WWE NXT Review – September 5, 2023

WWE NXT Review – September 5, 2023

Women’s Title Match
Tiffany Stratton (c) vs. Kiana James

Match starts off with a lock up then they go back & forth exchanging submission holds before Tiffany Stratton delivers a hip attack and several kicks to Kiana James’ midsection.

James sends Stratton crashing into the top turnbuckle face first then delivers a clothesline and a pair of knees to her spine.

She locks in a shoulder submission but Stratton makes her way up to her feet to fight her way out of it.

She then locks in the same shoulder submission on James but James fights her way out of the hold.

James delivers a back elbow and a boot but Stratton fires back with a forearm and whips James into the corner. She executes a handspring elbow before they level one another.

Stratton crawls her way over to James’ bag and grabs it then looks to clock her with it but James ducks out of the way and lands 401K then she goes for a pin but Stratton kicks out.

As the referee disposes of the back Stratton rakes James’ eye and follows it up with Prettiest Moonsault Ever for the win.

Winner & Still Women’s Champion: Tiffany Stratton (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)

After the match Becky Lynch appears on the Titan Tron and congratulates Stratton on her win. She says she has won everything in WWE except for the NXT Women’s Title then says it’s time The Man comes around to NXT then she informs Stratton that they will be colliding in a Women’s Title match next week.

We go backstage Diamond Mine were reconstructing the Diamond Dojo by inviting the entire Tag Team division. NXT Tag Team Champions The Family met with Creed Brothers before Edris Enofe & Malik Blade interrupted and talks trash to Creed Brothers.

Ilja Dragunov vs. Oro Mensah

Ilja Dragunov & Oro Mensah lock up to get this match started then they go back & forth exchanging submission holds before Mensah lands a chop. Dragunov fires back with right hands then goes flying off the middle rope.

Mensah lands several back elbows in the corner but Dragunov responds with a jumping knee. Mensah delivers a springboard moonsault and a kick to Dragunov’s spine.

Mensah & Dragunov then exchange forearm strikes before Mensah hits a kick to Dragunov’s head and fires off right hands and kicks then follows it up with a suplex and mocks Dragunov as we go to a break.

After the break Mensah lands a series of back elbows and looks for another springboard moonsault. Dragunov avoids it then lands a Constantine Special and a pair of German suplexes.

Mensah delivers a kick to Dragunov’s head and a spinning back heel kick then charges at Dragunov as he mocks him but Dragunov moves out of the way and delivers a powerbomb then follows it up with Torpedo Moskau for the win.

Winner: Ilja Dragunov

After the match Wes Lee’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. Lee tells Dragunov that his date with destiny will be put on hold because he gets the next shot at Carmelo Hayes’ NXT Title . Dragunov disagrees and says Hayes is his then says he will rip apart everyone who stands in his way. Lee dares Dragunov to try him and says he’s been through hell and back.

Hayes’ music hits and he appears. He says it’s crazy that they’re both talking about beating him then says during his conversation with Shawn Michaels last week he received some important advice. He tells Dragunov & Lee that he took advantage when they both took a risk in their respective title matches. He then announces that Lee & Dragunov will be squaring off next week in a #1 Contenders match.

North American Champion Dominik Mysterio was preparing backstage for his referee duties in the match between Dragon Lee & Mustafa Ali later in the night.

Nathan Frazer was interviewed backstage where he stated that despite the loss last week he would never slow down.

There was a segment with Thea Hail & Jacy Jayne talking backstage before Gigi Dolin came in. Dolin ran down on Jayne & Hail. Blair Davenport got involved in the argument before Hail stated that she would see Dolin later in the night.

Block B Match Of The 2023 Global Heritage Invitational
Nathan Frazer (0) vs. Duke Hudson (2)

Duke Hudson delivers a back suplex before Nathan Frazer delivers a single leg dropkick and a back elbow that sends Hudson tumbling out of the ring then goes flying off the top rope to level him and dumps him back in the ring.

Hudson plants Frazer and delivers a chop then whips him into the corner and looks for a Razor’s Edge but Frazer delivers a hurricanrana to escape then heads up top & connects with Phoenix Splash for the win.

Winner: Nathan Frazer (2) (2:47) 

Creed Brothers spoke with Hank Walker & Tank Ledger before being interrupted by Bronco Nima, Lucien Price & Scrypts. Price & Nima told Creed Brothers that the did not understand their struggles with Scrypts saying that he can relate to that feeling.

Tyler Bate vs. Dabba Kato

Tyler Bate wastes no time as he hits a few strikes then he locks Dabba Kato in a Sleeper but Dabba Kato escapes and Bate delivers a dropkick. Dabba Kato levels Bate then lands a backbreaker then Bate delivers a clothesline but Dabba Kato stays standing on his feet.

He tries once more to take him down but is unsuccessful but he delivers a right hand and gets Dabba Kato up on his shoulders then delivers an airplane spin and ascends to the top rope & lands Spiral Tap for the win.

Winner: Tyler Bate

North American Champion Dominik Mysterio met with NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes backstage. He said that Hayes would find out his challenger next week while he would pick his tonight.

Roxanne Perez & Lyra Valkyria previewed the match between Dragon Lee & Mustafa Ali backstage before Kiana James arrived to the locker room and threw a fit for losing her match against Tiffany Stratton earlier in the night then Perez & James gets into a brawl.

Baron Corbin was interviewed backstage talking about the No Disqualification Match between Von Wagner & Bron Breakker in the main event. Corbin said that he did not care who won but he would enjoy seeing the destruction because he may pick up the scraps afterward.

Kelly Kincaid tried to get an interview with Women’s Champion Tiffany Stratton but she refused.

North American Title #1 Contenders Match
Dragon Lee vs. Mustafa Ali

Match starts off with a lock up then Mustafa Ali delivers a hurricanrana then follows it up with a pair of chops. Lee fires back with a couple of chops of his own before Ali delivers a clothesline and looks for a suplex. Lee escapes and dumps Ali out of the ring then delivers a tope suicida that sends Ali crashing over the announce table.

Ali comes back with a clothesline and gets Lee back inside the ring then executes a tornado DDT and a modified Jackhammer then ascends to the top rope and looks for a 450 Splash but Lee moves out of the way and hits a sit out powerbomb.

He goes for a pin but Ali kicks out so Lee begins arguing with Dominik Mysterio and Ali takes advantage as he rolls up Lee & Mysterio fast counts the pin to hand Ali the win.

Winner #1 Contender To The North American Title: Mustafa Ali

After the match Ali clocks Mysterio and shakes Lee’s hand making it clear that he didn’t want to take a shortcut to get the win.

We then head backstage to Trick Williams & Ilja Dragunov. Dragunov tells Williams he meant everything he said last week then asks why he told Carmelo Hayes he could beat him. Williams asserts that Hayes can overcome him & Dragunov asks if he’s sure. Dragunov tells Williams he can either keep lying to Hayes or himself.

Drew Gulak was training with Damon Kemp & Charlie Dempsey before confronting Myles Borne. Gulak, Kemp & Dempsey told Borne that he was not ready to compete in NXT but told him that he better make it count.

Eddy Thorpe cut a promo outside where he stated that he was not done with Dijak yet.

Block A Match Of The 2023 Global Heritage Invitational
Butch (2) vs. Axiom (0)

Axiom extends his hand to Butch but Butch slaps him and they begin brawling then they go back & forth wearing one another down with submission holds before Butch snaps Axiom’s fingers and stomps on his hand. Axiom executes an arm drag and a kick but Butch plants him and uses the ropes to wear down Axiom’s arm as we go to a break.

After the break Butch rains down right hands on Axiom but Axiom responds with a few chops and a dropkick then delivers a suplex. Butch executes a German suplex and stomps on Axiom’s hand but Axiom delivers a right hand and a back heel kick to Butch’s head. Axiom looks to go flying but Butch delivers a knee to his face and a powerbomb.

He ascends to the top and looks to go flying but Axiom moves out of the way and hits Golden Ratio then goes for a pin but Butch gets his hand under the bottom rope to break the hold.

Axiom looks to lock in a hold but Butch escapes & he hits Bitter End with 10 seconds on the clock and goes for a pin but Axiom kicks out and the match ends in a draw.

Winner: No One (Time Limit Draw) (12:00) (Both men get a point)

There was a vignette of Von Wagner talking to a random table saying that life was much more fun with the table.

Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo confronts NXT Tag Team Champions The Family where they promised to take the NXT Tag Team Titles off them. D’Angelo & Stacks talks trash to Garza & Carrillo before it turned into a full on brawl between multiple teams in the Diamond Dojo.

Gigi Dolan vs. Thea Hail

Thea Hail begins targeting Gigi Dolin’s arm. Dolin lands a shoulder tackle and executes a back slide but Hail kicks out and delivers a Tijeras. Dolin sends her into the ropes face first then delivers a hip attack and looks for a basement dropkick.

Hail ducks out of the way and delivers a back elbow but Dolin delivers a series of strikes to her. Hail then cinches in a Kimura Lock but Dolin makes her way over to the bottom rope to break the hold then she rolls out of the ring and Hail follows her out there.

Dolin sends her into the ring post shoulder first and delivers a clothesline then gets her back inside the ring & while the referee is distracted Blair Davenport appears out of nowhere and plants Dolin on the outside.

She hands her over to Hail in the ring and Hail once again cinches in a Kimura Lock & Dolin taps out.

Winner By Submission: Thea Hail

After the brawl in the Diamond Dojo Ivy Nile asked Creed Brothers what had happened Creeds say it was go to be back before they hug.

Lyra Valkyria spoke with Kelani Jordan backstage but they were interrupted by Dana Brooke. Brooke told Valkyria that she would not break their team up which bamboozled Valkyria before she challenges Brooke to a match next week.

Tiffany Stratton cuts a promo backstage saying that she was already further in her 2 year career than what Lynch was. Stratton promised to retain her Women’s Title next week.

No Disqualification Match
Bron Breakker vs. Von Wagner

Von Wagner wastes no time as he looks for a boot but Bron Breakker moves out of the way and delivers a shoulder to his midsection then follows it up with a shoulder tackle and clotheslines Wagner out of the ring.

Wagner sends Breakker into the ring apron face first then sends him face into the announce table and fires off right hands then dumps him over the announce desk and clears it. They get back in the ring and Wagner delivers a shoulder tackle.

He clotheslines himself & Breakker over the top rope & Breakker grabs a chair out from under the ring and looks to strike Wagner with it but Wagner wrestles it away from him and looks to clock him but Breakker ducks out of the way and delivers a German suplex to Wagner as we go to a break.

After the break Breakker cracks a kendo stick repeatedly across Wagner’s spine then takes a shot at his midsection then cracks it across his spine once more then delivers a knee to Wagner’s midsection and sets up a chair in the corner.

He grabs the kendo stick once more and looks to strike him again but Wagner grabs it from him. Wagner gets in a few shots but Breakker levels him and hits him across the spine with the kendo stick once again.

Wagner delivers a pair of boots but Breakker levels him with a powerbomb then Wagner gets Breakker up on his shoulders but Breakker escapes and delivers a knee to Wagner’s midsection. He then fires off right hands and ascends to the top rope.

He goes flying and sends Wagner into a chair face first then grabs the kendo stick and locks in Steiner Recliner but Wagner makes it back up to his feet and they go back & forth trying to level one another with clotheslines.

Breakker executes a gutbuster and charges at Wagner but Wagner ducks out of the way and Breakker is sent crashing into the chair he previously set up in the corner. Breakker looks to pick up the chair but Wagner steps on it to prevent him from doing so.

Breakker spits in his face and an angered Wagner starts battering him with the kendo stick then cracks the chair across his spine a couple of times and follows it up with a chokeslam then goes for a pin but Breakker kicks out and rolls out of the ring.

Wagner follows him out there and spots one of the set pieces then he sends Breakker crashing through it before he powerbombs him through the announce table and gets him back inside the ring. Wagner then gets Breakker up on his shoulders but Breakker escapes and low blows him before he follows it up with the Spear for the win.

Winner: Bron Breakker

After the match Breakker attacks Wagner with a chair before he smashes Wagner’s head with the stairs as the camera cut to black to close out this week’s NXT.

Standings After Night 3 (Non Spoilers)

Block A

1st Place- Butch (3 Points) (1-0-1)

2nd Place- Axiom (1 Point) (0-0-1)

Last Place- Charlie Dempsey (0 Points) (0-1) & Tyler Bate (0 Points) (0-0)

Block B

1st Place- Duke Hudson & Nathan Frazer (2 Points) (1-1) & Joe Coffey (2 Points) (1-0)

Last Place- Akira Tozawa (0 Points) (0-1)

Friday’s Level Up

Tavion Heights vs. Ikemen Jiro

Fallon Henley vs. Karmen Petrovic

Block B Match Of The 2023 Global Heritage Invitational
Joe Coffey (2) vs. Akira Tozawa (0)

Next Week’s NXT

Women’s Title Match
Tiffany Stratton (c) vs. Becky Lynch

NXT Title #1 Contenders Match
Ilja Dragunov vs. Wes Lee

Block B Match Of The 2023 Global Heritage Invitational
Nathan Frazer (2) vs. Akira Tozawa (0)

Block A Match Of The 2023 Global Heritage Invitational
Tyler Bate (0) vs. Axiom (1)

Tag Team Match
Creed Brothers (Julius & Brutus) vs. Edris Enofe & Malik Blade

No Mercy Card (Sept 30th)

Heritage Cup Title Match
Noam Dar (c) vs. 2023 Global Heritage Invitational Winner TBD

North American Title Match
Dominik Mysterio (c) vs. Mustafa Ali

NXT Title Match
Carmelo Hayes (c) vs. Ilja Dragunov or Wes Lee