WWE NXT Level Up Results – September 1, 2023

(Image Credit: WWE)

WWE NXT Level Up Results – September 1, 2023

Riley Osborne vs. Javier Bernal

Match starts off with a lock up then Riley Osborne gets arm control then he rolls with Javier Bernal to maintain the hold before Bernal reverses and gets an armbar on the mat. Osborne rolls and flips his way out. He gets a dropkick and gets an arm drag into an armbar.

Osborne gets a float over in the corner and comes off the ropes but Bernal catches him with an arm drag. He throws right hands and a kick to the chest. Osborne escapes a slam but eats an elbow. Bernal charges and gets caught with a boot.

Osborne goes up top and a crossbody gets a two count but Bernal drops Osborne and hits a lightning leg drop before a double underhook suplex gets a two count then more strikes from Bernal and then he hooks a chinlock. Riley fights his way out and fires off some chops.

Bernal lands a boot to the face but Osborne slingshots in from the apron with a shoulder then a standing corkscrew splash gets a two count then a dropkick from Osborne sends Bernal to the floor.

Osborne leaps over the top rope and hits a Fosbury Flop before he connects with a Shooting Star Press to get the win.

Winner: Riley Osbourne

Stevie Turner vs. Valentina Feroz

Stevie Turner gets a hammerlock into a wrist lock but Valentina Feroz gets to the ropes and flips out of the hold. Feroz gets a double leg for a one count then she rolls Turner up with her legs for a 1 count. Feroz gets a running clothesline in the corner but gets caught on the middle rope and drops her on her face on the top turnbuckle.

Turner tries a backdrop, but Feroz gets a sunset flip for a two count before Turner back with a clothesline and then Rude Awakening for a two count. Feroz mounts her comeback and gets a Meteora in the corner for a two count.

The kick out sent Feroz into the turnbuckle and that lets Turner gets double knees to the back that sends Feroz into the corner again to get the win.

Winner: Stevie Turner

Block B Match Of The 2023 Global Heritage Invitational
Duke Hudson (0) vs. Akira Tozawa (0)

Akria Tozawa shoots in but Duke Hudson stuffs that attempt and gets a side headlock before he takes it to the mat but Tozawa forces him up and gets a side headlock of his own. Hudson catches him with a strike and talks a little trash. Tozawa lands some strikes and he gives the trash talk back to Hudson.

Tozawa lands a dropkick that sends Hudson to the floor before he looks for a dive but Hudson blasts him in the face to block before a release German suplex from Hudson gets a two count. Hudson gets a slam for a another two count and hooks a chinlock.

Tozawa punches his way out but gets caught with a knee to the gut then Tozawa shakes it off and hits a Shining Wizard then Tozawa off the top rope with a missile dropkick for a  two count before Tozawa can’t lift Hudson but is able to flip out of a belly 2 back suplex.

He goes to the knees to get Hudson off his feet then he throws kicks which Hudson no sells. Hudson lands a forearm to the chest followed by a sidewalk slam but Tozawa tricks him and lands a strike but he runs into a big boot.

Powerbomb is countered into a sunset flip by Tozawa for a two count then he heads up top but Hudson gets the knees up and hits Razor’s Edge for the win.

Winner: Duke Hudson (2) (6:54)

Standings After Night 2

Block A

1st Place- Butch (2 Points) (1-0)

Last Place- Charlie Dempsey (0 Points) (0-1) & Tyler Bate & Axiom (0 Points) (0-0)

Block B

1st Place- Joe Coffey & Duke Hudson (2 Points) (1-0)

Last Place- Nathan Frazer & Akira Tozawa (0 Points) (0-1)