WWE NXT Level Up Results – October 27, 2023

(Image Credit: WWE)

WWE NXT Level Up Results – October 27, 2023

Jacy Jayne vs. Izzi Dame

Match starts off with a lock up then they release and have another go then Jacy Jayne gets a side headlock but Izzi Dame goes to the hair to force a break and then counter with a headlock of her own before Jayne also goes to the hair.

Jayne lands a chop block and then a kick to the back and then chest for a two count then Dame runs Jayne into the corner but charges into an elbow before Jayne comes off the top rope but gets caught and Dame drops her throat first on the top rope.

Elbow strikes from Dame before she responds by getting a roll up for a two count and tries another but Jayne shoves her off and gets a slam before a elbow from Dame gets a two count.

She follows with a reverse chinlock but gets run back first into the corner before Jayne lands a right hand and hits a series of running clotheslines.

She lands a kick to the gut and gets a cannonball in the corner then Rolling Encore gets the win.

Winner: Jacy Jayne

Riley Osborne vs. Axiom

Riley Osborne & Axiom work the arm to start and trade counters and flips out of that before Osborne controls with a headscissors but Axiom does a head stand to slip out and gets a submission reversal but Osborne counters and flips out which leads to a test of strength.

Axiom gets Osborne down and gets several 1 counts then they keep knuckles locked as they flip around the ring then both men are standing on their heads staring at each other.

Osborne gets knocked to the floor but blocks a suicide dive before he connects with a slingshot shoulder block for a two count before Axiom with a chop then Osborne tries a sunset flip, but Axiom rolls through and lands a kick for a two count.

Axiom heads up but Osborne rolls away and catches Axiom with a clothesline before Axiom with a knee and a German suplex followed by a punt to the chest for a two count then a chop from Axiom and the crowd chants one more time.

Axiom hits a another then counters an Osborne headscissors attempt into a powerbomb then they fight on the floor and another chop from Axiom.

Osborne tries a back flip off the apron but Axiom moves and hits a superkick that sends Osborne into the announce table.

Axiom waits up top for Osborne to roll back in but Osborne is ready this time and blocks.

Standing corkscrew splash from Osborne gets 2 inverted suplex from Osborne gets a two count then he heads up and Axiom lands a head kick.

Both men up and Axiom hits a Spanish Fly from up there before Golden Ratio gets Axiom the win.

Winner: Axiom