The fallout from Sunday’s WWE NXT Vengeance Day 2024 premium live event goes down tonight.
WWE NXT returns on the USA Network at 8/7c tonight from the Capitol Wrestling Center in Orlando, Florida with the WWE NXT Vengeance Day 2024 Fallout edition of the weekly two-hour NXT on USA program.
On tap for tonight’s show is Carmelo Hayes explaining his attack of Trick Williams at Vengeance Day, The Wolf Dogs celebrate their Dusty Classic win, Riley Osborne vs. Lexis King, Roxanne Perez vs. Lola Vice, Fallon Henley & Wren Sinclair vs. Jakara Jackson & Lash Legend, Nathan Frazer & Axiom vs. Malik Blade & Edris Enofe, plus the rest of the fallout from this past Sunday night’s premium live event.
Featured below are complete WWE NXT results from Tuesday, February 6, 2024. The following report was written by PWMania.com reporter Matt Boone (@MattBoone0709) as the show aired live from 8-10pm EST. on the USA Network.
WWE NXT RESULTS (2/6/2024)
The “WWE Then. Now. Forever. Together” opening signature gets us started as always, and then we shoot inside the Capitol Wrestling Center in Orlando, FL. where Vic Joseph welcomes us to this week’s show.
We see the camera pan around the crowd inside the CWC and settle at the commentary position, where Joseph introduces his co-commentator for tonight’s show, Byron Saxton. Saxton is filling in for Booker T, who is still out this week.
Carmelo Hayes Kicks Off This Week’s Show
From there, we immediately hear the familiar sounds of the entrance theme music of Carmelo Hayes. Out comes the former NXT World Champion to a loud chorus of boos from the NXT Universe.
He settles in the ring with a chair, unfolds it, and sits down in it just like he did after attacking Trick Williams, which is the last image fans saw as WWE NXT Vengeance Day 2024 went off-the-air this past Sunday night.
We hear a loud “F**k you, ‘Melo!” chant. He gets up and the boos grow even louder. He says, “Not yet. Not yet.” He folds the chair back up and exits the ring. He walks to the back to end the opening segment without saying anything.
Dusty Classic Celebration With The Wolf Dogs
After he heads to the back, the commentators talk us into a video package recapping the WWE NXT Vengeance Day 2024 PLE from this past weekend in Clarksville, TN. When it wraps up, we see the winners of this year’s Dusty Classic at ringside.
The winners of the 2024 NXT Men’s Dusty Rhodes Tag-Team Classic Tournament, The Wolf Dogs duo of Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin, began their Dusty Classic Celebration as advertised for tonight’s show, boasting about their big win on Sunday while standing next to the massive Dusty Cup trophy.
Malik Blade & Edris Enofe vs. Axiom & Nathan Frazer
Now the theme for Axiom and Nathan Frazer hits and out comes the masked fan-favorite and the host of the Hard Hitting Truths talk-show segment for our first match of the evening. They settle in the ring and their music dies down.
The entrance tune for their opponents plays and out comes the duo of Malik Blade and Edris Enofe. They settle into the squared circle as well, and then the bell sounds to get this one officially off-and-running. We hear Breakker and Corbin having some fun on special guest commentary for this one early on.
We shift gears and head into a mid-match commercial break as the action in our tag-team opener continues. When we return, we see Axiom and Frazer doing well, utilizing frequent tags to keep a fresh man in the ring at all times.
Blade and Enofe start to fight back into the lead and hit some big high spots, but ultimately, Axiom connects with his Golden Ratio finisher for the pin fall victory. Breakker and Corbin are shown applauding them at ringside. Moments later, however, The Wolf Dogs hit the ring and attack Axiom and Frazer from behind.
Out comes The D’Angelo Family duo of Tony D’Angelo and Stacks. They hold their NXT World Tag-Team Championships high in the air as Corbin and Breakker yell off-mic from the ring for them to put them on the line next week. They say “You’re on!” and the commentators acknowledge it on the broadcast. We head to another commercial break.
Winners: Axiom & Nathan Frazer
Dijak Confronts Ilja Dragunov
We see a shot of Ilja Dragunov backstage, and the NXT backstage interviewer attempts to get a word from him, but he wants to do his talking out in the ring. We head to a commercial break on that note. When we return, the theme for “The Mad Dragon” hits and out comes the WWE NXT World Champion.
Dragunov talks about how he respects Trick Williams and how the two beat the hell out of each other on Sunday night. He then talks about Carmelo Hayes and how for weeks and weeks he tried to blame him for what he was doing with Trick. He tells him to come out here right now and answer for his actions.
Hayes doesn’t come out. Dragunov says if he doesn’t come out, he’s gonna come back there and find him. He still doesn’t come out. Instead, Dijak’s theme hits and he comes down to the ring. He talks to Dragunov about how he saw what he did on Sunday, and bets Dragunov saw what he did to Joe Gacy as well. He tells Dragunov they should fight for the title.
Dragunov tells Dijak now is not the time or place for this. Dijak insists and taunts Dragunov over his broken nose, eventually blasting him with a cheap shot that busts it open again. Dragunov is bleeding like a stuck pig once again from his nose as officials rush out to keep them apart.
Lexis King vs. Riley Osborne
Backstage, we see Thea Hail and Jacy Jane signing copies of “The Ladies of Chase U” calendar that saved Chase University from the financial issues that Andre Chase’s gambling put them in. As they continue to talk, Thea asks Jacy for advice about Riley Osborne and Valentine’s Day after he asked her to be his Valentine.
After that wraps up, we head back inside the CWC where Lexis King’s theme hits and he makes his way down to the ring for our next match of the evening. As he settles inside the squared circle, we shift gears and head into a quick pre-match commercial break.
When we return from the break, we see Von Wagner and Robert Stone talking together and the conversations get to Von sticking up for Stone’s kids against Noam Dar and The Meta-Four last week. Stone’s kids come in and talk their dad Robert Stone into getting into the ring. He and Von say they will team up for a tag bout against The Meta-Four male duo of Noam Dar and Oro Mensah.
Back inside the CWC, we hear the familiar sounds of the Chase U theme music and out comes Riley Osborne accompanied by Andre Chase and Duke Hudson. As he gets in the ring, he sees the Chase U fan section, but he doesn’t see Thea Hail sitting there and looks bummed. The commentators point this out on the broadcast. The bell sounds and this one gets started.
We see some good back-and-forth action for the first few minutes of the bout, and then King starts to pull ahead. Osborne fights back into the offensive lead a couple of minutes later, but when he goes to finish things off, he stops and looks to see if Thea Hail is in the Chase U section watching yet. He doesn’t see her and the distraction leads to King capitalizing and picking up the win.
Winner: Lexis King
Carmelo Hayes Finally Explains Why He Attacked Trick Williams
After the King-Osborne bout wraps up, we see a live shot in the parking lot and we see that Carmelo Hayes has returned to the building. The commentators speculate as to whether or not he’s back because he’s finally ready to explain his actions attacking Trick Williams at WWE NXT Vengeance Day over the weekend. As he heads into the building, we head into a commercial break.
When we return, we see Kiana James and Izzi Dame bullying other ladies in the women’s locker room. We then head back inside the CWC where the lights are down low and Carmelo Hayes is sitting in an unfolded steel chair like he did to start the show tonight, and like he did to end the show this past Sunday night at Vengeance Day.
Hayes tries talking but the boos are insanely loud. Dominik Mysterio-level bad. He talks ahead anyways. He says he and Trick had an agreement, but Trick let the people get in his head and make him think they’re on the same level. He says they are absolutely not on the same level. He talks about how he was gonna go for the world title and Trick would go for the North American title.
As he continues talking, the theme for Trick Williams hits and the crowd explodes. They begin doing the “Whoop That Trick!” chant but no one comes out. Hayes starts laughing and takes his seat again to finish his explanation. He talks about Trick trying to wear yellow and dress like him and be like him.
He says all Trick ever was to him was his hype man. He says that’s all he’ll ever be. He sets the mic down and puts on dark shades as his theme plays and he leans back in his chair arrogantly.
Roxanne Perez vs. Lola Vice
The cryptic “He Has Three Faces” vignette plays again after the Carmelo Hayes in-ring promo segment wraps up. We return inside the CWC to Vic Joseph and Byron Saxton at the commentary desk at ringside. They promote the next WWE NXT PLEs coming up and then talk us through footage of Lola Vice and Roxanne Perez’s recent backstage brawl.
After the package wraps up, we return inside the CWC again and we hear the familiar sounds of Roxanne Perez’s theme music. Out comes the former NXT Women’s Champion to the ring for her scheduled singles showdown against Lola Vice. As she settles in the ring, we head to a quick pre-match commercial break.
When we return from the commercial time out, we see a vignette hyping the NXT North American Champion Oba Femi. We then we see Riley Osborne walking backstage looking bummed when Thea Hail and Jacy Jane walks up. Hail is playing hard to get like Jane told her to. Osborne asked where she was during his match.
She said she was busy. He asks if they’re still on for Valentine’s Day. She says they are. They both overreact with excitement. Osborne walks off as Jane tries again to tell Thea to play it cool and play hard to get with Riley. Back inside the CWC, the theme for Lola Vice hits and out she comes after failing in her Breakout Tournament contract cash-in to capture the women’s title on Sunday.
The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one. The two immediately start slugging it out and the action spills out to the floor. Perez takes over on offense and rolls Vice back in the ring. She heads to the top and comes flying off with a cross-body splash for a near fall attempt.
Vice takes over after that and has Perez laid out on the floor as we head into a mid-match commercial break. When we return, we see Perez fight back into control of the action. She hits a big top-rope spot and then slaps a submission on Vice. Vice hangs on and Perez transitions into a pin attempt. Vice kicks out.
Tatum Paxley comes out trying to cash in a contract that doesn’t even exist, but the distraction is enough for Perez to hit an unsuspecting Vice with her Pop-Rox finisher for the pin fall victory.
Winner: Roxanne Perez
Fallon Henley & Wren Sinclair vs. Jakara Jackson & Lash Legend
Backstage, we see Noam Far and The Meta-Four being interviewed. Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend talk about what they’re going to do to Fallon Henley and the newest addition to the women’s roster, Wren Sinclair.
From there, Noam Dar and Oro Mensah are asked to respond to the challenge issued to them by Von Wagner and Robert Stone. As they laugh off the challenge, in comes the No Quarter Catch Crew, who confront Dar about taking a real challenge for the NXT Heritage Cup.
Inside the CWC, the theme for our next competitors in our second-to-last match of the evening hits, and out comes the women’s duo of Fallon Henley and Wren Sinclair. As they settle into the ring, we shift gears and head into a quick pre-match commercial break.
When we return from the break, the commentators look at the social media success of WWE NXT Vengeance Day 2024 and then they confirm The Family vs. The Wolf Dogs for the tag-team titles for next week’s show. Back inside the CWC, we see Henley and Sinclair in the ring.
The theme for their opponents hits and out comes The Meta-Four duo of Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend, accompanied by Oro Mensah and NXT Heritage Cup Champion Noam Dar. The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one.
We see Legend and Henley kick things off for their respective teams. Legend tries to deck Henley straight out of the gate, but Henley avoids it and hops on Legend’s back. Sinclair tags in and takes over, working over Legend until the bigger, stronger Legend takes over and tags in Jackson.
After some more back-and-forth action, we see Henley hung up throat-first over the bottom rope, leading to Legend hitting a big choke slam on Sinclair to pick up the pin fall victory for her team.
Winners: Jakara Jackson & Lash Legend
Josh Briggs Gives Brooks Jensen Some Tough Love
After the match, we see a quick backstage segment with Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen catching up for the first time in a while. Jensen tells Briggs he’s struggling without him and Henley. He says he needs them.
Briggs tells him he’s not a kid anymore. He says the world doesn’t revolve around him. He shoves him hard into the wall and tells him to be a man and stand on his own two feet. He says you can sit and cry like you’ve been doing, or you can grow some damn balls. “Wake up, dude!”
Ilja Dragunov vs. Dijak
It’s main event time!
Back inside the CWC, we hear the familiar sounds of Ilja Dragunov’s theme music. Out comes “The Mad Dragon.” As the WWE NXT World Champion settles in the ring, we head into a quick pre-match commercial break.
Jaida Parker is backstage with Ava when we return. Parker asks Ava for a one-on-one match against Adrianna Rizzo. Ava tells her it’s on. She tells Ava she appreciates her and walks off.
Up next comes Ridge Holland and he says he knows they’ve been through this before. He asks once again for Gallus. She tells him she’s not giving him three on one because it’s not fair to him. She can, however, give him Gallus one-by-one, but if he fails to get by any of them, it’s over.
We return inside the CWC, where we see Dragunov still in the ring ready for our final bout of the evening. Vic Joseph and Byron Saxton announce The Family vs. The Wolf Dogs for the tag titles, Von Wagner & Mr. Stone vs. Noan Dar & Oro Mensah, as well as Kiana James vs. Brinley Reece for next week’s show.
The theme for Dijak hits and as the broadcast turns black-and-white, the giant evil violent man makes his way to the ring looking like The Terminator as always. He settles in the ring and the bell sounds to get this one officially off-and-running.
Early on it is the larger Dijak who is punishing Dragunov. He blasts him in the nose several times early on, capitalizing on the broken snout of the NXT champ. As he continues to rag doll the top dog in the NXT men’s division, we head into a mid-match commercial break.
As we settle back in from our final commercial of the evening, we see Dijak still in the offensive driver’s seat, however slowly but surely we see “The Mad Dragon” start to itch and claw his way back into competitive form. Dragunov hits a top-rope Avalanche H-Bomb for a super close near fall, but Dijak hangs in there.
We see the two trading head butts, chops and punches in the middle of the ring in back-and-forth fashion. Both guys seem to enjoy the pain. Dijak ends up getting the better of the exchange, dropping the champ. The fans break out in a loud “NXT! NXT!” chant. Dijak hits a springboard elbow drop. Dragunov pops up and levels Dijak seconds later.
The action continues, and Dijak ends up falling victim to interference from the psychotic Joe Gacy, who slides from under the ring like a car mechanic under a car, and blasts Dijak with a foreign object. Dragunov follows up with another H-Bomb in the ring and gets the pin fall victory.
After the match, as Dragunov is celebrating his hard-earned victory, we see Carmelo Hayes hit the ring out of nowhere, and just like he did to Trick Williams at WWE NXT Vengeance Day 2024 this past Sunday, he clips Dragunov’s knee from behind him. The fans loudly boo as Hayes picks up Ilja’s title and holds it high in the air. His theme plays and that’s how this week’s show goes off the air. Thanks for joining us!
Winner: Ilja Dragunov