The road to NXT Battleground continues tonight.
WWE NXT returns on USA Network this evening at 8/7c from the Capitol Wrestling Center inside the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, FL.
On tap for tonight’s show is the return of The Supernova Sessions with Noam Dar and special guest Dragon Lee, Wes Lee & Tyler Bate vs. Charlie Dempsey & Drew Gulak, The Creed Brothers vs. The Dyad, as well as more action from the ongoing NXT Women’s Championship Tournament.
Featured below are complete WWE NXT results from Tuesday, May 16, 2023. The following report was written by PWMania.com reporter Matt Boone (@MattBoone0709) as the show aired live from 8-10pm EST. on the USA Network.
WWE NXT RESULTS (5/16/2023)
The “WWE Then. Now. Forever. Together.” opening signature airs narrated by WWE Hall of Fame legend John Cena to officially get this week’s episode of WWE NXT on the USA Network off-and-running.
NXT Women’s Championship Tournament Quarterfinal
Cora Jade vs. Fallon Henley
From there, we shoot inside the CWC inside the WWE PC where Vic Joseph and Booker T welcome us to the show and we head to the ring for our opening match of the evening.
“The Resident Mean Girl of NXT” Cora Jade’s theme hits and she makes her way down to the ring for quarterfinals action in the ongoing NXT Women’s Championship tournament.
After Jade settles in the ring, her music dies down. The theme for her opponent Fallon Henley hits and out comes the women’s wrestling star to a nice pop. She looks at the title on the podium and heads to the ring.
Her music dies down and now the bell sounds to get our first match of the evening officially off-and-running. Henley jumps off to an early offensive lead. Booker T criticizes Cora’s strategy in going toe-to-toe with her larger opposition in the early goings.
After missing a big back-elbow splash in the corner, Henley finds herself on the defensive as Jade takes over and starts to focus her attack on the left knee of Henley. She dominates for a few minutes from there.
Henley tries for a comeback with a shining wizard but her left knee gives out on her. Jade finishes her off with her finisher for the pin fall victory. With the win, Jade advances to the next round to face Lyra Valkyria.
Winner and ADVANCING to the semifinals: Cora Jade
Thea Hail Challenges Kiana James
We shoot backstage and see the NXT women’s locker room. Thea Hail and Kiana James get into an argument and Hail challenges her to a match. She asks Duke Hudson for permission first and he tells her to do whatever she wants.
The Dyad Attack Wes Lee & Tyler Bate
Now we shoot to a different area backstage and we see Wes Lee and Tyler Bate taking a steam together again when they are ambushed and attacked by The Dyad. Joe Gacy beats them down and kneels over them to taunt them with Ava Raine. Afterwards, we head to a commercial break.
Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams Confronted By Charlie Dempsey & Drew Gulak
When we return from the break, we see a shot of the parking lot as a nice car pulls up. Out pops NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams. They come into the building looking all business, walking past Charlie Dempsey and Drew Gulak complaining about something.
They head straight through the curtain as we see footage of what transpired last week with Bron Breakker attacking the both of them. Melo then hops on the mic and talks about Breakker sending him a message last week. “Guess what, Bron? Message received.”
Instead of Breakker, out comes Dempsey and Gulak. They tell Melo his “little sit-in has gone on long enough.” He says they don’t disrespect them. They talk about how they felt disrespected by the two storming past them like children after they found out their match for tonight was scratched.
The fans chant “Willy Wonka” at them and Trick jokes about how the fans chant “Melo” for them. He calls Dempsey, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.” The two sides end up getting into a four-man brawl. Melo and Williams knock them out of the ring to end the segment.
Dijak, Ilja Dragunov Talk About Pain
We shoot to a vignette where Dijak talks about taking out Ilja Dragunov when he approaches him. Dragunov says he’s unbreakable. Dijak tells him he seems to enjoy pain. He tells him he enjoys inflicting it.
Dragunov says pain is inevitable but suffering is optional. Dijak says there’s not a man alive he can’t break. Dragunov invites Dijak to try. They have an intense stare down and the vignette ends on that note.
The Creed Brothers vs. The Dyad
Now we head back inside the CWC where the theme for The Creed Brothers hits. Out they come accompanied by Ivy Nile. As they head to the ring, we shoot to a pre-match commercial break.
When we return, we see social media footage of Dani Palmer being the latest victim to fall to a mystery attacker at the NXT live event over the weekend. We then shoot back inside the building where The Dyad make their way to the ring.
The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this tag-team bout. The Dyad jump off to an early offensive lead. Julius Creed then starts to fight back and take over. He hoists his opposition up for a delayed suplex. Brutus comes in and then pass the suplex off.
Another tag sees the suplex passed off a second time and then a third before finally he is suplexed down for a close near fall. The Dyad duo start to take over after some double-team action shortly after that.
On that note, we head to a mid-match commercial break as the action continues. When we return, we see Jagger Reid in control of the action, taking it to Creed as the fans try and rally behind the brother tandem.
We see a couple of cool multi-person spots, including a pair of 450 splashes from Creed and Reid on their respective opponents off the top at the same time. After that, those two start duking it out all the way to the finish, which sees Ava Raine snatch up Ivy Nile at ringside. In the chaos, Julius finishes off Reid in the ring for the win.
Winners: The Creed Brothers
Tony D’Angelo Questioned By Authorities
We shoot to a vignette where Tony D’Angelo and Stacks are sitting down for a meal to discuss business. They talk about Gallus when Stacks gets a phone call and heads off to handle some business.
As he does, some officers approach D’Angelo. He heads off with them at their command and in comes Stacks. He asks the waitress where he went and learns it was to be questioned by authorities. He asks why and heads off.
The Creed Brothers Issue Challenge For Battleground
Now we shoot back to the CWC where The Creed Brothers steal a headset from the commentators. They issue a challenge for the NXT Tag-Team Championships at Battleground.
Once that wraps up, we see Noam Dar walking backstage with his Heritage Cup trophy. The return of The Supernova Sessions goes down when we return. On that note, we head to another commercial break.
Supernova Sessions With Special Guest Dragon Lee
When we return from the break, we see Noam Dar make his way down to the ring, which is decked out with the set of his returning Supernova Sessions talk show segment. He welcomes us and then introduces his guest, Dragon Lee.
Noam and Dragon take a seat and Noam tries talking to Dragon in his language. Dragon eventually cuts him off and tells him he can speak English. He says it’s an honor to be here for all the people except for you, Noam Dar.
He talks about being a second generation performer who learned that you must show respect to your opponent. He goes on to tell Noam he should defend his Heritage Cup against him. Noam tries playing it off but Dragon insists. Noam breaks down the unique rules involved.
As Noam continues talking, he is cut off by Nathan Frazer who comes out from the back. He talks about how Noam should defend the Heritage Cup. It appears set for Battleground. A match is also set for next week between Dar and Frazer.
Dijak, Ilja Dragunov Talk About Pain – Part 2
We check back in with part two of the dark, creepy and ominous vignette where Dijak is trying to inflict pain to Ilja Dragunov to prove he can break any man. We see Dragunov tied up and beat up but he lifts his head up and tells Dijak, “Not even close.”
Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams vs. Charlie Demsey & Drew Gulak
Now we head back inside the CWC where the theme for the NXT Champion hits and out comes Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams. As they two head to the ring for our next match of the evening, we head to another commercial break.
When we return, we see McKenzie Mitchell standing backstage with an uber confident Jacy Jane talking about her NXT Women’s Championship Tournament first-round showdown against former title-holder Roxanne Perez. She gets in a few digs at Gigi Dolin as well.
From there, we shoot back inside the building where we see Hayes and Williams in the ring. Also in the ring is their opponents, Charlie Dempsey and Drew Gulak. Williams and Dempsey kick things off for their respective teams as the bell sounds to get this one started.
Hayes and Gulak each tag in, and we see the NXT Champion settle into the offensive driver’s seat. Gulak tags in Dempsey, but Melo continues to control the action. He tags in Williams, who hits a leaping lariat off the ropes for a close near fall.
Gulak ends up connecting with a cheap shot from the apron to help shift the offensive momentum into the favor of himself and Dempsey. The two hit some double team follow-up spots and then Gulak starts stretching Williams on the mat with submission attempts.
Williams fights back into the lead and hits a big switch kick before tagging in Hayes. The NXT Champion leaps off the top-rope with a picture perfect leg drop to the back of Dempsey’s head for the pin fall victory.
Winners: Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams
Bron Breakker Takes Over The Barber Shop
Once the match wraps up, we see Hayes grab a mic. He and Trick stand tall after he says, “Bron Breakker … as we were saying earlier …” We then see them wait for Breakker to come down to the ring.
Instead, we see Bron Breakker in their barber shop with all of their friends looking nervous. He says he’ll be there, but he wanted to stop and get a fresh cut first.
Thea Hail vs. Kiana James
Now we shoot backstage where we see Duke Hudson doing some paperwork when in comes Thea Hail. Hail is amped up and ready to fight. She reminds Hudson, who completely forgot but pretends to remember that he permitted her to have a fight tonight. We head to another commercial break.
When we return we see Noam Dar walking backstage with her Heritage Cup trophy. He approaches some ladies who talk about The Supernova Sessions not being as good as Lashing out with Lash Legend.
We then shoot back inside the CWC where we see Thea Hail settling in the ring as she finishes her ring entrance, in progress. Her music dies down and the theme for Kiana James plays and out she comes with her bag in hand.
The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one-on-one women’s contest. Hail struggles early on, but ends up taking over and gets hyped up. She looks out at Duke Hudson for approval. He pretends to care.
Hail ends up launching James out to the floor and then she launches herself onto James at ringside. That got Hudson’s attention. Back in the ring, Hail misses another big high spot and James takes over as the fans boo. Duke Hudson turns his back as the action continues. James ends up taking over shortly there after and finishing off Hail for the win.
Winner: Kiana James
Hank Walker & Tank Ledger To Do Battle Next Week
We shoot backstage where we see Hank Walker and Tank Ledger. Tank shows off his teeth being knocked out on last week’s show. After some discussion, the two decide to fight each other in a one-on-one showdown next week.
Update On Wes Lee & Tyler Bate Following Schism Attack
Footage is shown of The Schism attack on Wes Lee and Tyler Bate earlier in the evening. We then return live and the medics are checking on Bate. Wes Lee isn’t his usual jovial self. He says he’s gonna say what he needs to say out in the ring. We head to a break.
Wes Lee Addresses Some Issues
We shoot to a vignette hyping up Dabba Kato. Afterwards, we return backstage for a quick Axiom segment. Malik Blade, Dante Chen, Axiom, Eddy Thorpe and Edris Enofe have watched Dabba-Kato’s promo. As everyone agrees with Dabba-Kato is nobody to mess with, Axiom looks forward to taking Dabba-Kato on.
We then shoot back live inside the CWC and a very determined-looking Wes Lee emerges and heads down to the ring. Lee talks about usually being able to control his emotions. He says he’s angry tonight.
As he continues talking he takes some shots at The Schism. Joe Gacy and Ava Raine then appear and tell Wes that he has been betrayed by his friend Tyler Bate. With that said, out comes Bate.
Bate responds to Gacy and Raine and then heads to the ring. He tells Wes he’d be lying if he didn’t admit he wants a shot at the NXT North American Championship. Wes tries talking off-mic about why Bate didn’t just say something.
Tyler says he should’ve said something, but they can still do this strictly out of competition. Ava Raine and Gacy act like Bate is lying. Gacy asks who it’s gonna be at Battleground — the sworn enemy who would confront him face to face or the fake friend who will stab him in the back. Lee tells him he’ll take them both on at Battleground.
NXT Women’s Championship Tournament Quarterfinal
Roxanne Perez vs. Jacy Jane
We shoot to a vignette that shows the happy-go-lucky Roxanne Perez looking at a collage of pictures. She talks about capturing the title and all the memories that came along with it. She says it’s time for the next collage. She’s excited to see where her journey takes her next. We head to another commercial break.
When we return, we see Von Wagner walking and talking backstage about his performance in the Intercontinental Title Eliminator Battle Royal on Raw. We then see Wagner lose his cool on someone.
Robert Stone asks if Wagner just stuck up for him. He says he did because Stone is the only one who has believed in him the whole time. Stone says he knows there is a Superstar in him. He then pulls out the picture and asks if he’s ready to talk about it now. Wagner says nice try and walks off.
From there, we head back inside the CWC where the theme for Jacy Jane hits and out comes the former Toxic Attraction member to a ton of boos from the NXT Universe in attendance. She settles inside the ring for our main event of the evening.
After her theme dies down, the entrance tune for former NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez hits. Out comes Perez for the final quarterfinal bout in the ongoing NXT Women’s Championship Tournament.
The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this tourney showdown. We see Jane jump into an early offensive lead. She beats down Perez and taunts her and the crowd while doing so as Booker T sings her praises on commentary.
Perez starts to take over and Booker can’t help but cheer his former pupil from his Reality of Wrestling promotion based out of Houston, TX. on. Perez windmill slugs away at Jane and knocks her out to the floor. She then hits a big dive and splashes onto her at ringside.
Back in the ring, Perez continues to take it to Jane until Jane catches her with a big shot that stuns her. She follows that up with a discuss punch for a close near fall. Moments later, we see Perez fire up and connect with her Pop Rox finisher for the pin fall victory. With the win, she advances in the tourney.
Winner and ADVANCING to the semifinals: Roxanne Perez
Carmelo Hayes Calls Out Bron Breakker Once Again
Once the match wraps up, we see Gigi Dolin hit the ring like a bat out of hell. She proceeds to deliver a ferocious beat down to her former Toxic Attraction teammate Jacy Jane as the crowd goes wild.
As the brawl continues outside of the ring at the ringside area, we see NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes storm down to the ring with Trick Williams by his side. He gets on the mic and again calls out former title-holder and his bitter-rival Bron Breakker.
We head to another commercial break on that note. When we return, we shoot to a third vignette involving Dijak and Ilja Dragunov. Dijak says, “I told you I could break any man.” Dragunov eventually responds, “I’m still standing!” The segment ends on that note.
When we return, we see Hayes and Williams in the ring after Vic Joseph and Booker T run down updates to the NXT Battleground lineup, as well as action scheduled for next week’s “go-home” episode of NXT on USA.
Now we shoot back live inside the ring where we see Hayes and Williams awaiting the man they called out — former NXT World Champion Bron Breakker. Finally, Breakker emerges with a ton of security. He gets on the mic and talks about how he brought them for Hayes’ protection, not his own.
The two jaw back-and-forth about what is going to happen when they meet in the ring again at NXT Battleground on May 28 in Lowell, Mass. and then Hayes decides that there has been enough talking. He launches himself over the ropes and splashes onto the slew of security guards.
Breakker rushes down to the ringside area and the brawl is on between the two top dogs in WWE NXT. They duke it out at ringside as security tries breaking them up. The fight makes its’ way into the ring where Hayes lays Breakker out. Breakker remains laid out as this week’s show goes off the air on that note. Thanks for joining us!