WWE RAW Review – August 7, 2023

WWE RAW Review – August 7, 2023

Kicking off this week’s Raw with a recap of SummerSlam.

Cody Rhodes asks Minneapolis what they want to talk about, then says he thinks they should talk about one of Minnesota’s own Brock Lesnar. He says he’s had the privilege, honor and misery of standing across from him in the ring and surviving him. He says he never could’ve imagined Lesnar shaking his hand following the conclusion of their SummerSlam match and recounts a conversation with his mother earlier today about such. He recalls his mother telling him that Lesnar acknowledged him and says he feels like he could beat anyone in the world following SummerSlam.

World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins’ music hits and he makes his way down to the ring & he welcomes fans to Monday Night Rollins then says Rhodes was the 1st man to come to the ring and interrupt him when he discussed his future several weeks back. He says he’s here to return the favor and since Rhodes said he feels like he could beat anyone then why not put it to the test.

Judgment Day’s music hits and they appear without Finn Balor. Mr Money In The Bank Damian Priest says Rhodes & Rollins seem to think they run Raw and Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley chimes in saying that they don’t because Judgment Day does. Priest says Rollins doesn’t dictate what happens with championships because Judgment Day does between his Money In The Bank briefcase and the titles Ripley & Dominik Mysterio both hold. He tells Rhodes that even though he’s done with Lesnar he’s not done with Mysterio. He asks Rhodes what he’ll be doing tomorrow while Mysterio is defending the NXT North American Title.

Balor then blindsides Rollins from behind as Priest & Mysterio attack Rhodes then Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champion Sami Zayn runs down to the ring to even the odds and clotheslines Priest out of the ring. Rhodes catches Dominik with a Cody Cutter and Rollins hits Balor with a big boot.

Once Judgment Day is sent crashing out of the ring Rhodes challenges Judgment Day to a 6 Man Tag Team match between them & himself, Zayn & Rollins.

We then head over to a video of Adam Pearce talking with Ricochet, Tommaso Ciampa, Matt Riddle & Chad Gable. He says he has an opportunity for them a Fatal 4 Way #1 Contenders match for a shot at the Intercontinental Title.

Intercontinental Title #1 Contenders Fatal 4 Way Match
Chad Gable vs. Tommaso Ciampa vs. Matt Riddle vs. Ricochet

Tommaso Ciampa goes after Chad Gable while Matt Riddle & Ricochet go at it then all 4 men take turns rolling one another up but are all unsuccessful in scoring a fall. Ciampa fires off chops on Riddle in the corner before Riddle cinches in an ankle lock on him.

Gable does the same to Ricochet but both make it to the bottom rope to break the hold and slide out of the ring & this leaves Gable alone with Riddle and they wear one another down before Ciampa gets back inside and dumps Gable out of the ring but Ricochet catches him with a crossbody off the top rope and a standing moonsault.

Riddle plants Ricochet with a suplex and goes for a pin but Gable breaks the fall then he plants Riddle face first but is caught with a reverse DDT by Ciampa. Ciampa delivers a forearm to Ricochet but Ricochet gets him up on his shoulders and lands a pair of double knees.

He ascends to the top rope but Riddle meets him up there. Ciampa joins in on the fun and Gable pulls all 3 men off the top at once with a German suplex.

Gable cinches in an Ankle Lock on Ciampa but Ciampa makes it to the bottom rope to break the hold. Gable pulls him back to the center of the ring but Riddle breaks things up and delivers a ripcord knee.

He lands another one on Ciampa then sits him on the top rope and joins him up there. He lands a superplex. Ricochet & Gable then hit a moonsault and a diving headbutt to Ciampa & Riddle respectively but Ciampa & Riddle both manage to pin them but Ricochet & Gable kick out.

All 4 men exchange right hands, forearms, kicks and chops with one another before Ciampa dumps Riddle on the apron. Gable is dumped to the outside and Riddle lands a Floating Bro. Gable then catches him with a DDT off the ropes as he gets back in the ring.

Ricochet looks to go flying but Ciampa avoids the maneuver with a knee and follows it up with a Project Ciampa then Riddle hits Ciampa with Bro Derek then exchanges forearms and chops with Gable.

Gable looks for a suplex on Riddle but Ricochet intercepts him and plants Riddle. Gable looks for Chaos Theory on Ricochet but Ciampa prevents him from doing so Gable then manages to hit Chaos Theory on Ciampa to get the win.

Winner & #1 Contender To The Intercontinental Title: Chad Gable (Recommend)

After the match Gable does a lap around the ring with his son.

We then head backstage and see Cody Rhodes arguing with Seth Rollins before Sami Zayn intervenes and says while he knows that Rhodes & Rollins have a storied history with one another they all have to band together to take down Judgment Day and put a stop to their rampage. He asks Rhodes & Rollins if they can do that and they both say they’re cool with it. Zayn notes that it doesn’t feel cool after both men walk off.

We get a recap of the Undisputed WWE Universal Title Tribal Combat Match from SummerSlam.

We then head backstage and see The Miz heading to a photoshoot before a staff member stops him and tells him he has to wait his turn. The Miz says he doesn’t wait and the camera pans around to reveal that the photographer is shooting LA Knight. Miz becomes frustrated and tells the staff member Adam Pearce will be hearing about this.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Bronson Reed

Match starts off with a lock up then Bronson Reed lands a shoulder tackle then mocks Nakamura. Nakamura delivers a series of knees to his midsection then stomps on his spine before he runs the ropes but Reed catches him with a back elbow and a headbutt.

He follows it up with several shoulders to Nakamura’s midsection then lands a vicious forearm and an elbow to Nakamura’s spine then gets Nakamura up on his shoulders but Nakamura escapes and delivers a sliding knee to Reed then delivers a running kick to his head then follows it up with a baseball slide to Reed on the outside.

They get back in the ring and Reed looks for a powerslam but Nakamura escapes and runs the ropes but he ends up running right into Reed then delivers an elbow drop and sends Nakamura crashing to the outside as we go to a break.

After the break Nakamura delivers a big boot to Reed and follows it up with a knee off the apron then they go back & forth with forearms before Nakamura gains the upper hands with a series of kicks. He ascends to the top and goes flying but Reed intercepts him and plants him with a powerslam.

He follows it up with a powerbomb and goes for a pin but Nakamura kicks out then Reed catches him with a clothesline and ascends to the top rope then looks for Tsunami but Nakamura catches him with a knee to the back of his head and follows it up with Kinshasa for the win.

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura

We head to a video of Raquel Rodriguez being checked on in the medical area following her attack at the hands of Rhea Ripley a few weeks ago but the doctor is still unable to clear her for in ring competition.

Backstage Maxxine Dupri is shown on the phone with Otis when Ludwig Kaiser arrives on the scene and hits on her. She slaps him after he insults Otis and when he turns around Otis is now in front of him and he challenges Kaiser to a match tonight and says he looks forward to seeing both Otis & Dupri later on.

Becky Lynch says The Man has come around to Minneapolis then says she is close to the end. She says she has been scratching, clawing and overcoming obstacles over the past few months and while she is tired and weary, she finally puts an end to her issues with Trish Stratus next week. She says it will be a match between the greatest of the last generation and the greatest of the current generation without any interference from Zoey Stark.

Stark’s music hits and she appears. She says Lynch is obsessed with Stratus, and both Stratus and herself have beaten her. She says Lynch is scared of her and Lynch made sure she was banned from ringside because she’s scared. Lynch says Stark is gifted but that is also her downfall because she’s too good for her own wellbeing and gets handed everything. She says Stratus is dragging her around and Stark defends herself. She calls herself amazing, and says Lynch is jealous of her. She says Stratus picks her as her 2nd in command because she is the fastest rising star out there.

Shayna Baszler’s music hits and she makes her way down to the ring. Lynch says Baszler looks rough and Baszler tells Lynch she should see Ronda Rousey. She brags about beating her and driving her out of WWE then says although she wasn’t invited to Lynch & Stark’s party she couldn’t not take notice when Stark called herself the baddest. Stark says Baszler is the baddest punching bag of all time, then says she will send her packing like Rousey. Lynch then suggests a match between Baszler & Stark and calls for Adam Pearce to make the match official. Pearce appears and calls for a referee then does just that.

After the break we see Finn Balor & JD McDonagh chatting before Damian Priest walks in and asks to talk to Balor alone but Balor says anything he has to say to him he can say to McDonagh. Priest confronts Balor about not sticking to the plan at SummerSlam and Balor says that he decided to do the same thing tonight. They get into a heated confrontation and Rhea Ripley breaks things up. She says that they aren’t doing this again and tells them they’re acting like children. She says they need to get on the same page and they agree. McDonagh chimes in and says Priest’s Money In The Bank briefcase is driving a wedge between them.

Shayna Baszler vs. Zoey Stark

Match starts off with a lock up then Shayna Baszler delivers a shoulder tackle to Zoey Stark then she locks in an Ankle Lock but Stark escapes and jams her elbow into Baszler’s eye then Stark responds with a stomp to Baszler’s midsection and a snapmare but Baszler fires off kicks on her thighs before landing one on her chest.

She then delivers a back suplex and clotheslines Stark out of the ring and follows her out there then they get back inside the ring and Stark delivers an enziguri to Baszler from the apron then follows it up with a dropkick off the top rope as we go to a break.

After the break Baszler delivers a shoulder tackle and a step up knee then follows it up with a German suplex but Stark fires back with a kick to her head and goes for a pin but Baszler kicks out and Stark lands a kick to her head then looks to go flying off the top rope.

Baszler intercepts her before the action spills to the outside and Stark goes flying off the top rope then they get back in the ring and Baszler nails Stark with World’s Baddest Slam for the win.

Winner: Shayna Baszler

We go backstage to Byron Saxton is with Shinsuke Nakamura but the interview becomes derailed after we hear a noise and see JD McDonagh attacking Sami Zayn.

Ludwig Kaiser vs. Otis

Ludwig Kaiser fires off right hands on Otis but Otis gets fired up and lands a shoulder tackle then follows it up with a bodyslam and charges at Kaiser in the corner but Kaiser ducks out of the way and Otis is sent crashing into the ring post shoulder first.

Maxxine Dupri hops up on the apron and gets in Kaiser’s face allowing Otis to rain down right hands on him then he follows it up with a splash in the corner before Otis sets up for The Caterpillar and Giovanni Vinci hops up on the apron.

Otis suplexes him into the ring and while the referee is distracted with getting him out Intercontienetal Champion Gunther appears out of nowhere and delivers a boot to Otis’ head. Kaiser then delivers Deadfall for the win.

Winner: Ludwig Kaiser 

After the match Imperium continues beating down Otis but Chad Gable runs down and makes the save then he stares down Gunther.

We then head backstage to Jackie Redmond is with Cody Rhodes & Seth Rollins emerge from the medical area and Redmond asks for an update on Sami Zayn. Rhodes lets Rollins take the interview and Rollins says Zayn will not be medically cleared. He says it’ll be 3 on 2 and possibly even a 3 on 1 because he doesn’t know if he can trust Cody Rhodes. Shinsuke Nakamura then walks in and offers to be Rhodes & Rollins’ teammate. Rollins agrees.

The Miz asks if he missed something and questions where his respect is. He says he came to his show tonight only to find LA Knight taking his time for his photoshoot. He says he was taught respect when he first became a WWE Superstar and says Knight never introduced himself to him or shook his hand. He says he is sick & tired from the lack of respect from new talent.

Knight’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. He says despite the fact he thought they had a great introduction in the Slim Jim Battle Royal at SummerSlam apparently that wasn’t enough. He formally introduces himself and offers his hand to Miz but Miz refuses to take it and says if you strip away all of his charisma then you get LA Knight. Miz says while the fans love Knight he sees him as an Attitude Era cosplayer that’s in his ring. Knight says he has no problem with Miz but he doesn’t want to make things personal. Miz says he takes his career extremely personally, and says he has made himself indestructible over the past 20 years. He asks Knight what he’s done in that time.

Knight says he’s been making himself a dangerous man. He says he’s been clawing and scratching while WWE bet on all the wrong horses and the only reason Miz got a 20 year head start is because he’s safe. He says everyone knew Miz could be smacked around and he took it while Knight was always told they could never take a chance on him. He says he is not to be messed with and won’t take any crap. He says although he hasn’t won countless titles like Miz his career has yet to be in the toilet and he doesn’t mind making Miz a stepping stone to the main event. Miz says he is the main event and Knight is not on his level. Knight says that’s an interesting theory considering he’s looking right at him and tells Miz to prove him wrong.

They prepare for a brawl and Miz strikes first & he rains down right hands and looks for Skull Crushing Finale but Knight escapes and executes BFT then shakes Miz’s hand as The Miz lays still on the mat.

We then head over to a video from Viking Raiders & he throw out an open challenge to anyone who wishes to step up to them & it was accepted by the returning New Day.

Tag Team Match
New Day (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods) vs. Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar)

Xavier Woods fires off chops then Kofi Kingston tags in and Woods whips him into the corner. Kingston then delivers an enziguri and Woods follows it up with a back suplex. Kingston lands a crossbody before Woods tags back in and delivers a standing elbow drop.

He delivers a kick to Erik’s leg before Valhalla hops up on the apron allowing for Erik to hit a back elbow then Ivar tags in and ascends to the top then delivers a splash and goes for a pin but Woods kicks out.

Erik tags in and Viking Raiders rain down right hands on Woods. Ivar tags back in and delivers a right hand then tags in Erik. Erik delivers a kick to Woods’ head but Woods fires back with a Tornado DDT and tags in Kingston.

Ivar tags in and Kingston delivers a dropkick to him then follows it up with a splash in the corner and a crossbody off the top rope then takes a lap then lands Boom Drop and looks for Trouble In Paradise. Ivar ducks it and lands a sit out then tags Erik back in.

Erik delivers a knee to Kingston’s face then tags Ivar in before Woods tags in and Kingston hits Trouble In Paradise then Woods follows it up with Limit Breaker to get the victory.

Winners: New Day

Backstage Byron Saxton tries to interview Becky Lynch. Shayna Baszler interrupts and says that she did not need Lynch’s help tonight but she’s finished with Ronda Rousey, so she’s going to begin settling some old scores and will eventually come looking for The Man & Lynch says she welcomes it.

New Day tells Jackie Redmond that they are back to interject some positivity into the tag team division because Street Profits have gone rogue and The Usos have turned on each other

After the break Judgment Day heads down to the ring. Raquel Rodriguez blindsides Rhea Ripley in the ringside area and rains down right hands on her before officials separate them. Ripley breaks free but more backup arrives in the form of Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell. Ripley tosses Hartwell & LeRae into the barricade and they go right after Ripley before officials separate the 3 of them.

6 Man Tag Team Match
Judgement Day (NXT North American Champion Dominik Mysterio, Mr Money In The Bank Damian Priest & Finn Balor) vs. World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins, Shinsuke Nakamura & Cody Rhodes

Dominik Mysterio & Shinsuke Nakamura kick things off as they go back & forth with one another. Nakamura delivers a knee to Mysterio’s throat but Damian Priest pulls him out of the ring before Nakamura can wear him down any further as we go to a break.

After the break Priest tags in and delivers a kick to Nakamura’s midsection as he wears down Nakamura with a submission but Nakamura fights his way out of it. Priest delivers an elbow to him in the corner then tags in Finn Balor back in.

Balor delivers a stomp then tags in Mysterio & he goes flying into the ring then tags Balor back in. Balor delivers a backbreaker before Priest delivers a leg drop. Rollins tags in and clocks Balor then delivers a Sling Blade and follows it up with a Falcon Arrow.

He delivers a tope suicida to Priest on the outside then tosses him back in the ring and delivers one to Balor then looks to go flying but Priest catches him with a right hand and delivers an elevated flatliner.

He dumps Rollins out of the ring and tags in Balor & he dropkicks Rollins into the barricade as we go to a 2nd break.

After the 2nd break Mysterio delivers 3 Amigos to Rollins but Rollins fires back with a clothesline and reluctantly tags in Rhodes. Balor tags in and Rhodes delivers a scoop powerslam before setting up for Cross Rhodes but Balor escapes and Rhodes looks for the Cody Cutter but Balor counters it and plants Rhodes spine first but Rhodes hits it on the 2nd try.

He sets up for Cross Rhodes, but Priest hits Rollins with Money In The Bank briefcase while the referee is distracted as he hands it over to Balor before being blindsided by Sami Zayn and tossed over the announce table.

Balor looks to hit Rhodes with the briefcase but Rollins provides a hand to Rhodes and superkicks Balor using the briefcase then Rhodes delivers Cross Rhodes to Balor for the win.

Winners: World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins, Shinsuke Nakamura & Cody Rhodes

After the match Rhodes & Rollins continue to argue but Zayn intervenes and they shake hands then out of nowhere Shinsuke Nakamura blindsides Rollins with Kinshasa and saunters to the back to close out this week’s Raw.

Matches Of The Night

Intercontienetal Title #1 Contenders Fatal 4 Way Match- 8/10

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Bronson Reed- 7/10