The fallout from WWE NXT Battleground goes down tonight.
WWE NXT returns on the USA Network at 8/7c this evening from Capitol Wrestling Center inside the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida.
On tap for tonight’s show is the NXT Women’s Championship celebration of Tiffany Stratton, the unveiling of the mystery attacker in the women’s division, as well as a Weaponized Steel Cage match pitting Gigi Dolin vs. Jacy Jane, the latest from NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes and more.
Featured below are complete WWE NXT results from Tuesday, May 30, 2023. The following report was written by PWMania.com reporter Matt Boone (@MattBoone0709) as the show aired live from 8-10pm EST. on the USA Network.
WWE NXT RESULTS (5/30/2023)
The John Cena-narrated “WWE Then. Now. Forever. Together.” opening signature airs as always to get things started. We then shoot inside the CWC as Vic Joseph welcomes us to the show while the camera pans the weaponized steel cage and the fans chant “NXT! NXT!” in the background.
Weaponized Steel Cage
Jacy Jane vs. Gigi Dolin
From there, we shoot to a video package hyping up our opener, which will be the Weaponized Steel Cage Match pitting former Toxic Attraction teammates turned bitter rivals Jacy Jane and Gigi Dolin.
After the video package wraps up, we see the camera pan around inside the cage to show off all the weapons, such as steel chairs and trash cans, scattered around. The theme for Gigi Dolin hits and out she comes with a flower in-hand.
Before she can take as much as two steps, we see Jacy Jane sprint up behind her and ambush her, getting the fight off and running early with a sneak attack. She brings Dolin down to the ringside area, sits her on the ring steps and repeatedly slams the cage door on her.
They finally close them inside the cage and the door is latched shut behind them. The bell sounds and the match is now official. Jane pulls out a leather strap and begins whipping the p*ss out of Dolin with it as she rolls on the mat and screams in pain.
Dolin takes over a few moments later, gets the strap from Jane and proceeds to whip the ever-loving crap out of her with it. She puts a trash can over her head and kicks the hell out of it. She lays the trash can on her, builds up a full head of steam and drop kicks it into her face for a near fall attempt.
As Gigi continues to dole out punishment, she pulls out an orange bat wrapped in roses and thorns. She hits Jane with it and then shoves the thorns into her mid-section in the corner. After missing another swing, Jane hits a spinebuster on Dolin into a trash can. We head to a mid-match commercial break on that note.
When we return, we see some more back-and-forth action, with steel chairs being used. Jane sets up a table and the fans break out in a “Thank You, Jacy!” chant. Before Jane can put Dolin through the table, Dolin starts to fight back.
Jane slams Dolin into the mesh fencing of the cage wall and then climbs up the ropes with her in front of the aforementioned table. Dolin bashes Jane’s head off the top of the cage and then hits a chokeslam off the very top rope to put Jane through a table and score the pin fall victory in a good opener.
Winner: Gigi Dolin
Looking Back At WWE NXT Battleground 2023
As Gigi celebrates and we see the carnage in the ring with all the weapons, we shoot to the commentary table at ringside and Booker seems distracted.
Vic asks him what’s wrong and he says in his serious voice that he’s nervous that Jane is hurt after the big finish to the match. We then shoot to video highlights of the entire NXT Battleground event from over the weekend.
Tyler Bate Still Has Wes Lee’s Back
We shoot backstage for an “earlier today” segment after the package. McKenzie Mitchell is standing by with Wes Lee. The NXT North American Champion is pumped to still have his title after Battleground, but admits he’s sore.
Up walks The Schism and they try and intimidate Lee. Up comes Tyler Bate and he says if you want to fight him, you’re gonna have to fight me. They leave. He tells Lee he told him it was just in the spirit of competition that he challenged him. He says they’re still friends and he’s still got his back. Lee thanks him and we head to another commercial break.
Stacks Gets Guzzled By Gallus
When we return from the break, we see Tony D’Angelo getting his mug shot taken after being taken in by authorities at the end of last week’s show. We return live backstage and we see Gallus talking among themselves about getting “Da Don” locked up.
Stacks comes into the scene and says he knew it was Gallus who ratted out Tony D. He asks them if they ever heard, “Snitches get stitches.” A brawl begins with the three-man Gallus crew beating down Stacks until a ton of officials hit the scene to break things up.
Carmelo Hayes Confronted By Noam Dar
Now we shoot inside the CWC in the WWE PC and the familiar sounds of Carmelo Hayes’ theme music hits and out comes “HIM” to loud chants of “‘Melo! ‘Melo!” from the fans in attendance.
He settles inside the ring with Trick Williams, who starts off by talking about how Hayes walked into Battleground as champion and walked out the same way after once again defeating Bron Breakker.
As they continue to gloat about their victorious weekend, the theme for Noam Dar hits and out he comes gloating about successfully defending his NXT UK Heritage Cup Trophy at NXT Battleground. He says ‘Melo just managed to beat Breakker.
Trick tells Noam that interrupting Trick-And-Melo Game is a “Super No-No.” ‘Melo goes on to admit that Noam’s victory over Dragon Lee was impressive and having the Heritage Cup makes him somebody, but points out he’s the NXT Champion so he’s THE somebody.
The two bicker back-and-forth some more until Noam Dar finally gets to the point and challenges Carmelo to put his NXT Championship on-the-line tonight. Trick says he knows what Noam is trying to do, get at Carmelo while he’s weak after a tough title defense.
Dar says “Duh!” and says it’s exactly what he’s trying to do. ‘Melo says it’s on — tonight — for the NXT Championship. The crowd pops to end the segment.
Cora Jade & Ivy Nile Backstage Confrontation
We shoot backstage to an “earlier today” segment in the NXT women’s locker room. Cora Jade, with a black eye, complains about always getting screwed over. “The Resident Mean Girl” says she should be NXT Women’s Champion right now.
Ivy Nile comes up and tells her everyone is sick of hearing her complain. Jade tells Nile she’s just mad that her boys The Creed Brothers lost. Nile punks her back and walks off as the girls “ooh” and “ahh” in the background. Jade claims she’s not scared of Nile. Vic Joseph informs us that they will square off later tonight.
The Dyad vs. Tyler Bate & Wes Lee
Now we head back inside the CWC where The Dyad’s theme hits and the team makes their way down to the ring for our next match of the evening. As they settle inside the squared circle, we head to a pre-match commercial break.
We shoot backstage when we return and we see Reggie approaching Axiom. Axiom wants to know what he wants. Reggie points out his people always called him Scrypts. He thanks Axiom for taking his mask off so he can show who he really is. He brings up Dabba Kato and what went down last week. He thanks him again. Axiom, confused, says, “Anytime.”
From there, we return back to the ring where we see Tyler Bate wrapping up his ring entrance, in progress. The theme for Wes Lee and the NXT North American Champion joins Bate for this tag-team contest.
The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one. Bate, who Booker calls a scourge on commentary, starts things off. The Dyad quickly gain the upper-hand and starts utilizing quick tags to keep control of the offense. Stacks vs. Joe Coffy, as well as Carmelo Hayes vs. Noam Dar is made official for tonight.
Wes Lee tags in after Bate hits a top-rope splash, and the NXT North American Champion helps take over. Lee looks for a Cardiac Kick and connects. He tags Bate back in and the two hit some nice double-team spots until Bate is thrown into the corner, accidentally crotching Lee in the process.
Now The Dyad take over on offense. Lee hits a flying arm-drag and kick to both Dyad members off the top. Bate jumps in to help him and then we get a stalemate as the two teams stare each other down.
And then .. Mustafa Ali appeared!
The fans loudly chant “Ali! Ali!” as he appears in the crowd. The four NXT Superstars in the ring glance over and notice him. He starts making his way through the crowd as Vic Joseph proclaims we need to get some answers. On that note, we head to a mid-match commercial break.
We settle back in from the break and we see Mustafa Ali has joined Vic Joseph and Booker T on commentary. He talks about being able to appear on any brand he wants as his explanation for being here tonight. He says he’s obsessed with becoming a champion right now.
Wes Lee goes on an insane offensive rampage, which includes stereo Cardiac Kicks and a finish for he and Bate, picking up the win via pin fall over The Dyad.
Winners: Wes Lee & Tyler Bate
Mustafa Ali Helps The NXT North American Champion
After the match, all hell breaks loose. We see Ivy Nile and Ava Rain get into a big brawl at ringside. Afterwards, the attention turns to the ring, where Joe Gacy sneak-attacks Wes Lee and Tyler Bate from behind.
Mustafa Ali ends up throwing down his headset and hitting the ring, beating down Gacy and making the save for the NXT North American Champion and his mate. After this, we see Tiffany Stratton walking the hall-ways backstage as we head to another commercial break.
Thea Hail Takes Class With Drew Gulak & Charlie Dempsey
When we return from the break, we see Chase U guys talking. Thea Hail talks about wanting to take the class from Drew Gulak and Charlie Dempsey. Duke Hudson tells her she doesn’t have to take the class of people who made her cry last week.
She gets all crazy and insists on it and then starts flipping out wanting to get involved. Gulak and Dempsey sarcastically thank her for making it this week and tell her no crying this week. Hail is super professional, “yes sir, no sir,” etc. The class begins and we fade away.
Tiffy-Bration With The New NXT Women’s Champion
It’s time for the Tiffy-Bration with the new NXT Women’s Champion Tiffany Stratton. Her theme hits and out she comes dressed to the nines to head to the ring, which is also decked out with carpets and giant pictures on easels.
She goes on to gloat for what feels like forever until finally calling out the entire NXT women’s locker room. She ends up announcing a number one contenders battle royale on next week’s show to determine the first challenger for Tiffany Stratton’s first defense of her NXT Women’s Championship.
Confetti fills the ring to end this atrociousness and then some of the girls from the NXT women’s division attack Tiffany, who stomps her feet in a hissy fit to end the segment.
Women’s Mystery Attacker Revealed
Who was the women’s division mystery attacker in NXT?
We finally know!
When we return from a commercial break after the Tiffy-Bration segment, Dani Palmer is still in the ring. She says the mystery attacker promised to reveal themselves tonight and she needs to know who it is.
An in-depth video package airs to build up the many attacks over the weeks with a hacker sitting in front of a bunch of screens. We then see the mystery attacker appear in the ring behind Palmer and deliver another attack before finally unveiling herself to be …
… Blair Davenport.
Eddy Thorpe Confronted By Damon Kemp
Now we shoot backstage and we see Eddy Thorpe getting complimented by some friends for his recent performance when up walks Damon Kemp to make a snide remark as usual. After this, Vic Joseph and Booker T confirm Thorpe vs. Kemp for next week’s show.
Joe Coffey vs. Stacks
We head back inside the Capitol Wrestling Center inside the WWE Performance Center for our next match of the evening. Out comes Joe Coffey, who settles inside the ring, ready for singles action.
The theme for his opponent hits and out comes Stacks. Footage is shown of their interaction earlier tonight and the brawl that followed it.
Now the bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one. We see Stacks jump off to an early offensive lead, but it doesn’t last long, as Coffey takes over and then we head to a mid-match commercial break as the action continues.
When we return from the break, we see Stacks fighting back into the offensive driver’s seat. The action spills out to the floor where Stacks misses a big spear into the steel steps. Back in the ring, Coffey hits a Glasgow Send-Off and then All The Best For The Bells for the win. Good match.
Winner: Joe Coffey
Robert Stone Wants Von Wagner To Deal With Anger Issues
We are shown footage from last week of Robert Stone scolding Von Wagner for his attack on Luca last week. Wagner says he finally shut Luca’s mouth after he disrespected Stone and himself for the past two weeks.
Stone tells Von not to take this the wrong way. He says he’s got anger issues and if he’s not gonna talk to him, he needs to talk to a therapist. Von says why so they can take my hard earned money. Stone says he’ll cover the money. Von says he’ll think about it.
Cora Jade vs. Ivy Nile
Now we settle back inside the CWC where the familiar sounds of Cora Jade’s theme hit the house speakers as “The Resident Mean Girl” heads to the ring. As she settles inside the squared circle, we head to a pre-match commercial break.
When we return, Ivy Nile’s theme hits and the Diamond Mine member makes her way down to the ring. The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one. Jade tries sneak-attacking her way into an early offensive lead, and it works.
Not for long, however, as Nile quickly shifts the momentum back in her favor. Nile puts her power on display and as it appears she has this one wrapped up and in the bag, we see Ava Rain hit the ring and provide a distraction. This allows Jade to hit her Jaded DDT for the win.
Winner: Cora Jade
NXT Championship
Noam Dar vs. Carmelo Hayes (C)
We shoot backstage and we see Tank Ledger and Hank Walker connecting over their increased energy after sharing the ring together. They do the Step Brothers routine and count to three and name their favorite foods and animals.
Noam Dar walks through being cocky as he heads to the ring for our main event. Before that, however, we head to another commercial break. When we return, we see a quick backstage segment with The Diamond Mine making challenges for matches next week, including Ivy Nile calling out Ava Rain.
Then we head back inside the arena where Noam Dar’s theme hits and he makes his way out with his Heritage Cup trophy in hand. He settles in the ring and awaits the arrival of his opponent. Carmelo Hayes’ theme hits and the NXT Champion emerges.
Hayes settles in the ring as well and the bell sounds to officially get this main event showdown off-and-running. Hayes jumps into the early offensive lead. He overcomes some attempts from Dar and his lackeys at ringside trying to cheat their way into the lead.
‘Melo hits a big splash to the floor before we head to a mid-match commercial break as the action continues. When we return, we see Hayes still dominating the action. He hits a big springboard leg drop off the ropes for a close near fall that pops the crowd.
Dar takes over from there. The action spills out to the floor again and Dar runs over the champ with a full head of a steam in a spot that gets the instant replay treatment. Back in the ring, Dar takes Hayes’ leg out and then Dar gets an assist from Lash at ringside before going for another pin attempt.
Carmelo is trying to make a comeback, but is selling his ribs, which Vic Joseph explains is from his tough title defense over Bron Breakker at Battleground. Dar decks Hayes with a huge elbow and goes for the cover. Hayes kicks out again.
Again we see Noam’s cronies try and get involved, with Trick Williams this time heading over to handle them. After he does, the referee notices only his involvement, so he ejects Trick from ringside.
The fans boo and Noam tries rolling Carmelo up to capitalize. Hayes kicks out but gets stuck in a tight leg lock from the Heritage Cup champ. Hayes escapes and counters into a cross-face. Dar fights it and eventually gets to the ropes to free himself.
Hayes hits a big spinning elbow and a cutter before heading to the top-rope with intentions of finishing this one off. Mensa crotches Melo on the ropes. Dragon Lee and Nathan Frazer come out and help beat down Dar’s cronies, which allows Hayes to come off the top-rope with his finisher for the win. Great main event.
Winner and STILL NXT Champion: Carmelo Hayes
Baron Corbin Sneak-Attacks Carmelo Hayes
Carmelo Hayes celebrates his win as the commentators talk us through highlights from the main event. Hayes heads up the ramp and poses with his NXT Championship, but ends up getting sneak-attacked from behind out of nowhere by Baron Corbin.
Corbin beats down Hayes and brings him to the ring. He lays him out again inside the squared circle and then poses with his NXT Championship. That’s how this week’s show goes off the air. Thanks for joining us!