Tonight on NXT – An exclusive interview with Thea Hail, Josh Briggs -vs- Brooks Jensen (No DQ), Oro Mensah -vs- Ashante Thee Adonis, Eddy Thorpe -vs- Lexis King and more.
The show kicks off with Trick Williams pulling up to the venue. He walks with a purpose looking for his title match as he makes his way to the ring. Williams is all pumped up and the crowd is behind him. With the mic in his hands, Williams says since losing his title he isn’t the same and he’s lost a piece of himself. He calls out Ethan Page and says he won’t stop till he gets his title back. Cedric Alexander’s music hits, and he comes out and says he needs to know that advice he’s given Williams comes from a good place and he doesn’t want Williams to be blinded by his passion. Ashante “Thee” Adonis comes out and says Williams isn’t listening to advice and he’s here to pick up the ball Williams dropped. Williams talks about dropping the ball and brings up “Hit Row”. Alexander asks Adonis to head to the back and to let him handle it. Adonis says Williams is third in line – Williams says he isn’t and says he’s the best. Alexander has an issue with this and suggests the match between them. Adonis confronts Williams and is beaten down and kicked out of the ring. Alexander gets in Williams face… and we cut backstage.
Ethan Page is walking in the parking lot earlier. He discusses losing his match and says it doesn’t count.
Josh Briggs is walking backstage and is taken out by Brooks Jensen as he makes his way to the ring. Jensen throws Briggs inside and the bell rings.
Match 1: Brooks Jensen -vs- Josh Briggs (No DQ)
Briggs tosses Jensen out of the ring and over the barricade and begins beating down Jensen. Briggs throws Jensen back over – now outside the ring Jensen crawls towards the announce table and Jensen gets a cheap shot on Briggs. Briggs fights back and chokeslams Jensen onto the announce table and we cut to commercial.
We are back to Briggs grabbing pieces of the demolished announce table. Jensen slingshots Briggs into a piece of the announce table. Jensen takes a kendo stick to Briggs who fights back bit is taken down. Jensen attempts a pilediver onto the steel steps that are in now in the ring. Briggs slams Jensen onto the steps and both men trade blows over the steps. Briggs back is all welted up and the two trade kicks. Both men grab a kendo stick and clock each other and they’re both laid out until Jensen gets up with a chair. Briggs thwarts a chair shot and comes back about to hit Jensen with a chair until Shawn Spears comes down and distracts Briggs. Jensen takes advantage of this and drills Briggs with several chair shots and a DDT on a chair. Jensen covers Briggs for the three count.
Winner: Brooks Jensen
Nathan Frazer is backstage with Axiom, The Rascalz come in and they talk about the tities and their upcoming six person tag match.
Backstage Sol Ruca, Lola Vice and Karmen Petrovic are talking about new challengers. Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson come in and talk trash to Vice, Petrovic and Ruca.
Match 2: Lexis King -vs- Eddy Thorpe
King is out first followed by Thorpe. Thorpe charges at King but King comes back with some chops and takes Thrope down for a two count. King delivers a back breaker on Thorpe and follows up with some kicks. Thorpe comes back with a clothesline and some chops and chops King all over the ring. Thorpe with a kick to the back of King’s head for a two count. King now takes control but Thorpe charges him into the corner. Thorpe kicks King in the back and tries for a DDT but King counters and sets Thorpe for a coronation but Thorpe counters and plants King for the three count.
Winner: Eddy Thorpe
After the match King attacks Thorpe and tries to break Thorpes fingers.
Backstage Kelly Kincaid catches up with Trick Williams. Williams says he will take on anyone until he gets his title match. Pete Dunne is behind him and tells him to figure it out.
Match 3: Oro Mensah -vs- Ashante “Thee” Adonis
Mensah makes his way to the ring with Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend. Adonis makes his way down and starts flirting with Jackson and Legend. Mensah flies out and beats down Adonis. Back in the ring, Mensah throws Adonis around the ring until both men trade blows. Mensah hits a flapjack and Adonis finds and opening and kicks Mensah off the ropes. Adonis now takes it to Mensah who slowly fights back but Adonis capitalizes and sends him into the corner. Adonis chokes Mensah until the ref breaks it up. Kick to the chest to Mensah and a quick two count. Adonis slams Mensah and drops some elbows. Mensah rolls up Adonis for a two count and then starts with punches on Adonis. Mensah runs into Adonis, who gets a two count. Adonis on the top rope starts checking out Jackson and Mensah takes Adonis down. Moonsault to Adonis who comes out of it and throws Mensah down with a spinebuster and a two count. Spinning club to Adonis and then Mensah comes at Adonis with a spinning heel kick for the three count.
Winner: Oro Mensah
MetaFour celebrate in the ring, and Oro calls out Ethan Page.
Backstage the D’Angelo family looks at a ransom note. Wren Sinclair comes by and says she has a match tonight and she hopes she wins because she doesn’t know what she’ll do or say if she loses.
Back in the ring we have Carlee Bright and Wren Sinclair in the ring.
Match 4: Wren Sinclair -vs- Carlee Bright
Sinclair is in control of the match at first until Bright flips on the rope and takes down Sinclair. Sinclair comes back with an ankle hold and Bright kicks out of it and puts Sinclair in a headlock. Sinclair takes down Bright and chokes her out – Sinclair throws Bright into a submission who rolls out of it for a two count. Bright takes down Sinclair with a cross body for a two count. Sinclair fights back and takes down Bright and face plants her. Two count for Sinclair – and Bright gets Sinclair for a two count. The girls go back and forth and Charlie Dempsey helps Sinclair get the three count.
Winner: Wren Sinclair
Hank and Tank talk backstage and we see Axiom and Frazer talking about their tag partner.
Chase U is backstage talking about bringing the titles back. They discuss Thea’s interview and Ridge Holland comes in and shows them new Chase U shirts.
We cut to Thea Hail’s interview. Kelly discusses Hail’s match against Tiffany Stratton last year and asks her what she’ll do differently. Hail says shes grown a lot and has a different mindset. They discuss Ridge Holland and Hail says he empowers her and it’s helped her gain confidence. Kincaid says Hail is calm now and asks what the title means to her. Hail says she is a role model for girls like her and that she’s focused on winning the title next week!
Trick Williams makes his way to the ring.
Match 5: Trick Williams -vs- Cedric Alexander
Cedric Alexander makes his way to the ring and after some posing the match starts. Williams starts in control and slaps Alexander into the corner. Alexander comes back and gets Williams on the mat. Williams holds Alexander who flips through some holds and then Williams does the same and slams Alexander. Alexander takes down Williams and is laid out by a body check by Williams. Chops to Alexander by Williams in the corner and Alexander returns the favour but Williams comes back with a bunch of chops. Williams dropkicks Alexander after a two count. Both men are on the apron and Alexander takes down Williams on the apron.
We come back and Williams hits him with a spinning kick for a two count. Williams is then taken down for a two count and both men grapple when Williams hits a couple kicks and takes down Alexander. Two count for Williams who then gets rolled up for a two count. Alexander kicks Williams in the face and slams William down for a two count and then throws Williams into a submission hold. Williams hits the Trick shot for the three count.
Winner: Trick Williams
Pete Dunne comes out and beats down Williams as he celebrates.
Robert Stone, Stevie Turner and Ethan Page are backstage. Stone says Page should be lucky he is champion to which Page takes an issue with. Turner and Stone say they’ll talk to Ava for Page.
Match 6: Sol Ruca and Karmen Petrovic -vs- Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson
All four women are in the ring and we start the bout with Jackson and Petrovic. Jackson nails Petrovic with a drop kick but Petrovic fights back. Petrovic tags in Ruca who throws Jackson into a chokehold. Jackson hits an inverted facebuster for a two count and gets Ruca in the corner and tags in Legend. Legend goes for a powerbomb but Ruca counters with a hurricanrana for a two count. Ruca hits an XFactor and tags in Petrovic who kicks Legend in the face for a two count. Ruca is tagged in again but is taken down by Legend who tags in Jackson. Jackson slams into Ruca in the turnbuckle and then tags in Legend. Legend gets rolled up for a two count and Petrovic is tagged in. Legend and Jackson are taken down with kicks. Petrovic is by herself taking on Legend and Jackson. Ruca is back to help Petrovic. Ruca moonsaults onto Jackson and in the ring Legend takes down Petrovic for the three count.
Winners: Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend
In the ring, Legend grabs the mic and calls out Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre to match at the Great American Bash.
Trick Williams is backstage talking to Shawn Michaels. Roxanne Perez comes in and gets in Michaels’ face about Thea Hail.
Vic Joseph and Booket T talk about Joe Hendry and they take us back to look at Hnedry’s NXT career so far as well as a promo package about Joe Hendry and his wrestling journey.
We catch Gallus outside and talk trash about Joe Hendry and challenge him to a match.
Ethan Page is outside Ava’s office and he gets a ref to agree his loss didn’t count and takes the ref with him. He makes his way to the ring with the ref. He gets on the mic and says they need to address what happened last week. He says none of this bothers him and talks to the ref. The ref says the match wasn’t official so the three count isn’t official either. Mensah runs in and schoolboys Page and the ref counts it this time. Page loses it in the ring as Mensah poses.
The D’Angelo Family is backstage with Dempsey, Borne and Tavion. A match is set up next week with Tavion Heights.
Match 7: The Rascalz -vs- Axiom, Nathan Frazer, and Je’Von Evans
The Rascalz are in the ring and are followed by Axiom, Frazer and Evans. Axiom and Miguel start off and Axiom starts in control with some arm holds. Axiom has Miguel in a chokehold but Miguel breaks it and takes down Axiom with a body scissor. Frazer is tagged in and they double team Miguel. Frazer flips around the ring until Miguel takes him down. The Rascalz tag eachother in and out until we are left with Lee and Evans who was just tagged in. Evans and Lee fly around the ring until Evans gets some offence and takes down Lee with a headscissors and drop kick. The two trade blows in the middle of the ring with some solid chops. Lee kicks Evans in the face and Wentz is tagged in and they team up on Evans in the corner. Lee and Miguel go after Axiom and Frazer. Evans gets and inside cradle on Wentz for a two count and then throws himself out of the ring onto the other four guys. Wentz follows suit and hurls himself onto everyone.
Back in the ring, Wentz has Evans in a headlock – Evans tries to punch his way out but Wentz continues beating down Evans. Evans slams Wentz and tags in Frazer. Standing shooting star on Wentz for a two count. Axiom is tagged in, and he continues to work on Wentz. Axiom throws on a sleeperhold but Wentz separates himself but is met by a triple superkick. Evans is now legal with Wentz who continues to get beaten down. Wentz breaks free and Evans tags Axiom who gets Wentz down again. Axiom tags in Frazer who gets taken down by Wentz. Wentz and Frazer tag out and Evans and Lee are in and Lee gets the upperhand. Lee kicks Evans in the corner and tags in Miguel. Miguel and Lee double team Axiom. Miguel and Evans are in the ring and Miguel beats down Evans who tags out. The Rascalz triple team Frazer with a triple dropkick. Evans is in the ring and takes out all of The Rascalz. Evans takes down Miguel and everyone is laid out but Miguel. Axiom is tagged in and he hits a spanish fly on Miguel and Frazer hits a corkscrew for a two count as it’s broken up. All the guys are laid out and they each take turns taking the others down. Axiom and Miguel are left in the ring. Miguel tags in Lee and they double team Axiom. Wentz is legal and he splashes Axiom for the three count.
Winners: The Rascalz
The six men all shake hands afterwards and we cut backstage.
Page interrupts Ava and asks for a match with Mensah. A contract signing is scheduled for next week and the show goes off the air.
(Credit: TZC & Rajah.com)