WWE NXT Review – November 28, 2023

WWE NXT Review – November 28, 2023

NXT Tag Team Titles Match
The Family (Tony D’Angelo & Stacks) (c) vs. Humberto Carrillo & Angel Garza

Humberto Carrillo & Angel Garza make their way down to the ring as The Family blindsides the on the ramp and both teams begin brawling.

Stacks goes flying over the top rope to level Carrillo & Garza on the outside then dumps Carrillo inside the ring and D’Angelo fires off right hands on him.

The bell sounds and Stacks becomes legal & he hits a neckbreaker/powerbomb combination with Tony D’Angelo and fires off right hands on Carrillo in the corner.

He sends him crashing into the middle rope then tags D’Angelo back in & D’Angelo connects with a pair of belly 2 belly suplexes on Carrillo then fires off right hands on his midsection.

Carrillo delivers a chop to D’Angelo in the corner then tags in Garza & he fires off stomps on D’Angelo in the corner then follows it up with a chop of his own before Carrillo tags back in and D’Angelo catches him with a spear.

Stacks tags in and delivers clotheslines to Garza & Carrillo then levels both men with dropkicks and charges at Carrillo in the corner but Carrillo ducks out of the way and tags Garza back in. Garza lands a chop before Carrillo tags back in.

Carrillo & Garza deliver a double superkick but D’Angelo makes the blind tag and delivers a German suplex to Carrillo. Stacks becomes legal again and ascends to the top as D’Angelo sits Carrillo on the top rope.

Garza trips Stacks opening the door for Carrillo to land a powerbomb on the top rope then Carrillo & Garza sends Stacks crashing into the mat from off the top rope as we go to a break.

After the break Garza looks for a knee on the back on Stacks’ neck but Stacks ducks out of the way and sends him crashing into the ring post shoulder first then Carrillo & D’Angelo tag in and D’Angelo delivers a belly 2 belly suplex to Carrillo.

He follows it up with a German suplex and an exploder into the corner but Garza makes the blind tag in. Stacks tags in and Garza connects with a running knee.

Carrillo & Garza look to double team but D’Angelo pulls Carrillo off the apron to prevent him from doing so. Stacks delivers an uppercut and Carrillo becomes legal.

Carrillo & Garza double team on Stacks with a dropkick/powerbomb combination then Garza tags back in as D’Angelo lands a spinebuster on Carrillo to take him out.

Garza delivers a low blow to Stacks while the referee is distracted then delivers a double underhook piledriver then goes for a pin but Stacks manages to kick out.

D’Angelo tags in and sends an interfering Carrillo crashing out of the ring then hits Bada Bing Bada Boom to Garza. He tosses Stacks out of the ring over the top to ensure Carrillo can’t break up the pinfall and pins Garza for the win.

Winners & Still NXT Tag Team Champions: The Family (STILL CHAMPIONS!!!!!)

We then head over to a video of NXT Champion Ilja Dragunov & Nathan Frazer getting into a heated verbal exchange earlier today.

Jerry The King Lawler picks Eddy Thorpe, Bron Breakker, Kelani Jordan & Kiana James as his picks for the Iron Survivor Qualifying matches for tonight.

There was a video package recapping the career of Johnny Gargano ahead of his return to NXT tonight.

Josh Briggs is being celebrated by Fallon Henley & Brooks Jensen about his win last week which he calls the biggest of his career. He says no one believed in him except them and Lexis King walks up and says that Briggs knocked it out of the park with his help. He talks up Henley but notes that no one selected Jensen. Jensen says he’s stirring the pot and Briggs says King will face Jansen tonight. King says it sounds like a party.

Nikkita Lyons was spotted in the crowd after her injury.

Women’s Iron Survivor Qualifying Match
Kelani Jordan vs. Kiana James

Match starts off with a lock up then Kiana James fires off a pair of shoulders on Kelani Jordan’s midsection then whips her into the opposite corner.

Jordan catches James with a dropkick and delivers a pair of stomps to her midsection then delivers a series of shoulders to James’ midsection.

James lands a shoulder tackle but Jordan catches her with an arm drag that sends her crashing out of the ring then delivers a hurricanrana and gets James back inside the ring but James rolls out the other side.

Jordan sends her bouncing off the apron face first but James then sends Jordan crashing into the announce table face first as we go to a break.

After the break Jordan delivers a flipping senton but James responds with a spinebuster then they go back & forth landing strikes on one another before Jordan sends James crashing into the mat with a swinging neckbreaker.

Jordan sits James on the top rope then joins her up there then James pushes her off and connects with 401K.

James looks to continue to wear down Jordan but Roxanne Perez rings the bell to capture her attention opening the door for Jordan to clock James from behind with a kick to her head and follow it up with a split legged moonsault for the win.

Winner & Gets Into The Women’s Iron Survivor Match: Kelani Jordan

There was a video package highlighting Cameron Grimes ahead of his return later tonight.

Backstage Alpha Academy challenges Meta 4 to a 6 Person Tag Team match next week.

NXT Anonymous got the surveillance video of Trick Williams’ attack and Lexis King was seen following Williams.

Andre Chase joins the rest of Chase U at a podium and thanks investigators for their communication and Chase U staff for continuing day 2 day operations. He addresses the investigation of Chase U and says he is limited to what he can share with what he can share. He says the investigation has revealed activities such as gambling and misuse of university funds. He confirms that this activity is true and assumes full responsibility for everything. He says he will work to restore the name value of Chase U then takes questions. He says that he owes a significant amount of money when asked but won’t disclose how much.

Iron Survivor Qualifying Match
Bron Breakker vs. Eddy Thorpe

Bron Breakker & Eddy Thorpe take turns locking one another in submission holds before Breakker delivers a bodyslam but Thorpe connects with a dropkick that sends Breakker crashing out of the ring.

Breakker slides back in and sends Thorpe crashing into the mat then dumps him out of the ring and sends him crashing into the barricade then gets him back in the ring and fires off shoulders on his midsection in the corner then sits him on the top turnbuckle.

Thorpe manages to land a crossbody on him but Breakker gets him up on his shoulders and delivers a gutbuster as we go to a break.

After the break Breakker & Thorpe exchange strikes with one another before Breakker hits a German suplex but Thorpe rocks him with a pair of suplexes. Breakker then hits a Spear for the win.

Winner & Gets Into The Iron Survivor Match: Bron Breakker

We then head backstage to a fired up Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams showing a video showing Lexis King follow Williams into a room backstage the night that he was attacked. Williams says he wants to get his hands on King but he has to be smart about things heading into the Iron Survivor Match. Hayes then vents about his frustrations with King costing him the Iron Survivor Qualifying Match and they agree that King will get what’s coming to him.

There was a video package for Bronson Reed returning to NXT.

Roxanne Perez says that if she can’t be in the Iron Survivor neither can Kiana James then Ava Raine says there’s a Last Chance match next week for those who didn’t qualify. Perez says she’ll qualify Tiffany Stratton talks some shit and it turns into a fight.

Non Title Match
NXT Champion Ilja Dragunov vs. Nathan Frazer

Ilja Dragunov connects with a boot right out of the gate then fires off right hands on Nathan Frazer and whips him into the corner then delivers rapid fire chops and a German suplex.

Frazer hits a hurricanrana and a series of right hands then follows it up with a jumping knee on Dragunov’s jaw and a dropkick off the top rope.

Dragunov looks for a suplex but Frazer lands on his feet and plants Dragunov on the mat. He ascends to the top and looks for a Phoenix Splash but Dragunov rolls out of the way and lands an enzuigiri.

He follows it up with a powerbomb and a knee drop then pins him but opts to continue to inflict more damage then hits H Bomb for the win.

Winner: NXT Champion Ilja Dragunov

After the match Baron Corbin cut a promo from his house where he made fun of Ilja Dragunov’s lifestyle and not having his family in America. Corbin said that he would take the only reason he was in NXT was the NXT Title and use it to get the only thing he was missing.

Before McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Women’s Champion Lyra Valkyria before Fallon Henley interrupted her and said that she would aim to win the Women’s Iron Survivor Match. Tatum Paxley interrupted from a dark corner where Paxley said that Valkyria would still beat Henley in a match.

There was a video package highlighting Karmen Petrovic ahead of her match against Arianna Grace tonight.

Backstage Meta 4 accepted Alpha Academy’s challenge where Heritage Cup Champion Noam Dar brags about being a Survivor after tying against Chad Gable last week.

We then head over to a video from Joe Gacy & he shows himself hiding under the ring in order to gain a new perspective.

Arianna Grace vs. Karmen Petrovic

Match starts off with a lock up then Arianna Grace demands that Karmen Petrovic kiss her hand but Petrovic slaps it away and sends her crashing into the mat.

She looks to land a kick but Grace begs her not to and Petrovic mocks her by telling her to kiss her hand. Grace fires off stomps on Petrovic as Joe Gacy emerges from under the ring and steals the ring bell as we go to a break.

After the break Grace sends Petrovic’s head bouncing off the mat then delivers a thumb to Petrovic’s eye and gets her up on her shoulders then hits her with Wasteland for the win.

Winner: Arianna Grace

After the match Joe Gacy reemerges in the crowd to ring the bell as Alicia Taylor declares Grace as the winner.

Backstage McKenzie Mitchell asks Wes Lee about his match tonight. Lee says tonight’s gonna be a big night and the man defines the title but he’s attached so he has to be the won to beat Dominik Mysterio at Deadline but tonight he has Bronson Reed, Cameron Grimes and one of the greatest to step into NXT in Johnny Gargano but Mysterio knows he’s willing to do anything to get the North American Title back. McKenzie asks if he doesn’t win and he says no risk no reward.

Lexis King vs. Brooks Jansen

Match starts off with a lock up then Brooks Jensen lands a few strikes and a kick on Lexis King’s head but King rolls to the outside for a breather.

Jensen follows him and gets caught with a chop. Jensen levels King and ascends up the ropes to deliver a crossbody as we go to a break.

After the break King fires off right hands on Jensen and King fires off a pair of elbows on Jensen’s chest. Jensen connects with a back suplex and a pair of back elbows then follows it up with an Atomic Drop and a superkick.

Jensen rocks King with a boot and ascends to the top, then connects with a dropkick then lands a back body drop as Hayes appears at ringside Josh Briggs and officials prevent him from interfering opening the door for King to land The Coronation for the win.

Winner: Lexis King

There was a video package promoting the rules for the Iron Survivor Matches for Deadline.

Fatal 4 Way Match
Wes Lee vs. Bronson Reed vs. Cameron Grimes vs. Johnny Gargano

If Lee wins he gets a North American Title match at Deadline.

Bronson Reed runs over Wes Lee with a splash then Cameron Grimes & Johnny Gargano double team on Reed but Reed runs them both over with a double clothesline.

Lee looks to land a crossbody out of the corner on Reed but Reed drapes him on the top rope and sends him bouncing off it and colliding into Grimes & Gargano as we go to a break.

After the break Reed delivers a delayed vertical suplex to Gargano before Grimes delivers a boot to Reed’s jaw and Lee connects with an enzuigiri. All 3 men take turns landing strikes on Reed & Gargano & Grimes help Lee deliver a dropkick to Reed by tossing him over in his direction.

Gargano and Lee deliver a double dropkick to Grimes that sends him crashing out of the ring to join Reed then shake hands with one another and lock up before they avoid rapid strikes from one another then fire off right hands on Reed when he slides back in the ring.

Reed sends Lee crashing on top of Gargano with a uranage then plants Grimes with a spinebuster in the center of the ring and gets him up on his shoulders.

Grimes fights his way out and connects with a kick to his head then looks to roll him up. Reed blocks it and Lee looks to run the ropes, but Reed catches him. Gargano catapults Grimes into Reed’s groin, and Lee sends him crashing out of the ring with a hurricanrana.

Grimes delivers an atomic drop each to both Lee & Gargano then delivers a running kick to Gargano and a back elbow to Lee.

He delivers a double hurricanrana to both men and delivers a kick to Lee on the outside from off the apron but Gargano catches him with a kick and delivers a tope suicida to Reed.

He does the same to Lee on the opposite side and hits Grimes with one on a different side of the ring. He tosses Grimes back inside the ring and delivers a Spear to him through the middle rope.

Lee delivers the double knees to Grimes off Gargano’s back and goes for a pin but Grimes kicks out. Reed gets Lee up on his shoulders and hits a Death Valley Driver but Grimes rocks him with a pair of kicks and levels him with a crossbody off the top rope. Reed then gets Grimes, Gargano & Lee up on his shoulders and sends all 3 men crashing into the mat.

Grimes looks to pull Reed from off the middle turnbuckle. Gargano & Lee assist him and they hit a Triple Powerbomb to Reed. Gargano, Lee & Grimes then fire off strikes on one another. Grimes connects with a kick across Gargano’s head and catches Lee with a powerslam.

Gargano delivers an enzuigiri to Grimes and locks in the Gargano Escape on Grimes but Lee breaks the hold and pins Gargano & Grimes at the same time but Reed pulls him off and delivers a Buckle Bomb to Lee.

He then catches Gargano & Grimes with a senton each then dumps Lee on top of both men from off the middle rope then sets up for Tsunami but Ivar appears out of nowhere and fires off right hands on Reed.

Reed goes flying off the apron to level Ivar but Ivar catches him with a spinning back heel kick. Reed sends Ivar crashing into the barricade and they fire off right hands on one another as they make their way to the back.

Back in the ring. Lee sends Grimes & Gargano crashing into one another before Grimes & Gargano then catch each other with kicks and Grimes hits the Cave In on Gargano then Lee hits Kardiak Kick to Grimes for the win.

Winner & Gets A North American Title Match: Wes Lee (Recommend)

We see Roxanne Perez & Kiana James brawling with one another in the parking lot to close out this week’s NXT.

Next Week’s NXT

Fatal 4 Way Iron Survivor Qualifying Match
Tyler Bate vs. Joe Coffey vs. Carmelo Hayes vs. Eddy Thorpe

Fatal 4 Way Women’s Iron Survivor Qualifying Match
Fallon Henley vs. Roxanne Perez vs. Thea Hail vs. Kiana James

6 Person Tag Team Match
Meta 4 (Heritage Cup Champion Noam Dar, Oro Mensah & Lash Legend) vs. Alpha Academy (Chad Gable, Otis & Maxxine Dupri)

Updated Deadline Card (Dec 9th)

Iron Survivor Match
Dijak vs. Trick Williams vs. Josh Briggs vs. Bron Breakker vs. TBD

Women’s Iron Survivor Match
Tiffany Stratton vs. Lash Legend vs. Blair Davenport vs. Kelani Jordan vs. TBD

NXT Title Match
Ilja Dragunov (c) vs. Baron Corbin

North American Title Match
Dominik Mysterio (c) vs. Wes Lee (If Lee loses he can’t challenge for the North American Title again)