights it’s the fight. Challenge accepted Rousey said before walking away.

Finn Balor says Adam Pearce was supposed to be here but he is currently preoccupied dealing with the havoc Judgment Day wreaked earlier. He says he thinks World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins and himself can handle things like gentleman and calls him out to the ring.

Rollins’ music hits and he makes his way down & he signs the contract and hands it over to Balor. Balor hesitates before he signs and Rollins says it’s because Balor has figured out he has no chance of winning the World Heavyweight Title at SummerSlam. Rollins says miracles do happen, and should he win the World Heavyweight Title his reign will be even shorter than his Universal Title run because Damian Priest will cash in his Money In The Bank briefcase on him. He says he would do the same thing and so would Balor then adds that SummerSlam will be the end of Judgment Day.

Balor laughs and signs the contract then tells Rollins he thinks he has everything figured out. He says although Rollins thinks he runs Raw he’s wrong because Judgment Day.

Damian Priest, Dominik Mysterio & Rhea Ripley then surround the ring as Balor tells Rollins he’s been losing for 7 years. He says it’s been driving him insane and asks Rollins if he knows what that feels like. Balor explains that it’s like an itch you can’t quite scratch but that all ends at SummerSlam.

Rollins flips the desk and hits Priest with it. Mysterio tries attacking him but Rollins fights him off. Priest then hits Rollins with his Money In The Bank briefcase and stares down Balor before Sami Zayn runs down to the ring with a chair in hand to fight off Judgment Day. Ripley grabs the chair from him allowing Balor to rain down right hands. Ripley dumps all the furniture out of the ring while Priest plants Zayn with South Of Heaven. Balor is left alone with Rollins in the ring until Judgment Day joins him. Rollins looks to fight them all off, but is overpowered by them. Priest plants him with Razor’s Edge and Mysterio follows it up with a Frog Splash. Balor then hits a Coup De Grace and Judgment Day stands tall to close out this week’s Raw.

Matches Of The Night

NXT North American Title Match- 7/10

Bronson Reed vs. Tommaso Ciampa- 7/10

SummerSlam Card (August 5th)

Brock Lensar vs. Cody Rhodes

World Heavyweight Title Match
Seth Rollins (c) vs. Finn Balor

Women’s Title Triple Threat Match
Asuka (c) vs. Charlotte Flair vs. Bianca BelAir

Undisputed WWE Universal Title Tribal Combat Match
Roman Reigns (c) vs. Jey Uso

Becky Lynch vs. Trish Stratus

Ricochet vs. Logan Paul

Ronda Rousey vs. Shayna Baszler

Intercontienetal Title Match
Gunther (c) vs. Drew McIntyre