WWE NXT returns on the USA Network at 8/7c tonight from the Capitol Wrestling Center in Orlando, Florida with the WWE NXT Vengeance Day 2024 Fallout edition of the weekly two-hour NXT on USA program.
On tap for tonight’s show is Lyra Valkyria vs. Shotzi for the women’s title, The Family vs. The Wolf Dogs for the tag titles, Carmelo Hayes vs. Joe Gacy, Lola Vice vs. Tatum Paxley, Kiana James vs. Brinley Reece, Adrianna Rizzo vs. Jaida Parker, Von Wagner & Robert Stone vs. Noam Dar & Oro Mensah, as well as Ridge Holland vs. Gallus in a Gauntlet match.
Featured below are complete WWE NXT results from Tuesday, February 13, 2024. The following report was written by PWMania.com reporter Matt Boone (@MattBoone0709) as the show aired live from 8-10pm EST. on the USA Network.
WWE NXT RESULTS (2/13/2024)
The WWE Then. Now. Forever. Together. signature starts us off as always, and then we shoot to a live cold open inside the locker room of The Meta-Four.
Von Wagner & Robert Stone vs. Noam Dar & Oro Mensah
We see Noam Dar and Oro Mensah talking ahead of their match tonight against Von Wagner and Robert Stone. We see Wagner and Stone peeking in their room and then they yell, “Sneak attack!” and charge the duo.
A brawl starts and the two fight out of the dressing room and down the hallway. Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend see the brawl and follow after them as the camera pans by and stops on the cute kids of Robert Stone who are all dressed up and wearing sunglasses.
We catch back up with the brawl as they pass through the curtains and fight their way down to the ring. Stone works over Mensah as the legal two men in the ring as this impromptu opening match is off-and-running.
The heel duo take over and isolate Stone in the ring for several minutes, beating him down. He finally fires up and gets the big man in, who starts cleaning house. Jakara Jackson ends up getting involved and the distraction allows Dar to steal the pin fall victory for his team.
Winners: Noam Dar & Oro Mensah
Gauntlet Match
Ridge Holland vs. Wolfgang
We see footage of the wild brawl last week between NXT World Champion Ilja Dragunov and Dijak, the sit-down in-ring explanation from Carmelo Hayes about the attack on Trick Williams.
From there, we then see a recap of the main event that saw Joe Gacy get involved in the finish, and Hayes attacking Dragunov afterwards.
After that wraps up, we return inside the CWC where Ridge Holland’s theme hits and out he comes for his scheduled Gauntlet match against all three members of Gallus. As he settles in the ring, we head to a pre-match commercial break.
When we return, we shoot to a Chase U segment where a very hyped up Andre Chase drops a bunch of F-bombs over his excitement about Chase U being back. He gives a big shout out to Jacy Jane. Thea Hail mentions having a date with Riley Osborne.
Adrianna Rizzo comes in and Jane talks to her. Jane gives a big envelope of cash to Rizzo and put in extra because of calendar sales. She also mentions trying to get a title shot for Chase U, which leads to them chanting her name again.
Back in the CWC, the Gallus theme hits and out comes the three-man heel crew for this scheduled Gauntlet match. Kicking things off for them is Wolfgang. The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running. Holland immediately starts taking it to Wolfgang.
We see some early back-and-forth action and then Holland hits a big clothesline that sends Wolfgang out to the floor. As the Gallus members recovers at ringside, we shift gears and head into a mid-match commercial break. Holland wins. How? Keep reading.
Gauntlet Match
Ridge Holland vs. Mark Coffey
As we settle back in from the break, we see that Holland has already defeated Wolfgang during the advertising time out. Already in progress is the second fall, which shows Mark Coffey going to work on him and focusing his attack on Holland’s injured knee.
This continues for a while, with Holland welcoming the punishment. Holland eventually starts to fight back and take over. The action spills out to the floor. We see Joe Coffey get involved and the referee calls for the bell. This one is over.
Gallus are beating down Holland in a three-on-one attack. Holland gets hold of the steel chair and ends up taking out all three members by himself — like he said he could all along.
He wears the chair out over the back of Coffey and then drops it and backs up like someone who just lost complete control of their anger. He stares at his hands in the corner as all three Gallus members are rolling around in pain.
Winner via DQ: Ridge Holland
Lola Vice vs. Tatum Paxley
Lexis King is backstage taunting Von Wagner and Robert Stone over their loss in the opener. He tells Stone he knows his kids are looking for a role model. He tells him to grab his little brats when his music hits later and he’ll show them one.
Back inside the CWC, Lola Vice’s theme hits and out she comes to the ring for our next match of the evening. As she settles inside the squared circle, we shift gears and head into a quick pre-match commercial break.
When we return, we see the No Quarter Catch Crew admiring the Heritage Cup trophy. The Meta-Four duo of Noam Dar and Oro Mensah come in and have words with the NQCC and they vow to beat him for that trophy soon.
In the arena again, Tatum Paxley’s theme hits and out she comes for one-on-one action. The bell sounds and off we go. These two each spend a couple of minuties in the offensive lead. NXT Women’s Champion Lyra Valkyria makes her way down to ringside.
Valkyria, who has been increasingly annoyed with Paxley being a fan-girl/stalker for her, is surprising by her appearance, but is clearly there to provide moral support.
Paxley starts doing better, but Vice takes over again and knocks her down over and over again, but Paxley keeps kicking out. Finally, Vice slaps on a submission and Paxley goes out right in front of Valkyria.
Winner: Lola Vice
Adrianna Rizzo vs. Jaida Parker
Luther Crusifino is shown backstage sucking up to Tony D’Angelo when in comes Adrianna Rizzo and Stacks. They hype Rizzo up ahead of her singles match against Jaida Parker. They head out to the ring as we head to a pre-match commercial break.
When we return, we see Lyra Valkyria carrying Tatum Paxley backstage when up walks Shotzi. She and Valkyria talk and Valkyria gives her a shot at her NXT Women’s Championship. The match is set for next week’s show. Paxley wakes up after Shotzi leaves and says, “So, we got Shotzi next week?”
Back inside the CWC, Rizzo is shown wrapping up her ring entrance, in progress. The theme music dies down and the entrance tune for her opponent hits. Out comes Jaida Parker representing O.T.M. Vic Joseph points out on commentary that no one will be at ringside for this one.
The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with our next match of the evening here on NXT on USA. We see Rizzo brawling with Parker early on, but it isn’t long before the O.T.M. member takes over and starts beating her down. She keeps saying “Oh you wanna play?” as she works her over. She eventually hits a big finisher for the win in what was damn near a squash match.
Winner: Jaida Parker
Carmelo Hayes vs. Joe Gacy
We see Dijak watching footage on a laptop in a dark room by himself. We see him watching his fight last week with Ilja Dragunov, as well as the Joe Gacy mind-games and craziness. He ends up slamming the computer shut, standing up and walking off.
Back inside the CWC, we hear the familiar sounds of Carmelo Hayes’ theme music. Out comes the former NXT World Champion to a ton of boos from the Orlando crowd. He is in action when we return. On that note, we head to another commercial break.
As we settle back in, we see The Wolf Dogs talking backstage. Baron Corbin makes sure Bron Breakker isn’t more focused on his future on SmackDown and he’s concentrating on their tag title match tonight.
Breakker makes sure Corbin isn’t focused on the Chiefs Super Bowl parade and hanging out with Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift. Corbin promises to say The Wolf Dogs one time for Breakker if they win tonight. Back inside the arena, Joe Gacy’s theme hits and he makes his way to the ring with the camera shot upside down.
In the ring, he stares down Hayes as the commentators remind us of Hayes beating him down last week. The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one as hour two of this week’s NXT on USA is now underway. Hayes immediately takes it to Gacy, who is smiling and laughing while being beat up. The fans loudly chant “You sold out!” to Hayes.
We hear dueling “Let’s go Gacy” and “Let’s go Hayes!” chants but then as Gacy starts to take over, we hear “You’re not him!” chants aimed at Hayes. Gacy controls Hayes for a few moments, but Hayes starts to take back over. As the action spills to the floor, Gacy hides under the ring.
Hayes nervously looks, afraid he’s going to see Trick Williams, but instead sees nobody. When he looks up, Gacy is charging across the ring after coming out from the other side. He hits a big splash onto Hayes as we head into a mid-match commercial break with the match still in progress.
When we return, we see Hayes in control of things, but not for long, as Gacy starts to take over. He hits a nice seated power bomb and some other high spots and nearly finishes this one off a few times, but utlimately Hayes takes back over and hits Nothing But Net off the top-rope for the win. After the match, Dijak attacks Gacy and puts him in a straight-jacket, as Gacy smiles and laughs.
Winner: Carmelo Hayes
Lexis King Confronts Oba Femi, Gets NXT North American Title Shot
After Dijak finishes putting Joe Gacy in a straight-jacket, we see a quick backstage segment with the women that leads nowhere and we head into another commercial break. When we return, we see the latest cryptic vignette that reads, “Goodness is a man’s struggle. Evil however, is human nature.”
From there, we see Roxanne Perez lose her cool and slap Wren Sinclair in the women’s locker room who offered her a suggestion while she was venting about losing her title opportunity due to Tatum Paxley.
We then move on to see Brooks Jensen attack Josh Briggs, yelling at him saying he’ll show him balls, after Briggs asked where his balls were when he was saying he needs help last week. Ava breaks them up with security and tells them to handle it in the ring.
Back inside the CWC, Oba Femi’s theme hits and out comes the NXT North American Champion. He gets on the mic and talks about winning the Breakout Tournament and the NXT North American Championship.
Lexis King comes out and takes credit for softening Dragon Lee up and putting the title on his shoulder for him. He says he’s gonna take it off. They brawl and a title bout between them is announced for next week.
Kiana James vs. Brinley Reece
We return inside the CWC where Kiana James makes her way down to the ring accompanied by her new friend, Izzi Dame. She settles in the ring and then we head to another commercial break.
As we settle back in from the break, we see Brinley Reece make her way out. She settles inside the squared circle as her entrance tune dies down. The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one. Reece takes the early control, sending James out to the floor and going out after her.
Izzi Dame attacks Reece from behind at ringside and sends her back into the ring, where James takes over and settles in a comfortable offensive lead. Moments later she hits her finisher to pick up the relatively easy win.
Winner: Kiana James
WWE NXT World Tag-Team Championships
The Family (C) vs. The Wolf Dogs
It’s main event time!
We see the challengers, the Wolf Dogs duo of Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin, walking the hallways in their ring gear. We then cut to the defending WWE NXT World Tag-Team Champions, The Family, Tony D’Angelo and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo walking as we head into a commercial break.
When we return, we see Edris Enofe and Malik Blade talking about Brinley Reece having a tough time as of late. Reece comes through the curtain in a good mood, to their surprise. In fact, she tells them she’s never been better.
From there, we head back inside the CWC where we hear the dogs barking and then out comes The Wolf Dogs duo of Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin to a big pop from the Orlando crowd. They settle in the ring for their main event title opportunity.
Now the entrance tune for their opponents plays, and as the familiar sounds of The Family’s theme hits the house speakers, we see Tony D’Angelo and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo make their way out for their latest tag-team title defense.
The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one. We see Breakker faring well early on for his team, but D’Angelo ends up slowing down his momentum. When Corbin finally tags in, he decks everyone in sight, prompting Vic Joseph to put over his Golden Gloves background.
After a big spot sees all four guys down and out, we shift gears and head into a mid-match commercial break as this high stakes title tilt continues. Corbin hits a Deep Six for a close pin attempt as we settle back in from the break. He continues to work over Stacks in the corner.
The Family start to fire up on offense when D’Angelo comes in as the legal man. He tells Stacks he loves him and then hits a big hip-toss that launches his own partner onto Breakker and Corbin on the floor at ringside. Back in the ring, D’Angelo goes for the cover on Breakker, who kicks out.
Stacks tags back in and stalks Breakker. He charges at him when he gets up, but runs right into a big knee from Breakker. Corbin tags in and hits a big spot on Stacks. Breakker follows up with one of his own and Corbin goes for the cover. Stacks somehow kicks out. All four guys crash out to the floor on a huge high spot.
On the floor, Corbin is sent into the steel steps with authority. D’Angelo and Stacks then hit a double choke slam that viciously puts Breakker through the commentary table. They throw Breakker back in the ring and D’Angelo covers him, but Corbin hits the ring just in time to break things up after the count of two.
Fans break out in a loud “This is Awesome!” chant as D’Angelo and Stacks go to work on Corbin, who is now the legal man. Corbin fights back and gets rid of D’Angelo but then turns around into a tornado DDT attempt from Stacks. He counters this and hits his End of Days spot. Breakker takes over and hits a big Spear for the win. We have new NXT World Tag-Team Champions! That’s how this week’s show goes off the air. Thanks for joining us!
Winners and NEW WWE NXT World Tag-Team Champions: The Wolf Dogs