The road to WWE NXT No Mercy 2023 continues tonight.
WWE NXT returns tonight at 8/7c on the USA Network from the Capitol Wrestling Center in Orlando, FL.
On tap for tonight’s show is Tiffany Stratton vs. Becky Lynch for the NXT Women’s Championship, Ilja Dragunov vs. Wes Lee in a No. 1 Contender match, as well as Tyler Bate vs. Axiom and Nathan Frazer vs. Akira Tozawa in NXT Global Heritage Invitational matches.
Also scheduled is The Creed Brothers vs. Malik Blade & Edris Enofe, Dana Brooke vs. Lyra Valkyria, as well as Josh Briggs, Brooks Jensen & Myles Bourne vs. Charlie Dempsey, Drew Gulak & Damon Kemp.
Featured below are complete WWE NXT results from Tuesday, September 12, 2023. The following report was written by PWMania.com reporter Matt Boone (@MattBoone0709) as the show aired live from 8-10pm EST. on the USA Network.
WWE NXT RESULTS (9/12/2023)
The “WWE Then. Now. Forever. Together.” opening signature narrated by John Cena airs. We then shoot into a video recap of the brutal Bron Breakker vs. Von Wagner match from last week and the aftermath.
The video also shows the Wes Lee vs. Ilja Dragunov build-up for tonight’s title eliminator and then the lead up to the Becky Lynch vs. Tiffany Stratton main event for the NXT Women’s Championship.
NXT Title Eliminator
Wes Lee vs. Ilja Dragunov
We shoot inside the CWC and Vic Joseph and Booker T welcome us to the show. Wes Lee’s theme hits and we head down to the ring for our opening contest.
The former longtime NXT North American Champion settles into the ring to chants of “Wes! Wes! Wes!” His music dies down. Ilja Dragunov’s theme hits and out he comes looking all business.
The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this high stakes opener. The winner of this one will advance to challenge Carmelo Hayes for the NXT World Championship at NXT No Mercy 2023.
Early on we see some good, hard-hitting back-and-forth action. Dragunov starts to shit into the offensive lead. Fans rally behind Lee with “Let’s go Wes!” chants. Dragunov quiets the crowd down by turning Lee inside out with a vicious chop that sends Lee spinning in mid-air.
Dragunov knocks Lee out to the floor and hits an insane flying splash that pops the crowd. He then introduces Lee to the commentary desk in very violent fashion. After that, we shift gears and head into a mid-match commercial break as the action continues.
When we return, we see Ilja is still in the offensive lead, as he takes it to Lee in the ring. Lee counters a power bomb into a hurricanrana to slow Dragunov down and begin slowly shifting the momentum in his favor.
Lee hits a Spanish Fly for a close near fall. He goes for the Cardiac Kick, but Dragunov avoids it. Lee hits a big spot and Dragunov rolls out to the floor. Lee runs and leaps the ring post for a huge flipping splash on Dragunov. The fans respond with a loud “Holy sh*t!” chant that is bleeped off the broadcast.
Dragunov hits a big superplex off the top rope to slow Lee down. He stalks him in the corner and hits an H-Bomb. He goes for the cover but Lee kicks out. Lee goes for another Cardiac Kick but Dragunov catches him with a big shot coming in. He goes for the cover and gets the win. Dragunov will challenge Hayes at No Mercy.
Winner and NEW NXT Title No. 1 Contender: llja Dragunov
Looking Back At Bron Breakker & Von Wagner From Last Week
We see Carmelo Hayes come out and hold up his title and stare Dragunov down. We then see footage from earlier today of Tiffany Stratton arriving to the building. The commentators then introduce a video package showing the Breakker/Wagner match and aftermath. They inform us that Wagner suffered a skull fracture.
Baron Corbin Addresses Bron Breakker’s Violent Actions
Now we shoot backstage live and see Baron Corbin walking the hallways. Vic and Booker inform us he is coming to the ring to talk when we return. On that note, we shift gears and head into another commercial time out.
When we return from the break, we hear Corbin’s theme and out comes the longtime WWE veteran. He has a serious look on his face. He begins by talking about how normally the fans don’t like him and he doesn’t like them back. He says tonight is different.
With his serious voice, he talks about how he sat ringside seven days ago and saw something so violent and disgusting that even the production company had to fade to black. He says Breakker crushing Wagner’s skull is very real and because of Wagner’s past, is despicible.
Bron Breakker’s theme hits and he comes out to interrupt Corbin. The fans chant “You got tabled!” at Breakker. Corbin tells him he’s come far enough and tells him to stop half-way down the aisle. He says he doesn’t know how to put into words what Breakker did. He says what he did was awesome. The crowd pops. Breakker yells “YEAH! It was awesome!”
Breakker then stops Corbin and calls him an idiot. He says he didn’t do what he did for Corbin’s approval. He did what he did because Wagner put him through a table so he ended his career. Corbin tells him to try and end his. Breakker challenges him to a match at No Mercy. Corbin slaps him. Breakker slaps him back. They trade slaps until security separates them.
Josh Briggs, Brooks Jensen & Myles Bourne vs. Charlie Dempsey, Drew Gulak & Damon Kemp
We see Josh Briggs, Brooks Jensen and Myles Bourne doing pull ups backstage when Fallon Henley walks in. She tells them it’s time. They all head out towards the ring as we head to another commercial break.
When we return from the break, the three man team head to the ring accompanied by Henley. Already in the ring are their opponents, the team of Charlie Dempsey, Drew Gulak and Damon Kemp.
The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one. Briggs and Jensen take it to Kemp coming out of the gate. Others start to mix in and we see a bunch of double-team spots and triple-team spots early on to get the crowd going.
Dempsey takes over when Bourne comes in. He tags in Kemp and the heels start to shift the offensive momentum in their favor. Briggs hits a spinning heel kick that slows Kemp down. All six men end up in the ring duking it out. They brawl out to the floor.
Bourne turns on his team, sending Jensen into the ring post. Kemp follows up in the ring with his finisher and then goes for the cover, scoring the pin fall for his team.
Winners: Charlie Dempsey, Drew Gulak & Damon Kemp
Thea Hail Hangs Out With Jacy Jane
We shoot to the latest Chase University segment. We see Andre Chase expressing concern over Thea Hail. He asks Duke Hudson to keep an eye on her. He looks at his phone and sees she has stopped sharing her location.
Now we shift to Thea Hail, who is with Jacy Jane in a bar. We see her turning her location off. Jane points out some guys coming to hit on them. They hit on Jane and mock Hail for being young. Jane slaps them. Hail beats them up as well.
Dana Brooke vs. Lyra Valkyria
Back inside the CWC, the theme for Dana Brooke hits and out she comes accompanied by Kelani Jordan for our next match of the evening. As she heads to the ring, we head into a quick pre-match commercial break.
When we return from the break, we see Lyra Valkyria wrapping up her ring entrance, in progress. Both ladies are in the ring and it’s time to get this one going. The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with women’s singles action.
Valkyria starts off in the offensive lead as the fans chant “Dana sucks!” and the other half of the crowd yells “No!” to disagree. Valkyria hits a big missile drop kick through the ropes on Brooke on the floor at ringside. Back in the ring, Dana trips Lyra off the top-rope and takes over.
Now a “Let’s go Dana!” and “Dana sucks!” dueling chant spreads throughout the CWC. When did she become the female NXT version of John Cena in his prime? Lyra takes back over and hits a top-rope splash for a quick victory.
Winner: Lyra Valkyria
Dijak Taunts Eddy Thorpe
We shoot backstage where Eddy Thorpe is interviewed. He talks about Dijak and then we see on the screen behind them Dijak out in nature mocking Thorpe for losing twice in a row. He takes his belt off and whips a tree. You can’t make this stuff up.
NXT Global Heritage Invitational
Tyler Bate vs. Axiom
A vignette airs to hype the NXT Breakout Women’s Tournament “coming soon.” Now it’s time for the latest group A action in the ongoing NXT Global Heritage Invitational.
Tyler Bate’s corny, generic theme hits and out he comes to the ring for our next match of the evening. As he does, we settle into a commercial break.
When we return, we see Dominik Mysterio and Carmelo Hayes jawing at each other backstage. We then shoot to a Becky Lynch backstage interview, which Kiana James interrupts.
Lynch tells her she’ll kick her ass when she wins the NXT Women’s Championship tonight, because “The Man is gonna be coming around to NXT more often.” Back inside the CWC, Axiom makes his way to the ring.
The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one. We see Noam Dar and The Meta-Four in the luxury box watching on. The fans chant “Power Ranger!” at Axiom early on. Butch is shown sitting in the front row.
Bate dominates the action early on, but Axiom fires up and takes over. He knocks Bate to the floor and runs and dives for a big splash that pops the crowd. Back in the ring he comes off the top rope with a flying cross-body splash into a near fall attempt.
“The Big Strong Boy” fights back, hoisting Axiom up for an airplane spin that he rotates forever and ever before dumping the masked man down into the mat. Axiom rolls out to the floor as we head into a mid-match commercial break.
When we return from the break, we see the match still in progress with the pace picking up. After a super Spanish Fly off the top-rope, we see Bate hit a Tyler Driver ’97 for the win, picking up two points in the NXT Global Heritage Invitational in the process.
Winner: Tyler Bate
The Creed Brothers vs. Malik Blade & Edris Enofe
We hear from Butch backstage about his upcoming showdown with Tyler Bate. We then return inside the CWC where The Creed Brothers make their way out accompanied by Ivy Nile for our next match of the evening.
As Brutus and Julius Creed settle inside the ring, we shift gears and head into a pre-match commercial break. When we return we see Ava Rain and Joe Gacy in a weird vignette out in the wilderness.
When we return to the CWC, we shoot backstage and we see Carmelo Hayes sitting down with Trick Williams. The two talk about some of their respective business and get nostalgic about the good old days. Wes Lee is shown behind them getting his stuff and throwing it in the trash and leaving with his suitcase.
Back live, the theme for Malik Blade and Edris Enofe hit and out come the tag-team for scheduled action against The Creed Brothers. They settle in the ring and the bell sounds to officially get this one off-and-running. Enofe and Julius kick things off for their respective teams.
We see Angel Garza and Humberto Carrillo watching on from the crowd. NXT World Tag-Team Champions The Family are shown watching from a monitor backstage. Enofe and Blade jump into the early offensive lead, utilizing quick tags to keep a fresh man on the beaten down Brutus.
The Creed Brothers fight back and a Brutus Bomb gets them the win. After the match, The Family and others brawl at ringside.
Winners: The Creed Brothers
NXT Global Heritage Invitational
Nathan Frazer vs. Akira Tozawa
We shoot backstage and see Becky Lynch preparing for her main event title opportunity later tonight. In walks Lyra Valkyria. Lynch smiles and stands up and congratulates her on her victory earlier tonight. Lyra wishes her luck in her match against Tiffany Stratton.
The match graphic for our second of two NXT Global Heritage Invitational bouts airs, as group B action is coming up next in our co-main event of the evening. On that note, we shift gears and head into a quick commercial break.
When we return from the break, we see more evidence of Roxanne Perez’s new tough, take-no-crap attitude. We then hear Vic Joseph run down the updated lineup for WWE NXT No Mercy 2023 later this month.
Back live inside the CWC, Akira Tozawa’s theme hits and he makes his way down to the ring to join Nathan Frazer, who came out before and during the break. The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one.
We see the field of competitors in the Global Heritage Invitational watching on from a special room backstage, while Noam Dar and The Meta-Four watch on with their elephant from the luxury box. Frazer jumps into the early offensive lead.
Tozawa starts to take over after a big top-rope splash. He knocks Frazer out to the floor and hits a big dive. The two head up to the top-rope where Tozawa looks for a super-plex but Frazer avoids it and hits one of his own. He doubles up upon landing and goes for the cover. He gets the win to add two more points to his score in the Global Heritage Invitational.
Winner: Nathan Frazer
NXT Women’s Championship
Tiffany Stratton (C) vs. Becky Lynch
It’s main event time!
We shoot backstage for a quick interview where Duke Hudson taunts Joe Gacy ahead of their high stakes showdown in the NXT Global Heritage Invitational. We then see Becky Lynch and Tiffany Stratton walking the hallways as they get ready to head to the ring.
On that note, we shift gears and head into a quick pre-match commercial break. When we return, we see McKenzie Mitchell standing by with Mustafa Ali. She talks about him earning a shot at Dominik Mysterio’s North American title at No Mercy.
In comes Dragon Lee who talks about how Ali won under unfair circumstances. Ali says when he wins the title from Dom, Dragon Lee will be the first one to get a title shot. We then catch up with Wes Lee, who is asked about his loss. Lee says he told himself if he didn’t go to No Mercy, he’s going home. He kisses his girl and tells her he cleared his locker out. They leave the building as Wes says he’s done.
Back in the backstage area, we see Gigi Dolin viciously attacking Blair Davenport. Vic Joseph then runs down the lineup for next week’s NXT on USA show.
Now we return inside the CWC, where we hear the familiar sounds of Becky Lynch’s theme song. “The Man” heads to the ring to a huge pop and loud “Becky! Becky!” chants. She settles inside the ring and the pop grows louder.
Tiffany Stratton’s theme hits and the sound effects for the camera flashes hit and out comes the NXT Women’s Champion with a grand entrance. She settles in the ring and her music dies down.
The ring announcer begins the formal pre-match ring introductions for the champion and the challenger with the lights dimmed down. The lights come back on, the bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this title tilt.
We hear a loud “Welcome home!” chant for Lynch as soon as the match begins. Stratton backs Lynch into the corner early on. She gives her a clean break but taunts her for jumping out in front early on. Lynch fights back and nearly gets her in the Dis-Arm Her, but Tiffany avoids it.
Stratton slows “The Man” down by working on her arm. She then launches the champ out to the floor. On that note, we shift gears and head into a mid-match commercial break as the action continues. When we return, we see Lynch working Stratton over on the top-rope but Tiffy knocks her down and hits a swanton splash on her for a close near fall attempt.
Lynch fights back and gets the Dis Arm Her on her and cranks away at the arm of the champ. Tiffany crawls to the ropes and gets her boot on the ropes. She rolls over and power bombs her way free. Tiffany hits a double stomp into the cover but Lynch kicks out. Stratton looks for the Man Handle Slam but Becky fights out of it,. Lynch hits a Russian Leg Sweep off the top-rope for a close two count.
The two fight out to the floor where Stratton goes to power bomb Lynch through the commentary table but Becky fights out of it. She knocks Tiffany onto the table and leaps off the barricade with a leg drop. Back in the ring she hits another big leg drop for a close two count.
Lynch slaps the Dis Arm Her on Stratton again and cranks back on it. Stratton escapes and hits a sit out power bomb. Lynch kicks out. Stratton goes for the Prettiest Moonsault but Lynch avoids it and counters with the Man Handle Slam for the pin fall victory. With the win, Becky Lynch finally captures the NXT Women’s Championship. The crowd goes wild. That’s how this week’s show goes off the air. Thanks for joining us!
Winner and NEW NXT Women’s Champion: Becky Lynch