WWE NXT Results – October 1, 2024

Tonight on NXT we have Trick Williams challenging Ethan Page for the NXT Title with CM Punk as the special guest referee, Wes Lee and Zachary Wentz battle it out in a street fight, MizTV comes to NXT with special guests Oba Femi and Tony D’Angelo, Lola Vice and Jaida Parker look to take down Fatal Influence, Roxanne Perez puts her NXT Women’s Title on the line against Giulia and more!

Join me when the show airs for live results!

The show starts and Shawn Michaels’ music hits and HBK makes his way to the ring for the premiere of NXT on CW. Michaels welcomes us all to the show and unveils the new NXT Championship titles. HBK says history will be made tonight and with that he has one question for them… “Are they ready?” and the camera pans to Triple H making his way to up the steps. Trips gets in the ring and asks the same question… which segues us to our first match. The lights go out and Giulia makes her way to the ring.

Match 1 – Women’s NXT Championship Match: Roxanne Perez(c) -vs- Giulia

Giulia is out first followed by Perez. In the ring, the ref keeps both women apart as Mike Rome starts with the introductions. The bell rings and the women lock up and end up in the corner with Giulia kicking Perez. Giulia gets Perez in an arm lock but Perez counters out with flips and rolls. Giulia does the same when Perez gets her in an arm bar. The women come off the rope and we go into a few pinning roll ups. Perez connects with some right hands and Giulia takes her down with a hard hit. Perez tries for poprocks but Giulia evades it and tries for a submission. Perez breaks the hold and Giulia gets a cross face on Perez and Perez breaks out of it and locks Giulia in one and Giulia breaks out of it and we head to commercial.

Back from break, Perez has Giulia on the ground – Giulia powers out and gets on her feet and arm drags Perez off of her. Perez and Giulia trade slaps and Giulia connects with several headbutts and takes down Perez with a clothesline. Giulia hits a cradle/hammerlock suplex and covers for the two count. The women trade blows in the middle of the ring, and Giulia connects with a few continuous punches. Perez is able to get Giulia outside of the ring and she nails Giulia with a suicide bomb and then throws Giulia in the ring. Perez gets on the top turnbuckle and Giulia joins her and hits a double underhook superplex off the top rope and covers for two. Giulia hits a submission but Perez breaks through and locks Giulia in a submission and the women roll around the ring. Giulia locks on an STF and Perez breaks it by making it to the ropes. Perez walks into a belly to back suplex but Perex covers for a two. Perez tries for a poprocks again, and Giulia counters and knocks Perez down and we get a two count. Perez now rolls up Giulia for a two count and then hits the pop rocks but Giulia rolls out of the ring. Perez is pulled out of the ring by Giulia who hits a Northern Lights Suplex on the mat outside. Both women are laid out and the both make it in to the ring before a 10 count. Perez crawls around the ring and grabs the new belt and gets into the ring. A masked women comes out and lays Giulia out with a DDT and sends her in the ring. Perez hits her finisher for the win.

Winner and STILL NXT Champion: Roxanne Perez

After the match the mystery women takes off her hood and it’s Cora Jade.

We see clips from earlier today as Trick Williams and Ethan Page come to the arena.

Back from the break, we see Fraxiom playing the newest WWE game and they’re discussing A-Town Down under who they are fighting in the game.

Ava and Punk are talking backstage and Punk promises Ava he will call this right down the middle. Lexis King comes by and Punk says he respects King’s father. King says he wants to be a different man than his man and he’s trying. He says he tried fighting clean and Oro Mensah played dirty. Punk tells him he has to decide which one of the wolves inside him he needs to be.

We get a video package showing us the timeline of the whole Wes Lee and the MSK/Rascalz fall out.

Backstage, Jaida Parker tells Lola Vice to stay in her lane tonight and they argue. Kelani Jordan comes by and says they need each other and the women leave Jordan and Jordan says that it’s a good thing she has a back-up plan.

Match 2 – Street Fight: Wes Lee -vs- Zachary Wentz

Lee is out first with a shopping cart full of objects. Wentz comes out next and the match starts as Lee tries to get the first hit on Wentz and comes flying over the rope but Wentz runs into the ring and comes back with a suicide dive. Outside the ring, Wentz throws Lee into the cart of objects and then empties the cart and uses it as a weapon and squishes Lee against the steel steps with the cart. Lee is tossed into the ring and Wentz goes under the ring and pulls out a wooden wall and Lee comes out through the ropes and takes out Wentz. Lee sends Wentz into the ring and then throws a few chairs into the ring. Lee grabs a kendo stick and starts hammering Wentz with the kendo stick. Wentz connects with a superkick and smokes Lee with one for the chairs. Wentz continues to hit Lee with a chair and starts choking Lee out over the ropes. Both men are now on the apron and Wentz locks a sleeper hold on Lee and both men fall off the apron through a piece of wood set up on some chairs and we hit a commercial break.

Back from break, Wentz hits a coast to coast on Lee and drags Lee to the middle of the ring for a two count. Wentz props up a chair in the turnbuckle in the ropes and sets up another chair. Lee takes some shots at Wentz and drop kicks Wentz into the chair in the ropes on in the corner. Lee comes running at Wentz who throws Lee into the other chair and he covers for a two count. Wentz goes to the outside and throws a trash can in the ring. Wentz hits Lee with a kendo stick and then throws the can on Lee and starts beating on the can with the stick and stomps on him when Lee goes to the mat. Wentz comes off the top rope with a Senton bomb on Lee who is still in the can. Wentz covers but Lee kicks out. Wentz comes running at Lee who throws Wentz over the top rope through a table but Wentz just catches the corner of the table and crashes to the ground. Lee throws Wentz into the ring and comes off the ropes and double stomps him on a chair for a two count. Lee grabs a chain and wraps it around his fist and both men punch eachother out. Wentz gets a chair and gets ready to destroy Lee with it, and Lee kicks him with a low blow and then starts punching him with the chain. Lee wraps the chain around his knees and comes off the middle rope and double knees Wentz onto a chair for the win.

Winner: Wes Lee

Backstage we see the Miz making his way to the ring for his MizTV segment.

We come back from commercial break and the Miz is in the ring being boo’d out for the building. He calls out his special guests, Oba Femi and Tony D’Angelo, so we can get MizTV started. Femi comes out strutting to his music while Miz dances in the ring. The D’Angelo comes out next with Tony D’Angelo, but they stay back as D’Angelo makes his way solo to the ring for MizTV. Miz brings up D’Angelo being afraid of Femi. D’Angelo says he’s usually the man to strike fear in others, but Femi dominates the game and he felt Femi’s power and explosiveness and he has used his fear to dethrone Femi. Femi says Miz has been in the game for a long time, long enough to know when a man believes what he says and they both know D’Angelo doesn’t believe what he’s saying. Femi says D’Angelo will never win the title. D’Angelo says Femi doesn’t know what he’s talking about and he grew up in the streets of Chicago. D’Angelo says his family is in the back and in the crowd who motivate him to be the man who is today. Femi says his family cannot fight for him and next week it’ll be just them in the ring and last time Femi broke D’Angelo, he beat him and put doubt in his mind. Femi tells D’Angelo he cannot beat him and both men stand up and stand face to face. D’Angelo says Femi is just a man – Femi says he is inevitable and D’Angelo is still broken. Miz plugs their match and then men stare each other down as the segment comes to an end.

Backstage Cora is walking and says everyone forgot about her and Perez comes by and says maybe a common enemy will bring them back together.

Match 3: Jaida Parker & Lola Vice -vs- Fatal Influence (Fallon Henley & Jacy Jayne) w/Jazmyn Nyx

Kelani Jordan is on commentary for this match and Parker and Jayne start the match. The women lock up and grapple all over the ring. They push each other around and Parker gets Jayne down. Parker gets Jayne in her corner and Vice kicks Jayne and Parker covers for a one count. The women roll around on the mat and Jayne slams down Vice (she tagged in earlier). Jayne tags out to Henley as does Vice and they try double team but Parker is on top of it. Jayne comes in and Parker gets them both in the corner and clobbers them. Parker tags out and she runs into Jayne and Henley in the corner. Henley and Vice lock up and Vice punches Henley in her corner and Parker tags in. Both women punch Henley and keep tagging in and out. Parker now has Henley in her corner but Henley fights out and tries to tag Jayne. Henley gets Parker down and both women try tagging out. Jayne comes in to thwart Parkers tag but Vice comes and kicks Jayne and Parker and Vice start arguing allowing Henley to beat on Parker and we go to commercial.

Back from the break, Jayne has Vice in a body scissors in the center of the ring. Vice breaks the hold and kicks Jayne and takes her down. Jayne comes back by mounting Vice delivering punches and kicks. Vice goes to the corner and Jayne comes at her and smashes her against the turnbuckle and covers for two. Jayne tags out to Henley who takes Vice down and covers for a two count. Vice punches Henley and kicks her and gets on top of her and punches her. Both women take each other down with clotheslines. Both women try to tag and Nyx distracts Parker and Henley knocks her off the apron. Parker walks out on Vice who beats up all three members of Fatal Influence until Vice walks into a punch by Jayne. Jayne tags out and Henley and Jayne double team Vice with two kicks for the win.

Winner: Fatal Influence

After the match, Fatal Influence tells Kelani Jordan that she’s on their hit list next. Jordan says she didn’t come here alone and Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair come out to even the numbers. Cargill and Belair get in the ring and decimate Fatal Influence. Jordan enters the ring and takes out Jayne and Henley with a drop kick. Jordan celebrates in the ring with Cargill and Belair.

A video package for the Je’Von Evans -vs- Randy Orton plays.

Back from the break, we learn a six woman tag has been made for next week. Jade Cargill, Bianca Belair and Kelani Jordan will take on Fatal Influence.

A video package highlighting the hooplah between Trick Williams and Ethan Page leading to their match.

Back at ringside, CM Punk’s music hits and he comes out clad in referee attire.

Match 4 – NXT Championship Match w/Special Guest Referee CM Punk: Ethan Page(c) -vs- Trick Williams

Trick Williams comes out first, and the champ follows suit for our Main Event. Mike Rome does the introductions as both men stare each other down. Punk holds up the belt and the bell rings and the match starts. The men circle each other and grapple. Page gets Williams in the corner and Punk breaks it up and Page gets in his face. The men lock up again and now Williams has Page in the corner and Punk breaks it up, Page comes from behind and rolls up Williams for a quick one count. Williams does the same and gets a near fall. They lock up again and Punk stops a punch while Page is outside the ropes. Page spears Williams and covers but uses the ropes and Punk catches it. Williams punches Page and takes him down with a flying clothesline and covers for a two count. Page gets Williams down for a two count and swings off the ropes and Williams drop kicks him sending him outside. Outside the ring, Williams throws Page into the barricade and into the ring apron. Williams tosses Page into the barricade making it crash down and we cut to a commercial break.

Back live on NXT, Page has Williams in a cover and Williams kicks out. Page punches Williams a few times and gets in Punk’s face. Page kicks Williams and Williams catches a kick and takes down Page but Page comes back and knocks down Williams and covers for two. In the corner, Page punches out Williams and tries to connect with a double knee but misses. Williams hits a jumping neck breaker on Page and both men get on their feet and trade punches. Williams gets the better of Page with some kicks and a one hand flapjack. Williams kicks Page out of the ring and goes after him. Page trips Williams into the steel steps and delivers an Ego’s Edge on Williams onto the announce table which shatters it. Page gets back into the ring as Punk checks on Williams. He gets back in the ring and starts talking to Page as Williams gets back in the ring. Williams connects with a big knee and Page falls onto Williams and Punk counts the cover for a two count. Punk helps up both men and they both trade punches. Page kicks Williams and then punches him. Page comes off the ropes and Williams uppercuts him. Williams hits a manhandle slam for a two count. Williams comes at Page but misses and he hits the turnbuckle. Page covers for a near fall. Page is telling Punk to count faster. Page gets Williams on his shoulders and looks at Punk and hits a GTS and covers for a two count. Page sets up Williams for another Ego’s Edge but Williams slides out and hits a Trick Shot for the win.

Winner and NEW NXT Champion: Trick Williams

After the match, Page gets into Punk’s face and throws Page on his shoulders and hits a GTS and the show goes off the air.

(Credit: rajah.com)