WWE RAW Results – August 29, 2022

(Image Credit: WWE)

WWE RAW Results – August 29, 2022

Kicking off this week’s Raw with some highlights of last week’s main event between Edge & Damian Priest

Tag Team Match
Judgement Day vs. AJ Styles & Dolph Ziggler

Dolph Ziggler & Finn Balor starts the match off, Balor sends Ziggler to the mat. Ziggler fires back with a kick before both men tag in their partners. Damian Priest delivers several kicks to AJ Styles in the corner before Styles delivers a dropkick. He sends Priest to the outside, then delivers a forearm that takes us to a break.

After the break, Balor has Ziggler in a side headlock. Ziggler hits Balor with several right hands before Balor hits a drop kick on Ziggler’s jaw. He mocks Styles and looks for a powerbomb, but Ziggler counters it into a Famouser. Priest tags in as Ziggler makes the hot tag to Styles. Styles beats down Priest before Priest delivers an elbow. Styles rolls up Priest, but Priest kicks out. Styles locks in a Calf Crusher before Balor places his hand on the bottom rope. Ziggler takes him down as Priest hits a back breaker. Styles hits an insiguri before Ziggler tags in. Priest delivers the South Of Haven for the win.

Winners: Judgment Day 

After the match we see a black car pull up. Edge gets out of it and heads into the arena. Judgment Day get back into the ring to stand their ground as the crowd cheers for Edge.

We come back from the break Rhea Ripley calls Edge to the ring before Balor says he is tired of so-called legends. He says he is mad that Edge & Rey Mysterio got documentaries before he did. Priest says he kept his word and had him beat, but the referee cost him. He says he has no friends or family in Toronto and says he is all alone. Priest says he will finish him tonight before Edge’s music hits as the crowd goes wild. He heads to the ring with a mic in hand.

Edge says they made some valid points, but also some ridiculous ones. He says he came back to teach Balor how to reach his glory, but his big ego got in the way. He tells Ripley to keep her hands to herself before Beth Phoenix gets involved. He says that he didn’t come alone before The Mysterios come out of nowhere and attack Priest & Balor with kendo sticks. Ripley gets in the ring as Dominik has a kendo stick in hand. Ripley invites him to hit her with a kendo stick as Dominik says he doesn’t want to hit her. Ripley tells him to give her the stick before taking it. Edge & Rey slide in the ring as Ripley eggs them on. Priest & Balor drag her out of the ring as Edge & The Mysterios stand tall in the ring.

We head to a series of photos showing Dexter Lumis kidnapping The Miz last week.

We head to a video from earlier of The Miz & Tommaso Ciampa. Miz says he doesn’t know why they’re still talking about him and he’s in no mood to discuss it.

6 Woman Tag Team Match
Raw Women’s Champion Bianca BelAir, Asuka & Alexa Bliss vs. Dani Mo, Kayla Sparks & Katie Ark 

Bianca BelAir & Katie Ark begin the action as BelAir takes her down. BelAir delivers a delayed vertical suplex before Alexa Bliss tags in and delivers a senton. Asuka tags in and delivers a hip attack. Asuka delivers a lariat before delivering a kick to her face. Asuka delivers a side Russian leg sweep, then follows it up with the Asuka Lock for the win.

Winners By Submission: Raw Women’s Champion Bianca BelAir, Alexa Bliss & Asuka 

After the match BelAir says that Bayley, Dakota Kai & Iyo Sky can run their mouths all they want, but they will go down at Clash At The Castle. Asuka asks if they’re ready for the 3 of them before BelAir says they will take control at the pay per view.

We head backstage to Tommaso Ciampa & The Miz. They are approached by Adam Pearce, who says all resources are available to him, including counselling. He says he doesn’t want to talk about it before Pearce says Lumis was released from police custody. The Miz snaps at Pearce before dismissing him.

Pittsburgh’s own Kurt Angle makes his way to the ring & says it’s good to be back and says Clash At The Castle will be great. Alpha Academy head to the ring as we go to commercial break.

After the commerical break Alpha Academy are in the ring with Angle. Gable says not only is he the hometown hero, but his personal hero. He said his story motivated him while he was training for the Olympics. He says that he and Otis are looking for a new member, but there is not a shred of talent in Pittsburgh to accomplish the job. He tells fans to show respect to an olympic hero and Kurt Angle. He offers Angle 100% acceptance into the Academy, no questions asked. Otis offers him an academy jacket before Angle tosses it to the floor and says he’ll pass. Gable says exsqueeze me before saying it better not be true. Angle says it’s true, but before he can finish, Gable shooshes him. Both men then proceed to yell at one another to shoosh. Gable tells Otis to show him what happens when he turns down an offer from the Alpha Academy.

Street Profits’ music hits and they head to the ring. Montez Ford says the Academy obviously doesn’t know that if they mess with Kurt, then they will get hurt. Ford says they are at the wrong place before saying they want a fight. He says they want the smoke. Gable accepts the challenge, but says they have conditions. He says that if the Academy wins, then Angle joins the Alpha Academy. They accept the challenge.

Tag Team Match
Street Profits vs. Alpha Academy

If Alpha Academy wins Kurt Angle must join Alpha Academy.

Otis sends Montez Ford into the corner. Ford unloads on Otis with a bunch of kicks before Otis sends him to the mat. Chad Gable tags in and Ford delivers a dropkick to his chest. Angelo Dawkins tags in and sends Gable to the mat. Dawkins delivers a shoulder block before Gable hits a gutwrench and an arm drag. Dawkins delivers a dropkick, then takes Alpha Academy out on the outside. Dawkins goes for a pin, but Gable kicks out. Otis tags in and Dawkins delivers a right hand. Otis hits a dragon screw and goes to work on Dawkins’ leg. Gable tags back in and delivers a kick to Dawkins.

Ford tags in and delivers a kick to Gable. He hits a high crossbody off the top rope before hitting a lariat. He delivers a side slam, followed by a standing moonsault and goes for a pin, but Gable kicks out. Ford and Gable ascend to the top rope before Gable delivers an underhook suplex.

We come back from the break, Dawkins & Otis tag in. Otis hits a spinning elbow before slamming him into the mat. He goes for a pin, but Dawkins kicks out. Gable tags in and Dawkins delivers a kick to his head. He delivers a pumphandle side slam before going for a pin. Gable kicks out and Ford tags in. Ford delivers a crossbody, but Gable reverses it into a pin. Ford kicks out and Gable hits a northern lights suplex. He goes for a pin, but Ford kicks out. Gable hits a diving headbutt, then goes for a pin but Dawkins breaks it up. Gable locks in the ankle lock in order to mock Angle but Ford hits a drop toe hold. He locks in the ankle lock, but Gable escapes. Ford hits a suplex on Gable before hitting a From The Heaven’s for the win.

Winners: Street Profits (Since Street Profits won Kurt Angle doesn’t have to join Alpha Academy)

After the match, Street Profits give Angle a red solo cup. They drink before Angle spits it out, coughing. Angle gives the Profits a bottle of milk each before all three men chug their pints of milk. Angle tosses pints into the crowd as he heads backstage.

After the break, we head to a video shot by a fan of Seth Rollins & Matt Riddle looking to brawl in the parking lot.

Corey Graves asks why they were brawling in the parking lot before both men argue. Graves asks Riddle where the issues between the two stem from before Rollins interrupts and says Riddle is a thorn in his side and says he isn’t on his level. Riddle says he thinks Rollins is afraid to be embarrassed before Rollins says that when he finishes the job he started, it’s not just for him but for everyone. Riddle says he’s going to be here for a long time before he retires. Graves asks Rollins what fans can expect and he says he will steal the show. He says he will repeatedly stomp Riddle’s head into the mat before Riddle says that he will show Rollins there is only one man in his family: Becky Lynch.

We then head to The Miz & Tommaso Ciampa heading to the ring. The Miz makes sure that a security guard is actually a guard before Ciampa asks if he’s okay. He says yes and they continue walking.

After the commerical break, Jimmy Smith says Rollins & Riddle were still mic’d up after their interview. Rollins takes a shot at Riddle and says that if he wants to talk about his family, then he’ll talk about his. He says that he doesn’t have one because his wife divorced him and took his children. Riddle gets extremely angry before saying he will f*ck him up and storming off to look for him.

Non Title Match
United States Champion Bobby Lashley vs. The Miz

Bobby Lashley knocks The Miz to the mat. He delivers a few back elbows before hitting a shoulder to Miz’s midsection. Lashley delivers an atomic drop, followed by a delayed vertical suplex. He tosses Miz to the outside. The Miz is startled by Ciampa before Lashley delivers a shoulder block.

After the break, Lashley & Miz are fighting on the outside. Lashley tosses Miz back in the ring, but Ciampa distracts him and he delivers a drop kick through the middle rope. He sends Lashley’s head into the announce desk, then into the ring steps. Miz throws Lashley back into the ring before choking Lashley on the middle rope. Miz delivers a big boot, then goes for a pin but Lashley kicks out. The Miz delivers his signature kicks to Lashley, followed by a clothesline in the corner. Lashley delivers a modified DDT before Lashley hits a couple of back elbows and a belly 2 belly.

Lashley looks for a spear but Ciampa pulls Miz out of the ring. Miz grabs his necklace, but the referee catches him. Ciampa gets in the ring and attacks Lashley before Miz hits a DDT. He goes for a cover but Lashley kicks out. The Miz looks for the Skull Crushing Finale, but Dexter Lumis appears on the stairs in the crowd. Ciampa asks him what he’s talking about as he doesn’t see him before The Miz insists that he saw him. Lashley uses it to his advantage and locks in the Hurt Lock for the win.

Winner By Submission: United States Champion Bobby Lashley 

We head backstage to the locker room area where Edge & Kurt Angle are hanging out. Edge says he has some pictures and they’re giant, recreating their iconic moment from the early 2000s. The first one doesn’t have any text on the back, but the subsequent ones do with apologies for every time Edge has beaten him. The final one says he still sucks as Angle walks over to the Mysterios to show them. Angle turns the photo around and sees what Edge did. Angle walks off and Dominik Mysterio says he thought Clash At The Castle would be a family thing. Rey says he needed the experience and says Edge is like family. Dominik understands and says he will be in their corner.

We head to a video promoting Connor’s Cure to kick off pediatric cancer month.

Jey Uso says The Bloodline is in Pittsburgh before Jimmy Uso says that the Tribal Chief has held the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion for 730 days. He says there will be a massive celebration this Friday on SmackDown before Zayn says he will be the MC for the night. Zayn tells fans not to forget that they are in the presence of the most dominant tag team in WWE history. Jimmy says nothing changes and The Bloodline is running both Raw & SmackDown.

Kevin Owens’ music hits and he comes out. Owens says they don’t run anything on Monday night’s because Raw is his show. Owens tells them to tell Roman Reigns that he Owens him one. Jey asks if Owens is his boy and he says technically he is. Jey says he better get him before he does. Zayn says Reigns doesn’t owe him anything. Owens says he didn’t think Zayn could get more stupid, but he did when he joined The Bloodline. He says they take advantage of him and tells him to reassess things. Zayn defends The Bloodline before Owens says that he hasn’t forgot that Jey is the reason he didn’t beat Reigns for the Universal Title 18 months ago and says his head has been up his cousin’s ass for the last 2 years. Owens calls for a referee as commentary announces the match is official.

Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champion Jey Uso vs. Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens & Jey Uso lock up to start this match off. Owens hits Jey with several chops before hitting a few stomps. Owens hits a right hand before delivering a chop to send Jey out of the ring. Jey sends Owens into the ring post before Owens sends Jey into the ring steps. Owens tosses Jey back in the ring and fires down right hands. Jey hits several of his own then whips him into the corner. Owens hits a cannonball. Both men spill to the outside before Jey hits a Samoan drop on the ring steps that takes us to a commercial break.

After the break Owens & Jey teeter on the top rope. Owens delivers a driver to Jey off the top, followed by a Swanton Bomb. He goes for a pin, but Jey kicks out. Owens hits a superkick before Jey fires back with one of his own. Jey hits the Uso Splash, then goes for a pin but Owens kicks out. He goes for another one, but Owens counters it into a roll up. Jey kicks out and Owens hits a frog splash. He goes for a cover but Jey kicks out.

Owens pushes Zayn on the outside and gets in his face before Jey takes him out with a taupe suicida. Jimmy tries to get in the ring as Zayn grabs a steel chair. He hesitates as he contemplates hitting Owens with it allowing Owens to deliver the Stunner for the win.

Winner: Kevin Owens 

We head backstage to Bayley, Dakota Kai & Iyo Sky. Bayley says that the trio will get rid of Bianca BelAir, Alexa Bliss & Asuka at Clash At The Castle. Kai says that they will take over the company and says that while Raquel Rodriguez & Aliyah have beaten the best to get to where they are before Sky says they will be the new Women’s Tag Team Champions.

We then see Ciampa chasing The Miz as he leaves the arena. He says he’s fine and he doesn’t want to talk about it before getting in his car and driving off.

We come back from the break, we head to a video package of Johnny Gargano’s return to WWE last week.

We head to a video of Gargano in the empty arena before the show, who says that he’s excited to get back in the ring and do what he was born to. He says that he’s happy for Theory’s success and says given his gifts, he didn’t start from the bottom. He says he never even called him after his child was born.

Mr Money In The Bank Austin Theory approaches him and asks why he didn’t call after he won the United States Title or the Money In The Bank briefcase. He suggests that this was because Gargano was jealous of him and says he expected better. He says it’s lonely at the top before wishing him good luck.

Commentary then runs down the card for Clash At The Castle.

We get a video packave hyping up the finals of the Women’s Tag Team Title Tournament & how Raquel Rodriguez & Aliyah & Dakota Kai & Iyo Sky got to the Finals.

Finals Of The Women’s Tag Team Title Title Tournament
Dakota Kai & Iyo Sky vs. Raquel Rodriguez & Aliyah

Iyo Sky & Aliyah begin the action as they lock up. Raquel Rodriguez tags in and sends Sky to the mat. Sky delivers a double stomp before tagging in Dakota Kai. Kai delivers a dropkick, then goes for a pin but Rodriguez kicks out. Aliyah tags in and delivers an assisted crossbody. She delivers a sit out arm drag before both women spill to the outside. Kai delivers a kick off the apron to Rodriguez’s face before getting back in the ring.

Sky delivers a dropkick to Rodriguez. Kai tags in and delivers a headscissors. She goes for a pin, but Rodriguez kicks out. Rodriguez tosses her into the corner before SKY tags in. Rodriguez tosses SKY into Kai before hitting a headbutt on her. Rodriguez delivers a couple of splashes before hitting the Spinning Back Elbow. Sky fires off several forearms before Rodriguez sends her into the mat. Kai distracts the referee, allowing Bayley to interfere. Sky ascends to the top and hits the Moonsault. She goes for a pin, but Rodriguez kicks out.

Bayley tries to interfere, but Bianca BelAir, Alexa Bliss & Asuka chase her out. Aliyah makes the blind tag as Kai & Sky are distracted with taking out Rodriguez. She rolls up Kai for the win.

Winners & New Women’s Tag Team Champions: Raquel Rodriguez & Aliyah (NEW CHAMPIONS!!!)

After the match BelAir, Asuka & Bliss come to ringside to celebrate.