WWE NXT returns tonight on the USA Network.
The company returns from the Capitol Wrestling Center inside the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, FL. at 8/7c on USA Network with the latest edition of their weekly TV show.
On tap for tonight’s program is Bron Breakker addressing Seth “Freakin'” Rollins, Dabba Kato vs. Axiom & Scrypts in Handicap action, Edris Enofe vs. Malik Blade, Thea Hail vs. Cora Jade, as well as Roxanne Perez vs. Tatum Paxley.
Also scheduled for the show this evening is Baron Corbin vs. Ilja Dragunov, NXT Heritage Cup Champion Noam Dar defends against Nathan Frazer, as well as NXT North American Champion Wes Lee, Tyler Bate and Mustafa Ali vs. Joe Gacy, Rip Fowler and Jagger Reid.
Featured below are complete WWE NXT results from Tuesday, June 13, 2023. The following report was written by PWMania.com reporter Matt Boone (@MattBoone0709) as the show aired live from 8-10pm EST. on the USA Network.
WWE NXT RESULTS (6/13/2023)
An “In Memory of The Iron Sheik” graphic is the first thing we see. From there, the “WWE Then. Now. Forever. Together.” opening signature narrated by John Cena gets this week’s show started, the same way it does each-and-every week for every WWE and NXT show.
Wes Lee, Tyler Bate & Mustafa Ali vs. The Schism
After that, we shoot straight inside the Capitol Wrestling Center inside the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, FL. where Vic Joseph and Booker T welcome us to the show, as The Schism are making their ring entrance, in progress.
With that said, we see the trio of Joe Gacy, Rip Fowler and Jagger Reid settle inside the squared circle for our opening contest, which will be a featured six-man tag-team match. Their music dies down.
Now the theme for Tyler Bate hits and out he comes. He stops and is joined by NXT North American Champion Wes Lee. The theme for WWE main roster Superstar Mustafa Ali hits and all three men immediately start brawling with The Schism.
In the ring, Gacy and Bate kick things off for their respective teams, as the bell sounds to officially get this one off-and-running. After Bate establishes the offensive lead, Ali tags in and the crowd breaks out in a loud pro-Ali chant.
Lee tags in but then The Schism starts to take over. We see The Rock’s daughter, Ava Raine, watching on from ringside as Gacy, Fowler and Reid settle into the offensive lead. After they spend a couple of minutes controlling the action, things start to shift.
We see Lee, Bate and Ali all fire up on offense, as all six men brawl in the ring. The baby face trio knock all three members of The Schism team out to the floor and then hit a dive all at the same time, splashing onto the guys on the floor.
The crowd goes nuts and we head to a mid-match commercial break on that note as the action continues in this exciting opening contest. When we return from the break, we see Bate isolated in the ring and struggling to get to his corner.
All hell breaks loose and just as it looks like The Schism is going to steal the win, Bate fires up and leads his team to victory. The crowd went absolutely bonkers for the entire finishing sequence. Great opener.
Winners: Wes Lee, Tyler Bate & Mustafa Ali
Thea Hail Gets Fired Up, Duke Hudson Calls Andre Chase
We shoot backstage and see Charlie Dempsey and Drew Gulak being critical of Thea Hail, as they comb over footage from her big win last week to become the new NXT Women’s Championship number one contender.
They focus on what she did wrong. She argues back. In comes Duke Hudson trying to calm the situation down. After everyone leaves, he gets on the phone and calls Andre Chase. We see Bron Breakker walking the hallways as we head to a commercial break.
Bron Breakker Calls Out Seth “Freakin'” Rollins
When we return from the break, we hear the dogs barking. Out comes former NXT Champion Bron Breakker wearing his Sunday best. He heads to the ring to boos from the fans inside the CWC in the WWE PC, many of which are singing the tune of Seth “Freakin'” Rollins’ theme already.
Breakker settles in the ring and gets on the mic with a super dark tan. He addresses Seth “Freakin'” Rollins, giving him credit before taking the moment to gloat. He then calls out the WWE World Heavyweight Champion.
Instead of Rollins, we see Ilja Dragunov trying to push his way to the ring, while being stopped by a ridiculous amount of security. As Breakker taunts him, the security clears him away and then we hear the familiar sounds of Rollins’ laugh.
On the big screen, we see Seth Rollins appear. He talks about how he’s been in Breakker’s position before so he understands, he wants to make a lot of noise and get a lot of attention. Rollins says truth be told, it would be nice to go back to where it all started.
Seth says he can’t believe he’s gonna say this, but Bron Breakker — challenge accepted. Next week, Rollins goes back to the place he built, defending his WWE World Heavyweight Championship against Bron Breakker in NXT. His theme hits and the crowd goes nuts and starts singing along.
Cora Jade Slaps Dana Brooke
We shoot to a Dana Brooke video package and then McKenzie Mitchell is standing by with her backstage. She talks about being in NXT as long as they’ll have her. In comes Cora Jade to confront her and she ends up slapping her in the face. We head to a commercial break.
Mustafa Ali Instigates Between Wes Lee & Tyler Bate
When we return from the break, we see Mustafa Ali, Wes Lee and Tyler Bate in the locker room celebrating their victory in tonight’s opener. Ali once again stirs the pot with Bate and Lee having a rematch, offering to be the special guest referee for the bout. Lee says he’s down if Ali can get it done.
Cora Jade vs. Thea Hail
The new NXT Women’s Championship number one contender Thea Hail makes her way out and heads to the ring for our second bout of the evening here on NXT on USA. Her music dies down and she awaits the arrival of her opponent.
Now the familiar sounds of Cora Jade’s theme hits and “The Resident Mean Girl of NXT” makes her way down to the squared circle as well. Her music dies down and the bell sounds to get this one officially off-and-running.
We see Jade jump into the early offensive lead as the crowd boos and chants and gets on her case, Dana Brooke makes her way out to the ringside area as Hail starts to fight back.
The action spills out to the floor where Jade forearms Dana Brooke for no reason. She grabs her walking cane and goes to blast Hail with it, but the ref notices this and yanks it away from her. As he goes to get rid of it, Dana Brooke shoves Jade into the steel ring steps. Back in the ring, Hail follows this up by finishing her off for the pin fall victory.
Winner: Thea Hail
Heritage Cup
Oro Mensah vs. Nathan Frazer
We head to a commercial break after the Hail-Jade match, as we see Noam Dar on crutches looking dejected backstage. When we return, Vic Joseph and Booker T announce via Shawn Michaels, the NXT Gold Rush two week event.
Next week will see Seth Rollins vs. Bron Breakker for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. The week after that, Carmelo Hayes puts the NXT World Championship on-the-line against the winner of tonight’s Baron Corbin vs. Ilja Dragunov match.
Now out to the ring comes Nathan Frazer and Dragon Lee. Frazer is ready for his Heritage Cup opportunity, when out comes Noam Dar on crutches claiming he can’t compete as scheduled due to an attack from Frazer.
We find out that it will be Oro Mensah representing Dar in the match tonight. The bell sounds and we’re off-and-running with this Heritage Cup rules bout. The first fall goes to Frazer. The second to Mensah. We head to a commercial break as the deciding fall gets underway.
When we return, the third fall wraps up with Frazer being one second off from a victory, but instead the clock runs out. We go into the fourth round with the two still split one fall a piece. We see interference in the closing moments of the fourth round, but Frazer ends up getting the win. With the win he goes up 2-1 and is now the new NXT Heritage Cup champion.
Winner and NEW Heritage Cup Champion: Nathan Frazer
Von Wagner Trusts Robert Stone
We shoot backstage to the NXT locker room where we see two women talk about a potential pairing. We head to another commercial break after that.
When we return, we see Robert Stone and Von Wagner talking about therapy when in comes Dijak, as Stone describes, “just being a jerk.” He walks off and Stone continues to try and get to the heart of the situation with Von. Stone wants to know who Von can trust. Von says him. “It’s always been you.”
Handicap Match
Dabba Kato vs. Axiom & Scrypts
Now we head back inside the CWC in the WWE PC where Dabba Kato is in the ring. The duo of Axiom and the mask-less Scrypts make their way out together and head to the ring for scheduled two-on-one handicap match action.
The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one. We see Dabba immediately jump into the offensive lead, rag-dolling his smaller opposition and Donkey Kong’ing them all over the place.
Axiom and Scrypts start to find some offensive traction and their double-teamwork starts to pay dividends. They knock Kato out to the floor and start hitting repeated suicide dives, without being able to knock him off his feet.
Finally, we see Axiom launch Scrypts over head and out to the floor to finally knock Kato off his feet. Axiom hits a top-rope moonsault to the floor to knock Dabba off his feet for a second time. Axiom hits another moonsault in the ring and then Golden Ratio for the win.
Winners: Axiom & Scrypts
Humberto Carrillo, Angel Garza Make NXT Return
Once the match wraps up, we see Axiom and Scrypts celebrating their victory.
Vic Joseph and Booker T talk us through some match highlights and then out of completely nowhere we see the duo of Humberto Carrillo and Angel Garza make their unexpected returns, savagely attacking Axiom and Scrypts.
Breaking News Updates On NXT Gold Rush
Now we get a “breaking news” update regarding the two-week “NXT Gold Rush” shows next Tuesday night and the following Tuesday. Joining the Seth Rollins vs. Bron Breakker title showdown on next week’s show will be Wes Lee vs. Tyler Bate for the NXT North American Championship, with Mustafa Ali serving as the special guest referee.
In two weeks, joining the previously announced Carmelo Hayes vs. Baron Corbin/Ilja Dragunov winner of tonight in an NXT World Championship bout is a NXT Women’s Championship match, with Tiffany Stratton putting her newly won title on-the-line against number one contender Thea Hail.
Thea Hail Pep Rally Announced For Next Week
When we return from the break, we see Duke Hudson backstage with Thea Hail. He hypes up a special pep rally for her for next week, to get her ready for her title opportunity against Tiffany Stratton in two weeks.
Stratton approaches her and tells her to use her inside voice. Charlie Dempsey and Drew Gulak approach her and are critical of Hudson throwing her a rally before she even has the match. They tell her to get back in the gym.
Edris Enofe vs. Malik Blade
Now we head back inside the CWC in the WWE PC where Edris Enofe and Malik Blade make their way down to the ring together for their scheduled one-on-one match against each other.
The bell sounds and these two get this one officially off-and-running. As they mix it up, we see Tank Ledger and Hank Walker make their way out to take a closer look at the action at ringside. Brooks Jensen and Josh Briggs also come out and watch.
Finally, things culminate with Malik Blade shifting his weight during a pin attempt and pulling off the victory. Good match. Afterwards, the two teams watching at ringside join them and they have a big love fest.
Booker T then announces a three-way showdown between these teams for next week’s Gold Rush edition of NXT on USA. The winner of that match will go on to the following week’s NXT Gold Rush show to challenge Gallus for the NXT Tag-Team Championships.
Winner: Malik Blade
Roxanne Perez vs. Tatum Paxley
Angel Garza and Humberto Carrillo are briefly interviewed in the rafters. They make it clear they want in on the fun in the NXT tag-team division. After an additional backstage segment, we head back to the ring for our next match of the evening.
With that said, out comes former NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez. As she settles in the squared circle, we head to another quick pre-match commercial break.
When we return from the break, Tatum Paxley makes her way to the ring. The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one.
After some good back-and-forth action, we see Perez pick up the pin fall victory. Once the match wraps up, Perez gets on the mic and vows to hurt Blair Davenport, noting she is hunting the hunter. She claims it’s not a threat, it’s a damn promise.
Winner: Roxanne Perez
Gigi Dolin & Fallon Henley Bond Over Kiana James Hatred
Backstage, we see Gigi Dolin and Fallon Henley befriending each other over their mutual hatred for Kiana James. Fallon warns Gigi to watch her back, calling Kiana a snake. Gigi says she will and promises to show her why you don’t mess with a reject.
Lucien Price & Blanco Nima: “NXT Ain’t Ready For Us!”
When we return from the break, we see a vignette hyping the arrival of Lucien Price and Blanco Nima. The two assure everyone watching that “NXT ain’t ready for us.” Vic Jospeh hypes them as another exciting addition to a growing tag-team division in NXT.
No. 1 Contendership
Baron Corbin vs. Ilja Dragunov
From there, we head back inside the CWC in the WWE PC where Vic Joseph and Booker T run down the scheduled lineup for week one of NXT Gold Rush next Tuesday night. Along with matches and segments previously announced during the show tonight, Dana Brooke vs. Cora Jade is also announced for next week.
Baron Corbin’s theme hits as we settle back in the arena. The WWE main roster Superstar heads to the ring for our final advertised match of the evening. He settles inside the squared circle and his music dies down.
Now the theme for his opponent hits and out comes the returning Ilja Dragunov. He settles in the ring and now it’s time to find out who will be challenging Carmelo Hayes for the NXT World Championship in two weeks at the second week of NXT Gold Rush.
The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this NXT Championship title eliminator between Corbin and Dragunov. We see Corbin jump off to an early offensive lead. Dragunov fires up and the two start chopping the hell out of each other.
Dragunov knocks Corbin out to the floor and plays to the crowd. As Corbin recovers at ringside, we head to a mid-match commercial break. When we return, we see Corbin abusing Dragunov and focusing his attack on the heavily taped up ribs of the popular NXT performer.
Corbin keeps trying to finish Dragunov off, but Dragunov stays alive and keeps this one going. He finally gets Corbin down and then heads to the top rope. He leaps off and connects with a double foot stomp. Corbin tries for a choke slam but Dragunov DDTs his way out of it.
The fans break out in a loud “This is Awesome!” chant as a worn out Dragunov scoops up Corbin and dumps him on his dome. Corbin rolls to the ropes so Dragunov can’t finish him off. Dragunov plays to the crowd, calling for the finish of this one.
Out of nowhere, we see Bron Breakker hit the ring. Dragunov takes him out but then turns around into an End of Days from Corbin. Corbin follows up with the pin and gets the win. With the victory, Corbin is the new number one contender and will challenge Carmelo Hayes for the NXT title in two weeks.
After the match, we see Breakker and Dragunov brawling all the way to the back. In the ring, Carmelo Hayes appears. The NXT Champion starts slugging it out with Corbin as the fans chant “Melo! Melo!” Melo hits his finisher and the crowd pops. Hayes poses with his title over a fallen Corbin as this week’s show goes off the air on that note. Thanks for joining us!
Winner and NEW No. 1 Contender: Baron Corbin