Date: September 17, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T
Results by: 411Mania.com
We have two shows left before the big move to the CW and that means WWE is trying a bit harder than usual around here. In this case it means an appearance from CM Punk, who could get involved with a good number of people. Other than that, we should be in for a build towards Ethan Page defending the NXT Title against Trick Williams. Let’s get to it.
Opening recap.
Ava is in the ring for a contract signing to get things going. First up though we have some announcements. In three weeks in St. Louis, Sexxy Red will be making her return and Randy Orton will be having his first ever match in NXT. As for two weeks in Chicago, we have a bunch of matches, including Wes Lee vs. Zachary Wentz in a street fight, Roxanne Perez defending the NXT Women’s Title against Giulia and Ethan Page defending the NXT Title against Trick Williams.
This brings out Williams and Page to sign the contract for their title match. Before Page comes out, Trick talks about how after last week, it is clear that Pete Dunne is still a Butch. Cue Page to brag about being NXT Champion and say he’s no Pete Dunne. He’s Trick’s Kryptonite and he has the receipts to prove it, starting with the NXT Title. Trick says Page stole the title but Page says the thing he remembers the most is the shock that came with him winning the title. Page promises to keep the title on October 1 and puts Trick through the table. Neither of them signed, which commentary points out.
We look back at Hammerstone failing to beat Oba Femi last week.
After last week’s loss, Tony D’Angelo got on Hammerstone for losing to Femi after Hammerstone got paid off. D’Angelo wants Hammerstone to do it again but Hammerstone isn’t going to do that. A match between the two of them seems imminent instead.
Ava talks to Mr. Stone and Stevie Turner about a surprise she has for tonight. Je’Von Evans comes up to ask about being on the show in Chicago and Ava will get back to him.
Tatum Paxley/Lyra Valkyria vs. Wendy Choo/Rosemary
Rosemary takes Paxley down to start but Paxley backflipped over her and hands it off to Valkyria. A Paisan elbow sets up a top rope ax handle to Rosemary’s arm but she rolls Paxley into the corner. Choo comes in but gets caught in a bodyscissors, with Paxley rolling her around for two.
The villains are sent outside and we take an early break. Back with a Russian legsweep/running shove combination getting two on Paxley but she enziguris her way to a breather. Valkyria comes back in as everything breaks down but it’s right back to Paxley. A belly to belly superplex gets two with Paxley putting her foot on the ropes. Valkyria kicks Choo down and Valkyria hits a top rope ax kick to finish Rosemary at 9:52.
Rating: C+. It’s nice to see the oddball team back together and having some success, but dang the results are frustrating for Rosemary. While I completely get that the TNA star taking the fall makes sense for NXT, it’s annoying to have someone as talented as Rosemary lose again and again. Couple that with the fact that it’s the terrible….whatever thing Choo is supposed to be not taking the fall and it’s all the more annoying.
Ava insists the contract is being signed tonight.
Charlie Dempsey is glad to have Tavion Heights back with the No Quarter Catch Crew. Heights and Miles Borne are tasked with getting the Tag Team Titles, while Wren Sinclair is told to make a name for herself. She gets it.
Tony D’Angelo vs. Hammerstone
The rest of the Family is here with D’Angelo. Hammerstone shrugs off some right hands in the corner and hits a running clothesline. D’Angelo’s headlock slows things down a bit and some belly to belly suplexes put Hammerstone down. Hammerstone fights up and hits some shoulders in the corner, followed by a belly to belly of his own. That’s enough for D’Angelo, who walks out for the countout at 2:53, with the Family looking confused. Hammerstone looked a lot better this week.
Zachary Wentz pops up in front of commentary and shows us a clip of Wes Lee attacking Wentz’s partner Trey Miguel in Dayton, Ohio. Back in the arena, Wentz says he doesn’t know how long Miguel is going to be out of action but the pain in Chicago is going to be even worse for Lee.
NBA All-Star Tyrese Haliburton tells Ava he can get the Trick Williams/Ethan Page contract signed. Sure why not.
Fatal Influence is ready for Lola Vice.
Vice is warming up in the back but isn’t a fan of Jaida Parker. Cue Parker, who says she’s fighting Fatal Influence tonight. Vice says Parker can have them after she’s finished.
Eddy Thorpe vs. Ashante Thee Adonis
Adonis jumps him before the bell and chokes him on the rope after the bell. The beating continues but Thorpe fights up and manages a kick to the face for a breather. Thorpe fights up and avoids a high crossbody (as Adonis took too long blowing a kiss to a fan), allowing Thorpe to hit his implant DDT for the pin at 3:26.
Rating: C. I’m not sure if this is better than fighting with Lexis King over music but at least Thorpe is starting to string together some wins. There is something to him but it might take a bit for the whole thing to come together. If nothing else, at least Adonis is losing like someone of his style should be. The ladies man deal is a classic but having him fall on his face over and over is a logical way to go.
Thea Hail and Riley Osborne are crushed after Ridge Holland turned on the school. Osborne is so upset that he was wright about Holland and promises to take out Holland once and for all.
Here is CM Punk for a chat. Punk says he’s in a better mood than he was last night and wants to have some fun this week. While he watches NXT, he has never been in this ring surrounded by these fans. During the time he was injured, he would try to watch the show from the shadows but got caught. Punk knows he is going to have to face some of these people, like Lexis King, Carmelo Hayes, Ethan Page and Bron Breakker. He even has shirts older than Je’Von Evans.
Anyway, Shawn Michaels called him up about being in Chicago for the first CW show (Punk: “Ok I begged.”) and told him to do whatever he wanted. Cue Roxanne Perez (Punk: “You gotta be kidding me.”), saying Punk was probably going to talk about Giulia because everyone does. 13 year old Perez would be freaking out right now because Punk was her favorite wrestler and she he was her voice. Perez: “But I always did prefer your wife.”
After the AJ chant, Perez realizes she should have been a Drew McIntyre fan. Perez gets why Punk wants to be in Chicago but this is all about her. Punk: “Can I retort?” Perez: “No, I wasn’t done yet.” Punk isn’t worried about what Perez is saying because he can appreciate an overconfident champion and he used to have a her sized chip on his shoulder.
That Women’s Title might make her the best in the world, because last night he was watching Bianca Belair and Iyo Sky and thought Perez might be better than them. The thing is it doesn’t matter if Giulia takes the title in Chicago. Cue Giulia (Punk looks interested) to say the countdown is on. Giulia goes to leave so Perez swings, with Punk grabbing her arm. Glaring ensues. You could tell Perez was having some trouble keeping it together in front of Punk but some of those lines were great.
Kelani Jordan isn’t worried about Fatal Influence. She’s thinking about issuing her own open challenge so here is Wren Sinclair to slap her in the face…and run away.
Tony D’Angelo admits to the Family that he’s scared of Oba Femi.
No Quarter Catch Crew vs. Je’Von Evans/Cedric Alexander
The rest of the No Quarter Catch Crew is here too. Evans starts fast against Borne and Alexander comes in for a basement dropkick. Heights comes in to work on Cedric’s arm but it’s back to Evans to dropkick Heights out to the floor. Alexander loads up a dive but stops from diving onto Wren Sinclair. Evans dives onto all of the Crew though and we take a break.
Back with Evans fighting out of a chinlock but getting sent into the wrong corner. Evans kicks his way to freedom and brings Alexander back in to take over. Another basement dropkick hits Heights and a Michinoku Driver gets two. Back up and Borne hits a clothesline for two, followed by a DDT for the same, with Evans coming off the top for the save. Cue Kelani Jordan to brawl with Sinclair, leaving Evans to hit his top rope spinning splash (headbutt in this case) for the pin at 10:27.
Rating: C+. I’m more than happy with Alexander getting to do something, even if it is just a low level tag team. The planned team with Ashante Thee Adonis didn’t work out but maybe a mentor to Evans will be better. If nothing else, it’s a fresh tam and that is always at least worth a look.
The winners celebrate and we’re told that Evans will be in action on October 8 in St. Louis. Against Randy Orton.
Ridge Holland says that’s two down and one to go in Chase U.
Brooks Jensen and Shawn Spears say they’re doing this next.
Brooks Jensen vs. Dion Lennox
Shawn Spears is here with Jensen, who throws him around to start. Lennox is back up with some tosses of his own, setting up a dropkick out to the floor. Jensen hits a spinebuster and hammers away but stops to steal Lennox’s glasses. That’s enough for Lennox to fire back and grab a rollup for two. Then Jensen DDTs him for the pin at 2:35.
Spears and Jensen shake hands post match.
Wes Lee is happy with what he did to Trey Miguel and is ready o end this with Zachary Wentz.
A-Town Down Under want and receive a Tag Team Title match next week.
Jacy Jayne vs. Lola Vice
The rest of Fatal Influence is here too. Vice shrugs off Jayne’s kick to the face to start and strikes her out to the floor. Jayne gets in a shot of her own on the floor and hits a Cannonball for two back inside. Vice shrugs it off and kicks her down, setting up the spinning backfist for the pin at 2:10.
Post match Fatal Influence comes in for the beatdown and Jaida Parker comes in for the save. Vice and Parker have to be held apart.
Tony D’Angelo is alone when Riz comes in to talk to him about being afraid. Riz says that no matter what happens, the Family will always be there for him. They all believe in him but D’Angelo has to believe in himself. Special training is recommended and they hug.
Here is Tyrese Haliburton to get the contract signed for the NXT Title match. Trick Williams comes out and praises Haliburton before telling Page to come out here. Page does come out, with Williams signing as he comes to the ring. Page isn’t happy with what is going on and signs, but Haliburton says there is one more thing. Cue CM Punk, who says we need something special for that match. That’s why he’ll be the guest referee (Which is so special we just did it what, two and a half weeks ago?). The fight is on to end the show.