NXT Spring Breakin’ wraps up tonight.
The second and final night of the annual two-week themed NXT events premieres tonight, live at 8/7c on the USA Network from the Capitol Wrestling Center in Orlando, Florida.
On tap for tonight’s two-hour NXT on USA show is an appearance by the new NXT World Champion Trick Williams, as well as an NXT Underground battle, with women’s wrestling legend Natalya, with Karmen Petrovic in her corner, taking on martial artist turned pro wrestler Lola Vice, with Shayna Baszler in her corner.
Also scheduled for the show this evening is Tyson Dupont & Tyriek Igwe vs. The O.C., Thea Hail vs. Jacy Jayne, Ridge Holland vs. Shawn Spears, Oba Femi vs. Ivar for the NXT North American Championship, as well as The Super Sonic Duo vs. Authors of Pain for the NXT World Tag-Team Championships.
Featured below are complete WWE NXT Spring Breakin’ Night 2 results from Tuesday, April 30, 2024. The following report was written by PWMania.com reporter Matt Boone (@MattBoone0709) as the show aired live from 8-10pm EST. on the USA Network.
The “WWE Then. Now. Forever. Together.” opening signature gets us started as always, and then we shoot into an elaborate video highlight package recapping night one of WWE NXT Spring Breakin’ 2024 from last week, which culminated with Trick Williams capturing the WWE NXT World Championship.
WWE NXT World Champion Trick Williams Kicks Off This Week’s Show
From there, the coolest ring entrance in pro wrestling kicks off night two, as new WWE NXT World Champion Trick Williams makes his way out to loud “Whoop That Trick!” chants and Booker T doing the hip-hop ad libs on commentary in the background. He settles in the ring and talks about what he accomplished last week as fans chant “You deserve it!”
Trick says there are a lot of people he can thank right now, but he wants to take a moment and thank one person specifically. He thanks Ilja Dragunov for helping push him to places he didn’t know he could go. He thanks him for what he did for NXT and says, “Raw got a good one!”
He calls this the dawn of a new era in NXT, which he calls the “Whoop That Era!” The fans chant “Whoop That Era!” The Meta Four theme hits and out comes Lash Legend. She heads to the ring after the most annoying car break screech noise upon coming out. She asks Trick for help getting in the ring so he holds the ropes for her.
She calls him a gentleman, but he is quick to remind her that she tried slapping him in the face the last time they were in the ring together. He says he knows her type. She must think he’s her little Reeces cup. Lash says she’s a Kit Kat girl. Trick says, “Let me break you off, then.” Fans cut Lash off with a “Reeces Piece!” chant.
Lash points out an envelope she has in her hands and says the truth is in it. Trick asks what it is. The fans break out in a “Who’s the daddy?” chant, presumably playing off the Maury Povich vibes coming from the ring. She tells Trick that his big title celebration is gonna all come crashing down around him soon. The segment wraps up on that note.
Arianna Grace’s Etiquette Tips For Gigi Dolin
We head to a dinner setting, where Arianna Grace is still giving etiquette tips to Gigi Dolin, but in a bad comedy style done with clips cut in and out as a special type of cold open video package for night two of WWE NXT Spring Breakin’, with them hyping up each match on the show this evening.
WWE NXT North American Championship
Oba Femi (C) vs. Ivar
After that wraps up, we return inside the CWC where we hear the familiar sounds of Oba Femi’s theme music. Out comes the WWE NXT North American Champion for our first match of the evening. As he settles in the ring for his scheduled title defense against Ivar of The Viking Raiders, we shift gears and head into a quick pre-match commercial break.
When we return, The Viking Raiders siren sounds and out comes Ivar in battle gear ready for his big title opportunity. The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with our first of two title matches scheduled for tonight’s show. We see the two big bulls collide straight out of the gate. Ivar clotheslines Femi over the top and out to the floor.
Once on the floor, Ivar spears Femi through a portion of the barricade. As the referee checks on Femi, we shift gears and head into a mid-match commercial break. As we settle back in from the break, we see Ivar hit a top-rope flip onto Femi on the floor at ringside. Wow.
Back in the ring, Ivar heads to the top again, but Femi stops him and gets him up in the Torture Rack position, where he drops back with him onto the mat. He follows up with a pin attempt, but Ivar kicks out. The fans chant “This is Awesome” as Ivar fights back into the offensive lead.
He lays out Femi and heads to the top-rope again. He connects with a massive top-rope moonsault and goes for the cover, but Femi gets his foot on the ropes before the count of three. Ivar goes to the top again, but Femi gets him on his shoulders and drops back with him for an Electric Chair. He hits a big pop-up power bomb and pins him to retain.
Winner and STILL WWE NXT North American Champion: Oba Femi
Wes Lee Returns, Confronts Oba Femi
After the match, the fans give it a big reaction, and a well deserved one at that. With that in mind, the noise level inside the CWC was super loud. Well, seconds later … it got even louder. The theme for Wes Lee hits and out through the crowd comes the former WWE NXT North American Champion. He gets in the ring and stares Oba down as fans chant “Welcome back!”
Thea Hail vs. Jacy Jane
We head backstage, where we see the always super-spazzy and annoying Thea Hail walking the halls. She has Chase U behind her and Fallon Henley by her side. She asks Henley to be at ringside with her tonight. Henley agrees. The Chase U theme hits and out they come to the ring together, where Hail settles inside.
The theme for Jacy Jane hits next and out she comes with Jazmyn Nyx by her side. She settles in the ring and the bell sounds to get this match officially off-and-running. After the early back-and-forth action, Jane settles into the offensive lead as we head into a mid-match commercial break. When we return, we see Jane still dominating the action.
Henley takes a big kick for Hail, which allows Hail to fight back into the offensive lead. She ends up slapping on her kimura lock and getting the tap out for the submission victory. After the match, Fallon Henley knocked out Thea Hail to the shock of the rest of Chase U and the WWE NXT Universe in attendance.
Winner: Thea Hail
The O.C. vs. Tyson Dupont & Tyriek Igwe
We shoot backstage where we see Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe talking about being ready for their WWE NXT in-ring debuts. We head to a pre-match commercial break. When we return, we see Karmen Petrovic helping Natalya prepare for her NXT Underground showdown against Lola Vice later tonight.
Back inside the CWC, Tyson and Tyriek make their way out and head to the ring. The theme for their opponents hits, and out comes The O.C. duo of Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson. The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with our third match of the evening here at night two of WWE NXT Spring Breakin’ 2024. Tyriek and Tyson cut the ring in half on Anderson with quick tags.
Tyson got a two count after a standing splash. Vic noted that Tyson and Tyriek have a tough debut against one of the most experienced tag teams in the world. Tyriek actually cornered Gallows and hit him with boxing punches. Gallows turned the tables back with a chinlock. Tyriek escaped. Anderson and Tyson tagged in with Tyson having the hot tag momentum.
Tyson hit Anderson with a modified Back Suplex and spinning uppercut. Tyriek and Tyson hit Gallows with a double chokeslam. Anderson sent Tyriek into the post and hit him with a spinebuster. Gallows hit Tyosn with a yakuza Kick. The Good Brothers hit Tyriek with a Magic Killer for the pin fall victory. The commentators treat it like an upset. Anyways!
Winners: The O.C.
WWE NXT Ava Announces Women’s North American Title Ladder Match
We see the WWE NXT General Manager Ava walking backstage and talking on the phone. It sounds like we’ve got a big announcement coming next. On that note, we head to a commercial break. When we return, Ava comes to the ring and announces the NXT Women’s North American Championship will debut at NXT Underground in a ladder match to crown the inaugural champion.
She says the female roster will compete in a combine starting next week and the most impressive compete in qualifiers for the six-woman ladder match. She believes their women’s division is the best in pro wrestling and NXT Battleground is another chance to show that.
As she continues to talk, Jaida Parker’s theme cuts her off and out she comes. Parker says it’s big news, but that she is the next big thing and Ava can have her combine, but she’s going to demolish them. And she’ll be the woman holding that title.
Sol Ruca and says Parker isn’t missing confidence, but there’s one thing she won’t be: the first Women’s North Americna Champion. But you can find her at the top of the combine leaderboard and the top of the ladder. Arianna Grace comes out and tells them to keep their decorum, why be so aggressive? A ladder match?
She tries suggesting a better idea than a ladder match, but before she can offer up her suggestion, the theme for Michin cuts her off. Michin says hold up, princess. Did someone say ladders? She has unfinished business in her old stomping grounds. She says ever since Ava announced the title, it’s been the talk of every roster and she wants in the combine.
Grace says it’s so nice to meet Michin and introduces herself. She says it deeply pains her to relay the unfortunate news: Michin is disqualified. Michin responds with a punch and all the women come out for a big brawl as Arianna tries to stop it. After the brawl wraps up, we move backstage for a quick segment with Axiom & Nathan Frazer hyping their tag-title defense tonight.
Shawn Spears vs. Ridge Holland
Backstage, we see Shayna Baszler helping Lola Vice prepare for her NXT Underground showdown tonight against Natalya. Baszler watches her hit the heavy bag and reminds her Natalya is good at submissions, so suggests they get in some ground work. An arrogant Lola says there’s no need to when you have the fastest hands in NXT. Baszler shrugs her shoulders.
Inside the CWC, the theme for Shawn Spears hits and out he comes for our next match of the evening. He settles in the ring and his music cuts off, and the music for his opponent begins playing. Ridge Holland makes his way down to the ring. The bell sounds and off we go with this one. Holland is glaring at Spears, who is smirking back at him. Holland starts off strong, so Spears heads to the floor.
From the ringside area, we see Holland lean through the ropes and yell at Spears, who again calmly smirks back at him. On that note, we shift gears and head into a mid-match commercial break as the action continues. When we return, we see Shawn has Ridge under control after a side-headlock take down. After attempts, Ridge broke the hold by putting Shawn on the apron.
Holland lifted Spears and press slammed him. Ridge gave Spears tackles in the corner. Holland hit Shawn with a Northern Lariat and side slam. The mysterious QR code flashed on the screen. Ridge worked on Shawn with methodical offense. Ridge hit Spears with a Death Valley Driver and tuck DDT for the victory. Vic says something is brewing here, but he’s not sure what it is.
Winner: Ridge Holland
WWE NXT World Tag-Team Championships
Axiom & Nathan Frazer (C) vs. Authors Of Pain
Backstage, WWE NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez is throwing a temper tantrum with Ava about not being drafted to Raw or SmackDown. She blames Ava and says she has a vendetta, but Ava points out champions were protected and stay on their brand. Roxy tells Ava not to play stupid and Ava says she wants to talk about her next — but Roxy isn’t having it and leaves.
Ava opens the GM door and says to someone that they’ll talk later. Josh Briggs walks up to Ivar and says he’s the only man who could beat him, but thanks for softening him up. Ivar says he’s not done and Wes Lee walks up and says they both had good matches, but he’s going for his title. Briggs says this isn’t five months ago so pack your bags and leave again.
Lee says that was disrespectful and a match is set up. Ivar also says he’s not done with Oba. The Final Testament are here and Ellering says they’re all living on borrowed time. They’re coming for all the titles and NXT should get ready. We get a vignette with The D’Angelo Family in a car. Tony D’Angelo says he beat Noam Dar in the ring and he tells Luca Crusafino to set up a Heritage Cup match.
Adrianna Rizzo says she’ll set up a spot at the spa for the Cup, and he tells Stacks to get all the Heritage Cup matches to study. We shoot back inside the CWC, where the Authors of Pain make their way to the ring accompanied by Paul Ellering, Karrion Kross and Scarlett. The theme for the champions hits next and out comes Axiom and Nathan Frazer. The bell sounds and off we go.
Akam started with an exploder on Frazer after the bell. The Authors cut the ring in half on Frazer with methodical offense. This lasted a few minutes heading into picture-in-picture. The Authors cut the ring in half on Axiom. Axiom escaped a suplex and tagged in Frazer who kept up the pace with quick running strikes. Frazer hit Akam with a slingshot axe handle.
Frazer hit Akam with a DDT for the two count. Rezar blocked a Suicide Dive and tossed him into Axiom like a battering ram. Rezar hit Frazer with an assisted GTS for a two count. The Authors were going for an assisted legsweep, but Frazer escaped and tagged in Axiom. They dumped Rezar to ringside and dragged Akam to the top rope. Scarlett and Kross got on the ropes for the distraction.
The referee caught them and ejected them. Pete Dunne and Tyler Bate ran in and attacked The Authors. Frazer superkicked Rezar and Axiom rolled him up for the victory. After the match, we see Thea Hail being consoled by Chase U backstage after Fallon Henley turned on her earlier tonight. Ridge Holland and Andre Chase have a heart-to-heart, and we see Kelani Jordan approach Henley in the parking lot.
Winners and STILL WWE NXT World Tag-Team Champions: Axiom & Nathan Frazer
WWE NXT Women’s Underground Match
Natalya vs. Lola Vice
It’s main event time …
Edris Enofe and Malik Blade were backstage with Blade being paranoid over Enofe breaking a mirror last week for bad luck. Enofe said it doesn’t count because it’s plastic. Brinley Reece showed up to cheer up both men. Reece brought black cats to hang out with them. Enofe was still paranoid over the bad luck.
We see shots of the crew setting up the NXT Underground set-up for our final match of the evening, which will be the first-ever Women’s Underground battle between Natalya and Lola Vice. We learn that next week’s WWE NXT show will feature Wes Lee vs. Josh Briggs, the Supernova Sessions where Trick Williams will learn what was in Lash Legend’s envelope, as well as the women’s combine.
Natalya dumped Vice on a pile of developmental wrestlers at ringside. Vice came back with kicks. Natalya and Vice then traded ground game. Natalya worked on Vice with clubbing blows. Natalya put Vice in a ankle lock. Vice got to her feet and worked on Nattie with standing kicks and punches. Vice used a hip check to send Natalya to ringside. Natalya hit Vice with a few suplexes at ringside. Vice tripped up Natalya on the announce table.
Natalya came back with ground and pound. Vice tossed Natalya into the ringpost. Vice dragged Natalya back in the ring with shortarm kicks. Vice worked on Natalya with Muay Thai roundhouse kicks. Vice put Natalya in a Triangle with elbow shots. Vice put Natalya in a grounded Guillotine. Natalya tried to slam Vice to the mat, but it couldn’t break the Guillotine. Natalya broke the hold by slamming Vice at ringside.
Natalya slammed Vice’s leg on the ringpost and put Natalya in a ringpost assisted kneebar. Petrovic shoved away Baszler. Baszler broke up Natalya’s Sharpshooter attempt. Natalya dumped Lola to ringside. Natalya caught Lola’s kick and turned it into a Sharpshooter and seemingly has this one wrapped up, but she notices Karmen being attacked.
She lets go to go help, but then turns around into a knockout shot from Lola. Lola follows up and the ref stops it, giving her the win via knockout. Backstage, we see another annoying exchange between Roxanne Perez and Ava. Ava informs Perez that she’ll be defending her WWE NXT Women’s Championship next week against Chelsea Green. Green taunts Perez, who storms off. Green tells Ava she’s the best and says she’s gonna love it here. That’s how this week’s show goes off the air. Thanks for joining us!
Winner via KO: Lola Vice