WWE NXT Level Results – June 10, 2022

(Image Credit: WWE)

WWE NXT Level Results – June 10, 2022

Your announcers are Sudu Shah and Nigel McGuinness.

Match Number One: Valentina Feroz (with Yulisa Leon) versus Arianna Grace

They lock up and Grace with a take down. Feroz with a wrist lock and take down. Grace with a kick to the back to try to escape. Grace with a snap mare but Feroz holds on to the wrist lock and applies a hammer lock. Grace with a kick and Feroz with a sunset flip for a near fall. Grace gets Feroz on her shoulder and she gives Feroz snake eyes and follows with a slam. Grace gets a near fall. Grace with a reverse chin lock into a rear naked choke. Grace goes for a slam and Feroz with an inside cradle for a near fall. Grace gets a series of near falls. Grace with another near fall. Feroz with a Thesz Press and punches. Feroz with judo throws to Grace. Feroz with a spear. Grace with a back elbow and a kick. Grace works on the shoulder and goes for a back drop but Feroz with a back slide for the three count.

Winner: Valentina Feroz

Match Number Two: Sierra St. Pierre versus Sloane Jacobs

They lock up and Jacobs with a waist lock and Sierra with a standing switch. Jacobs with a side head lock. Jacobs holds on when Sierra tries to send her off the ropes. Jacobs with arm drags and a drop kick. Jacobs with a side head lock take down. Sierra with a rollup for a near fall. Sierra with an Irish whip but Jacobs with a back elbow and cross body for a near fall. Jacobs with a side head lock and take down. Sierra rolls through to escape and sends Jacobs to the mat. Sierra with punches and she gets a near fall. Sierra with punches. Sierra works on the neck. Sierra sends Jacobs back to the mat. Sierra with an elbow to the clavicle. Sierra with an Irish whip and forearm in the corner. Jacobs with a butterfly suplex.

Jacobs with a back elbow and forearm. Jacobs with a back elbow and clothesline. Jacobs with a kick and knee lift. Jacobs with a clothesline and a round kick to the temple. Jacobs gets Sierra up for a TKO and the three count.

Winner: Sloane Jacobs

Match Number Three: Ikemen Jiro versus Dante Chen

They lock up and Jiro with a top wrist lock into a wrist lock. Chen with a reversal and side head lock. Jiro with an O’Connor Roll for a near fall. Chen with a back slide for a near fall. Jiro with a sunset flip for a near fall. Jiro counters a cover by Chen and gets a near fall. They go back and forth with near falls. They go to a stalemate. Chen with a side head lock take down. Jiro with a head scissors and a side head lock. Jiro goes to the turnbuckles and he opes his jacket and leaps over Chen and gives Chen an arm drag and hip toss. Jrio with a rollup for a near fall. Chen kicks Jiro away but Jiro with a cross body for a near fall. Chen with a double knee gutbuster. Chen with a head butt to the midsection.

Chen with another head butt to the midsection. Jiro with a sunset flip for a near fall. Chen with a knee to stop a rollup attempt by Jiro. Chen misses a knee and Jiro with a rollup for a near fall. Chen with a shoulder to the midsection against the ropes and Jiro falls to the apron. Chen gets a near fall. Chen with a seated abdominal stretch into an arm bar. Chen gets Jiro back to the mat. Chen holds on to the arm bar. Chen blocks a hip toss and Chen gives Jiro a hip toss. Chen runs into knees and Jiro with jacket punches and finishes with a rolling jacket punch. Chen with an Irish whip and he misses a splash when Jiro goes to the apron. Jiro drops Chen on the top rope and Jiro with a double jump Arabian press for a near fall. Chen escapes from Jiro’s shoulders and applies a waist lock. Chen gets Jiro up and hits a gutbuster.

Jiro with a kick in the corner followed by Ikemen Slash for the three count.

Winner: Ikemen Jiro

We go to credits.

Credit: PWInsider.com