WWE NXT Review (5/9/2023)

(Image Credit: WWE)

WWE NXT Review – May 9, 2023

Kicking off this week’s NXT with a recap of Indi Hartwell’s speech before vacating the Women’s Title last week.

We see the 8 women participating in the Women’s Title Tournament lined up on the ramp.

Quarter Final Match Of The Women’s Title Tournament
Gigi Dolan vs. Tiffany Stratton

The match starts off with a lock up then Gigi Dolin shoves Tiffany Stratton into the corner and wears her down but Stratton manages to deliver a double stomp to Dolin. Dolin fires back with a forearm but Stratton begins targeting her shoulder. Dolin delivers another forearm then follows it up with a series of knees and a pair of lariats.

She then hits a big boot before Stratton delivers a handspring elbow. Dolin delivers a roundhouse kick to her head but Stratton gets her up on her shoulders & plants her then delivers Prettiest Moonsault Ever for the win.

Winner: Tiffany Stratton

After the break we head to NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams in the barber shop. Williams says he’ll beat Bron Breakker tonight. Hayes tells Williams that while he’s not 100% cleared yet, he appreciates everything Williams is doing. Williams says that while the outcome is for Hayes, he’s participating in the match for himself. Hayes informs Williams that he’ll be watching.

NXT Tag Team Title Match
Gallus (Mark Coffey & Wolfgang) (c) vs. The Dyad (Jagger Reid & Rip Fowler)

Gallus goes straight to work on The Dyad then Mark Coffey delivers a bodyslam to Jagger Reid in the ring as Rip Fowler & Wolfgang brawl on the outside, Coffey delivers a shoulder tackle and a knee then tags in Wolfgang. Reid delivers a series of elbows then tags in Fowler. Fowler delivers a clothesline and a stomp to Wolfgang then looks for a suplex.

Wolfgang reverses the momentum and plants Fowler with one of his own then tags in Coffey. Reid makes the blind tag and The Dyad double team on Coffey. Fowler hits an enziguri before Reid delivers a flatliner as we go to a break.

After the break Reid tags in and delivers a superkick to Coffey then Wolfgang tags in. He drags Fowler into the ring, then shoves Reid into the corner. He then whips him into the opposite and delivers a crossbody.

He ascends to the top rope and goes flying then tags in Coffey. Gallus plants Reid before Wolfgang tags back in and gets Reid on his shoulders. Coffey runs the ropes but Fowler trips him & this allows Reid to roll Wolfgang up but Wolfgang kicks out. Coffey sends Fowler into the announce table then tags in.

Wolfgang tosses Reid over to Coffey but Reid escapes and catches Coffey with a DDT. Fowler tags in as Nile appears at ringside and beats down Ava. Wolfgang takes advantage and tags in before Gallus hits the Running Boot/TKO combo for the iwn.

Winners & Still NXT Tag Team Champions: Gallus (STILL CHAMPIONS!!!!)

We then head to a video of a confrontation between Thea Hail, Duke Hudson & Javier Bernal from earlier today, which led to their upcoming match.

We are back from the break we head to a video of a hooded figure watching several notable moments that have happened relating to the women’s division over the past few months.

Duke Hudson vs. Javier Bernal

Duke Hudson & Javier Bernal lock up to get this match started then Hudson shoves Bernal before Bernal rolls out of the ring. Hudson forces him to get back inside and Bernal fires off several right hands on him. Hudson responds with a shoulder tackle and a bodyslam but Bernal catches him with a kick then follows it up with a DDT and a sliding lariat then locks in a chinlock.

Hudson escapes by delivering an arm drag to Bernal but Bernal fires back with a right hand. Hudson gets fired up and delivers a back elbow then hits a sidewalk slam and a series of right hands then delivers a senton and a German suplex and follows it up with Razor’s Edge for the win.

Winner: Duke Hudson

We then head backstage to Von Wagner & Mr. Stone & Stone asks Wagner several this or that style questions before a heated physical encounter between Wagner & Luca Crusifino ensues.

After the break Gallus runs into Diamond Mine & Brutus Creed tells Gallus to watch their NXT Tag Team Titles.

Eddy Thorpe vs. Damon Kemp

Match starts off with a lock up then Eddy Thorpe & Damon Kemp back & forth with submission holds before Thorpe delivers a crossbody then Kemp responds with an uppercut and plants Thorpe then fires off a few right hands. Thorpe delivers a big boot and a German suplex then locks in a single leg Boston Crab.

Kemp makes it to the bottom rope to break the hold before Thorpe delivers a kick and another German suplex then follows it up with a modified jumping elbow drop for the win.

Winner: Eddy Thorpe

Ilja Dragunov vs. Dijak

Dijak wastes no time as he looks for a big boot but Ilja Dragunov catches it before delivering a series of chops. Dijak fires back with one of his own leading Dragunov to execute a series of rapid fire chops. He ascends to the middle rope and delivers a knee, then climbs up to the top rope. Dijak pushes him off which sends Dragunov crashing to the outside.

Dijak gets him back in the ring and fires off right hands before they go back & forth with elbow strikes. Dragunov hits an enziguri and a roundhouse kick to Dijak’s head but Dijak responds with a boot and grabs a chair from the timekeeper’s area.

The referee warns Dijak against using it and looks to grab it from him but Dijak uses the momentum to send the referee flying across the ring. Dijak then hits Dragunov with the chair in his midsection before cracking it across his spine & the ref calls for the bell.

Winner By DQ: Ilja Dragunov

After the match Dijak sends Dragunov crashing into the ring post then executes a chokeslam on the apron then traps Dragunov under the ring steps and steps up onto them.

Tyler Bate vs. Charlie Dempsey

Charlie Dempsey delivers a series of uppercuts then Tyler Bate returns the favor and they go back & forth. Bate then delivers a suplex and a standing shooting star press but Dempsey catches him with a double underhook suplex. Bate looks for a chop block but Dempsey dodges it.

Bate & Dempsey go back to exchanging uppercuts but Dempsey locks in an abdominal stretch. Bate escapes and delivers an airplane spin as Joe Gacy appears at ring side and confronts Wes Lee.

Drew Gulak gets involved before Bate goes flying and takes out both Gacy & Gulak. He then looks to go flying but Gacy delivers a cheap right hand to Bate & this allows Dempsey to deliver a butterfly suplex for the win.

Winner: Charlie Dempsey

After the break we go backstage to McKenzie Mitchell is with Dragon Lee & Mitchell asks Lee a question but before he can really answer, Heritage Cup Champion Noam Dar appears on the television behind them and invites Lee to be the 1st guest on the revived Supernova Sessions next week. Lee then accepts the offer.

Tag Team Match
Josh Briggs & Brooks Jansen vs. Hank Walker & Tank Ledger

Josh Briggs delivers a boot to Tank Ledger right out of the gate then Brooks Jansen & Hank Walker tag in. Briggs & Jensen deliver a double suplex before Jensen delivers an elbow drop. Walker shoves Jensen into the corner then tags in Ledger. Ledger delivers a bodyslam but Briggs tags back in and delivers a boot. Jensen tags in, and they nail Hart Attack for the win.

Winners: Josh Briggs & Brooks Jansen

After the match Briggs & Jensen shake Ledger & Walker’s hands.

After the break we head to the latest episode of Hard Hitting Home Truths with Nathan Frazer. He says with so many NXT stars drafted to the main roster during the WWE Draft, many spots have opened up but it remains to be seen who those spots are meant for. He discusses Noam Dar and the Heritage Cup and says he has a strange relationship with his baby. He puts Dar on notice and tells him he doesn’t have long with it.

Quarter Final Match Of The Women’s Title Tournament
Lyra Valkyria vs. Kiana James

Match starts off with Kiana James delivers a shoulder tackle then they go back & forth trying to pin one another. James catapults Valkyria into the middle rope that takes us to a break.

We are back from the break Valkyria delivers a Codebreaker. James delivers a knee to her rib cage and follows it up with a shoulder to her midsection. Valkyria delivers a dropkick off the middle rope then delivers a chop and a right hand.

She then delivers a series of kicks and dumps James out of the ring before tossing her back in and landing an enziguri. She then delivers a northern lights suplex and goes for a pin but James kicks out. Valkyria ascends to the top and goes flying but James gets her knees up.

She then executes a powerbomb and goes for a pin but Valkyria kicks out. Valkyria then delivers a spinning back heel kick for the win.

Winner: Lyra Valkyria

We then head to a video of Gallus celebrating their successful defense of the NXT Tag Team Titles then The Family walks in and Tony D’Angelo requests a NXT Tag Team Title shot. Joe Coffey tells The Family to leave and D’Angelo promises that The Family will get what they want one way or another.

Bron Breakker vs. Trick Williams

Match starts off with a lock up before Trick Williams delivers a dropkick then fires off right hands and delivers a few shoulders to Bron Breakker’s midsection before Williams sends Breakker crashing to the outside then delivers a series of right hands and looks to send him crashing into the timekeeper’s area.

Breakker manages to avoid it and delivers a suplex to Williams on the announce table then gets him back in the ring then fires off right hands then delivers a back body drop and follows it up with a German suplex. He then hits a 2nd suplex and follows it up with a spinebuster then hits a shoulder tackle.

Williams plants Breakker then delivers a dropkick and a flying clothesline then follows it up with a uranage but Breakker responds with a powerslam and a Spear then locks in the Steiner Recliner for the win.

Winner By Submission: Bron Breakker

After the match Breakker locks in the Steiner Recliner once again. NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes’ music hits and he runs down to the ring to make the save. He rains down rights and lefts on Breakker then looks for a crossbody but Breakker catches him with a Spear mid air then picks up the NXT Title.

Matches Of The Night

Ilja Dragunov vs. Dijak – 7/10

Tyler Bate vs. Charlie Dempsey – 7/10

Semi Finals

Tiffany Stratton vs. Roxanne Perez or Jacy Jayne

Lyra Valkyria vs. Fallon Henley or Cora Jade

Next Week’s NXT

Quarter Final Match Of The Women’s Title Tournament
Roxanne Perez vs. Jacy Jayne

Quarter Final Match Of The Women’s Title Tournament
Fallon Henley vs. Cora Jade

Battleground Card (May 28th)

NXT Title Match
Carmelo Hayes (c) vs. Bron Breakker

Finals Of The Women’s Title Tournament