WWE NXT Results – October 22, 2024

Tonight on NXT – Luca Crusifino battles Oba Femi, Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer join forces to take down Fallon Henley and Jacy Jayne from The Fatal Influence, Tatum Paxley and Jaida Parker go head to head, Kairi Sane and Iyo Sky return to NXT to take on Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend, as well Trick Williams and Ethan Page meet up before Halloween Havoc and more!

The final NXT before Halloween Havoc opens with Trick Williams and Ethan Page arriving to the arena. We also see Stephanie Vaquer and Giulia coming to the arena, as well as Fatal Influence.

Inside the arena we head into our first match.

Match 1: Damage CTRL (Iyo Sky & Kairi Sane) -vs- The Meta-Girls (Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson

Sane and Sky are out first, followed by Legend and Jackson. Jackson and Sky start the bout and the women lock up. Sky hip tosses Jackson and gives her a pounding on the mat. Sky flips around the ring and hits a drop kick on Jackson. SKy taunts Legend and tags in Sky. Sky and Sane double team Jackson with a double drop kick and Sane covers for a two count. Sane then chops Jackson in the corner and punches her several times and collides with the turnbuckle as Jackson moves out of the way. Jackson tags out to Legend who chokes out Sane in the corner. Legend holds Sane up in the air by her neck, Sane floats through and tries to roll up Legend. Sky tries to interfere and Legend hold them both and beats them against the ropes. Legend slams down Sane and covers for a two count. Sane rolls out to the apron and chokes Legend on the ropes. Back in the ring, Sane jumps on Legend and locks on a sleeperhold on Legend. Legend powers out and tosses Sane off her back and Sane comes back with a headscissor sending her out of the ring. Jackson gets taken out by Jackson and Sane comes flying over the ropes onto Legend and Sky hits a moonsault on the Meta-Girls on the outside and we cut to commercial.

Back from commercial break, Sky and Jackson are punching each other out and Sky hits Jackson with a double stomp. Sky tags out and Sane comes in and takes out Legend and clothesline Jackson and takes her down with a spear. Legend comes in and attempts a kick but Sky dodges it and smokes Legend with a back elbow. Sane splashes the Meta-Girls in the corner and goes up top and comes down on Jackson with a forearm and gets a near fall. Sane hits an Alabama Slam on Jackson and tags in Sky. They double team Jackson and cover when Legend breaks the pin. Legend is in the ring and both Sane and Sane send her out of the ring. Sky then brutalizes Jackson in the corner and misses a moonsault and Jackson tags out and Legend comes in and kicks Sky in the face. Sane comes in and Legend catches her in the air and slams her. Legend tags out and hoists up Sky and Jackson comes in to hit a 3-D and Piper Niven and Chelsea Green come in and attack all the competitors.

Winners by DQ: Meta-Girls

Hank and Tank are outside the arena earlier today when OTM and come out and confront them and issue a challenge for tonight.

Sol Ruca, Brinley Reece and Karmen Petrovic are working out and Ashante Thee Adonis comes by and they talk about her costing him his match. Ruca and Reece say she’s not interested and Petrovic tells them they don’t what she likes and she’s going to show them what she likes and walks away after Adonis leaves.

Match 2: Jaida Parker w/OTM -vs- Tatum Paxley

Parker comes out with her boys first and Paxley joins her in the ring slinking around the ring. The bell rings and Parker takes down Paxley by her hair and chokes her out by the ropes. Paxley returns the favour and takes her down by Parker’s hair and jumps on her and covers for two. Paxley continues to beat on Parker and covers again. The women roll around the ring and Paxley covers again. Paxley hits a dropkick on Parker and splashes her in the corner. Paxley goes for another splash but Parker catches her and sets her up on the middle rope and sits on her abdomen. Parker kicks Paxley in the corner and hits an inverted suplex for a two count. Lola Vice is backstage watching this match and she leaves as in the ring, Parker has Paxley in a stretch hold. Paxley breaks the hold and rolls Parker up for two. Paxley slams Parkers face in to her knee and takes down Parker with some forearms. Paxley gets Parker on her shoulder and slams her face first and covers for a two count. Paxley rolls up Parker for a two count and tries for kick to her head but Parker avoids it. Parker hip checks Paxley and covers for the win.

Winner: Jaida Parker

After the match, Lola Vice tries to attack Parker but officials stop her, in the ring Wendy Choo attacks Paxley and wheels her away in a case.

Lexis King approaches No Quarter Catch Crew and tells Dempsey he wants a shot at the Heritage Cup. Dempsey agrees and tells Borne to go talk to Ava to make the match.

Wendy Choo wheels the case she has Paxley in as Nathan Frazer, Axiom, Je’Von Evans and Cedric Alexander are talking. Frazer makes a remark about Evans’ age and he slaps Frazer. Lee is standing around and pokes fun at Evans as well.

We get a video package for Stephanie Vaquer’s arrival to NXT, as well as her partnership with Guilia to take down Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade.

Backstage we see the D’Angelo Family checking on Adriana Rizzo who looks to have been attacked. They call for medical staff as we cut to commercial.

Match 3: Luca Crusifino w/Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo -vs- Oba Femi

The bell rings and Crusifino attacks Femi with some punches and a drop kick. Femi catches Crusifino and slams him to the mat with a shoulder breaker. Femi works on Crusifino’s arm and stomps him on the mat. Crusifino is taken down with a forearm and Femi kicks Crusifino in the back. Femi takes down Crusifino with a clothesline and locks him in a headlock. Crusifino hits a jumping knee and hits some chops on Femi and gets him down with a neckbreaker. Crusifino sends Femi to the outside with the “Law Breaker”. Femi gets back in the ring and tosses Crusifino and hits The Fall from Grace for the win.

Winner: Oba Femi

After the match, Femi attacks Crusifino and Lorenzo comes in to help but Femi starts beating on him as well. Femi brings out a table from under the ring, and Tony D’Angelo comes in and attacks Femi who is able to send Tony into the steel steps. He ties a ziptie on Tony’s hand and locks him on to the turnbuckle. Femi thows Stacks through a table and sets up a ladder between the ring and the announce table. He powerbombs Crusifino through the ladder making The Don watch all this.

Trick Williams and Ethan Page are shown walking backstage and we will hear from them later.

A video package for the Chase U and Ridge Holland saga airs. Andre Chase swears to end Ridge Holland’s misery in an ambulance match.

Ethan Page makes his way to the ring as does Trick Williams. Williams wants to get straight to the point. He says he should be out here to beat down Page for what he did last week but he promised Ava he will wait till Sunday. He says Page is scared and desperate, Page says he may be desperate but maybe that’s what he wants people to think. He says he’s been in this game for over 17 years but when he talks about his road to get here, he glosses over the hardships. He never had a performance center or staff to pamper him, or coaches and state of the art equipment. Page says he went through hell to get to where Williams is. Williams comes back and says he’s not going to let Page shame him because he’s blessed. Page says Williams doesn’t get it – he asks Williams if he’s ever been busted open in the ring? Has he been hit with a weapon so hard but still have to continue a match? Has he ever had to taste his own blood and sweat? Williams says he gets it, Page went through a lot and is used to being beaten up because that’s what he’ll do to him on Sunday. Page says Williams is all flash and fake confidence. Page says at the devil’s playground – anything goes and that benefits one man – All ego. He says Williams is also put together that he doesn’t know how to fight from the ground and that he’s not built for the Devil’s Playground. Page says Williams has no idea what he’s in for as on Sunday Williams will see a version of Page that no one has ever seen. Williams says Ego is all talk and he’s desperate and that Page won’t get the title. Page says he is desperate as it took him 17 years for him to be a champion in WWE and now that he has had a taste he is addicted and he will get back what’s his. He says for the first time in Williams career someone will make him walk through hell. Williams says he’s looking forward to it and walks off.

Cora Jade and Roxanne Perez are talking backstage about their match tonight. Fatal Influence comes by and say they’ll take out Kelani Jordan like Perez and Jade will take out Guilia and Vaquer. Kelani Jordan comes by and asks who she is facing on Sunday. Fatal Influence leaves before answering her.

Match 4: Sol Ruca -vs- Karmen Petrovic

As Petrovic comes out she sees Ashante “Thee” Adonis sitting in the crowd macking on some blonde girl. Ruca is already in the ring and the bell rings and the women lock up. Petrovic gets Ruca in a headlock and takes her down bouncing off the turnbuckle. Ruca gets Petrovic in a leg scissors and rolls her around the ring. Ruca gets Petrovic in a headlock and Petrovic punches her way out of it. Petrovic monkey flips Ruca who lands on her feet. Ruca stands on Petrovic like surfboard and then superkicks her for a two count. Petrovic hits a discus clothesline and covers for two. She then mounts Ruca and punches her. Petrovic slams Ruca in the turnbuckle and kicks her. Ruca is taken down with a kick and Petrovic gets a near fall. Ruca punches Petrovic and flies off the ropes with forearms and covers for a near fall. Ruca kicks Petrovic in the face and Petrovic pulls Ruca off the top rope. Adonis leaves with the blonde lady distracting Petrovic allowing Ruca to hit the Sol Snatcher for the win.

Winner: Sol Ruca

Nikkita Lyons is backstage with Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe. Oba Femi comes by and gives Lyons a lion aegis and says she dropped this and we go to commercial.

Nikkita Lyons is backstage with Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe. Oba Femi comes by and gives Lyons a lion aegis and says she dropped this and we go to commercial.

Match 5: OTM -vs- Hank & Tank

The match starts and the men all attack each other. In the ring Hank and Tank double team Price. Price is able to get Ledger down in the corner and he tags out to Nima. Nima assaults Ledger in the corner and tags out and Price slams down Ledger. Ledger gets clobbered in the corner and Price locks in a head lock. Ledger evades a back body drop and tags out to Walker. Walker cleans house and takes out both members of OTM. Walker power slams Nima and covers for two. Outside the ring, Jaida Parker tries to attack Ledger and Lola Vice comes by and attacks Parker. In the ring, Hank and Tank double team Nima for the win.

Winners: Hank & Tank

After the match, Lola Vice dances in the ring with Hank & Tank.

Fraxiom is in Ava Raine’s office demanding a match against Je’Von Evans and Cedric Alexander. Lexis King comes in and asks Ava to get him someone to be in his corner for his Heritage Cup Match because no one trusts him. She says she can’t force someone to be in his corner and it’s on him.

Ridge Holland responds to the Chase U promo from earlier today via video package. He asks Andre Chase how it feels to watch everything he put together fall apart because of one man and that he accepts the Ambulance match.

Tony D’Angelo is backstage with Sarah Schreiber. The Don says he has no idea what’s going on, and he believes Femi did this because he took what Femi loves so he attacked what he loves. He swears to give it to Femi on Sunday.

Backstage, Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer are walking backstage and cross paths with Iyo Sky and Kairi Sane. They look each other down and smile and go their separate ways.

Match 6: Fatal Influence (Fallon Henley & Jacy Jayne) w/Jazmyn Nyx -vs- Guilia & Stephanie Vaquer

Fatal Influence comes out first, followed by Vaquer and Guilia. Henley and Guilia start the bout and they lock up. Guilia gets Henley in the corner and Henley comes charging at Guilia and takes her down but Guilia comes back takes Henley down and she tags out to Jayne. Guilia slams Jayne and covers for a two count. Guilia tags out to Vaquer who kicks Jayne and hits a snap suplex and then pounds Jayne’s head in to the mat. Jayne slams Vaquer into the corner and tags out to Henley and they double team Vaquer and Henley covers for a two. Henley tags back out and Jayne hits Vaquer and takes her down with a headscissor. Vaquer tags out and they double team Jayne and take out Henley. Guilia hits a neck breaker on Henley and charges Jayne in the corner. Nyx hits Guilia as does Henley while the ref is distracted and we go to commercial.

Back to the action, Henley gets rolled up by Guilia for a two count. Guilia punches Henley but Henley takes her down with a drop toe hold and tags out. Jayne takes down Guilia with a facebuster and senton and covers for two. Jayne stretches Guilia’s arms in a submission and digs her feet into Guilia’s back. Guilia powers out and drop kicks Jayne and both ladies are down trying to tag out. Jayne tags out as does Vaquer. Vaquer hits a spring board cross body and takes out both Jayne and Henley after the cross body. She slams into both women in the corner and trips up Henley in the corner and gets a near fall. Guilia is tagged in and Henley gets a double kick and Guilia covers but Jayne breaks it. Vaquer and Jayne tumble outside and in the ring Henley and Guilia trade blows. Henley kicks Guilia and elbows her in the corner. Henley gets on the top rope and Guilia tries a superplex but Henley counters and gets Guilia down and tags in Jayne. Jayne slams down Guilia and covers her but Vaquer breaks it up. Nyx tries to distract Guilia but Kelani Jordan comes by and takes out Nyx. In the ring Guilia headbutts Jayne and tags in Vaquer who hits a cradle backbreaker on Jayne for the win.

Winners: Guilia & Stephanie Vaquer

After the match, Kelani Jordan stands in the ring and raises the hands of Guilia and Vaquer as Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade look on. Fatal Influence spins the wheel to determine the match they’ll have with Kelani Jordan and it lands on winners choice. Just as they’re about to announce what they’ve chosen the lights go out and Zaria FKA DELTA shows up at the entrance way and the show goes off the air.

(Credit: Rajah.com)