Tonight we have Night Two of the Great American Bash. Ethan Page defends his NXT title against Oro Mensah, Trick Williams takes on Pete Dunne, Nathan Frazer and Axiom defend their titles against MSK, Kelani Jordan defends her North American Women’s Title against Tatum Paxley, Joe Hendry battles Joe Coffey and more! Check back for live updates.
Match 1: Pete Dunne -vs- Trick Williams
Dunne is out first, followed by Williams. The bell rings and the men lock up and Dunne is thrown into the ropes and taken down with a kick. Williams chops Dunne and stares him down in the corner. Williams lifts up Dunne but Dunne counters with a submission. Williams breaks out and hits Dunne with a delayed vertical suplex. Two count for Williams and Dunne takes control and goes for Williams’ right arm. Williams is down on the mat and Dunne singles out Williams arms and twists his fingers and stomps on Williams’ arm. Dunne mounts Williams and hits him with some rights. Dunne has Williams in a submission hold but Williams powers out and slams Dunne down with one arm. Both men slowly get to their feet and trade chops as the crowd erupts. Dunne tries for a backsplash off the ropes but Williams converts it into a neckbreaker and we go to commercial.
We return to Dunne having Williams arm in a submission. Dunne continues to beat down Williams. Dunne hits William with a huge elbow and comes running at Williams who nails him with a clothesline. Williams beats down Dunne and hits a couple kicks and a flapjack on Dunne. Williams is amped up, hoists up Dunne who counters but is met by a manhandle slam. Two count on Dunne by Williams. Dunne now takes control and has Williams down on the mat. Dunne heads to the top rope but Williams meets him on the top rope and delivers a flapjack on Dunne off the top rope. Two count for Williams as Dunne lays on the mat. Williams comes running at Dunne and hits him with a kick and Dunne comes back with kick to the face. Williams gets Dunne on the mat for a two count. The crowd is chanting “This is awesome” as Dunne hits a modified powerbomb and then stomps on Williams. Dunne goes for Williams arm again, who jumps out of it and takes Dunne into the corner with some right hands. Williams has Dunne down in the turnbuckle until the ref breaks it up. Dunne goes after Williams’ arm and fingers again. Dunne hits Williams pumphandle flapjack for the three count.
Winner: Pete Dunne
Backstage we see the NXT roster celebrating The Great American Bash with a wing off. Robert Stone and Stevie Turner decide to battle each other as Ava looks on.
Tatum Paxley is backstage getting ready for her match and we see Kelani Jordan make her way backstage.
We return from the break with Ethan Page talking about his match. Nathan Frazer comes by to wish him luck. Page says he doesn’t need luck but he and Axiom will. Page says Frazer should be worried about where his partner is.
Match 2: Kelani Jordan(c) -vs- Tatum Paxley – North American Women’s Title Match
Paxley is out first followed by Kelani Jordan. The match begins and the women lock up. Jordan flips around the ring breaking the hold and they women lock up again. Paxley mimics Jordan with the same backhandspring combo breaking the hold. The women trade holds, until Jordan rolls up Paxley for a two count. Jordan has Paxley down in another hold and takes her down off the ropes. Jordan nails two spinning armdrags and hits a huge leg drop. Paxley heads outside and Jordan fires back with a moonsault off the ropes. The women battle outside and Paxley disappears under the ring. Jordan goes after her but finds a doll and then Paxley comes out of nowhere and takes out Jordan.
Back in the ring, with Tatum Paxley locking Kelani Jordan in a leg submission. Jordan fights out and rolls up Paxley for an almost count. Both women take each other down with a hairmare. Wendy Choo makes her way out slowly while Jordan takes Paxley down with chops. The women trade blows and Jordan goes for a springboard elbow but her knee gives out. Roll up and a two count, Jordan gets taken down and Paxley hits a 450 splash for a two count. Jordan is favouring her leg and is taken down again. Tatum is back up on the ropes and Jordan joins her. Jordan hits a spanish fly followed by a frog splash for the three count to retain
Winner: Kelani Jordan
After the match Choo takes out Paxley.
Backstage, Wren Sinclair chats with Charlie Dempsey and Myles Borne about being let into the group. The D’Angelo Family comes by and says if Wren wins her match, Dempsey will get a shot at the Heritage Cup. We also see Nathan Frazer going bonkers over Axiom not being around who shows up.
Oro Mensah is seen backstage with Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend and we cut to Ethan Page strutting around backstage.
Pete Dunne is leaving the arena and he says he’s ready for the title. Williams attacks Dunne and they got at it until they’re broken up.
Match 3: Ethan Page(c) -vs- Oro Mensah – NXT World Title Match
Mensah, Legend and Jackson are out first, followed by our champ, Ethan Page. The bells rings and the men lock up. Page takes Mensah to the corner but Mensah hits up with some right hands. Page chops Mensah and the two trade blows. Mensah into the ropes and hits a spinning headscissor. Mensah is on Page and gets a one count and continues to beat down Page. Page comes back with a huge punch and takes control of the match. Mensah fights back and pounds on Page in the corner. Mensah tries for a roll up but Page blocks it and heads to the outside.
Back from the break, Page has Mensah in a lock hold – Mensah fights his way out and kicks Page. Mensah goes into the rope and hits a flipping kick but Page connects with a kick right in his face and goes for a pin but gets a two count. Both men look gassed and trade blows. Mensah hits a backdrop on Page and gets him down and follows it with a few right hands. He takes Page down with a clothesline and gets him down with a kick for a two count. Page connects with a kick to the head which lays out Mensah. Both men are on the apron and climb the ropes. Page is on the top and Mensah meets him up there but is knocked down. Mensah comes flying in with a backflip kick and the suicide dives out onto Page. Back in the ring, Mensah kicks Page and covers for two. Jackson and Legend are stressed AF outside of the ring. The men continue to trade blows. Mensah does a missile drop kick on Page and sends him outside. Both men are now outside by the entrance. Mensah slams Page’s head against a picnic table, but is backdropped onto another table by Page. Page grabs Mensah and powerbombs him through another picnic table. Page and Mensah are back in the ring, and Page hits a DDT for a two count. Page goes for another Ego’s Edge but is countered and Mensah goes for two covers and gets a two count on both. Mensah hits a spinning heel kick on Page, but Page is able to get his leg under the rope. Mensah drags Page into the ring and slips off the rope and face plants. Page capitalizes and hits an Ego’s Edge for the win!
Winner: Ethan Page
Backstage, The Rascalz talk with Kelly Kincaid. They talk about how great it is to have the whole team together.
Next up, we have the battle of the Joe’s… Hendry -vs- Coffey is up next.
We see clips from earlier today where the roster is celebrating the Great American Bash. Ashante Thee Adonis is shown flirting with NXT women, but they all say they want the championship instead of Adonis.
Match 4: Joe Coffey -vs- Joe Hendry
Coffey with Gallus comes out first followed by Hendry who has the whole arena singing with him. Before the match can start, Hendry throws himself over the rope onto the rest of Gallus and then takes out Coffey. In the ring, Coffey takes over the match and hands it to Hendry. Coffey hits a splash for a two count and gets Hendry into a headlock. Hendry throws Coffey into the ropes and hits a running knee. Coffey tries for a top rope neckbreaker but misses – and Hendry comes back with a suplex. Hendry hammers Coffey in the corner with some boots and takes him down with a shoulder check. Hendry sends Coffey out of the ring and we cut to commercial.
Back in the ring, Coffey has Hendry down and the rest of Gallus attack Hendry. Hendry throws a chair at them and pretends to get taken out so the ref kicks the entourage out. Hendry rolls up Coffey for a two count and takes control of the match. Coffet is taken down by a fallaway slam. Hendry gets the crowd going and hits a chokeslam for the win.
Winner: Joe Hendry
After the match, Hendry says he’s gonna stay at NXT a lot longer.
We cut to a segment with Chase U. The whole class is there and they talk about their new classroom but what would be better is some gold. Holland comes in, who is responsible of the new class. He says Chase U has a title match against whoever wins against Axiom and Frazer -vs- MSK. Holland says it’s him and Andre Chase will battle them.
Shawn Spears approaches Brooks Jensen and says he owes him an open mind. Hank and Tank come in and ask them to calm down. The women talk about how many women are on the roster – Roxanne Perez comes in and says there are women she hasn’t met yet. Robert Stone says he’ll tell Ava to make a match but Turner beats him to it. The OC attends the bash and say they hate the food and drinks to which Hank and Tank find insulting and the four men go at it.
Match 5: Wren Sinclair -vs- Kendal Grey
Sinclair is out first followed by Grey. Sinclair has Dempsey and Borne with her, and Grey comes out with Carlee Bright. The women start the match and Grey gets Sinclair down and puts her in a leglock. Sinclair comes back with her own leg lock and has Grey grounded. The women roll on the ground trading holds until Grey hits a high cross body for a near pin. Grey gets Sinclair down in a shoulder lock and throws Sinclair into the turnbuckle. Sinclair gets Grey down and covers for a two count. Sinclair has Grey back in an arm submission and then targets Grey’s leg who is being folded in half. Sinclair hits a surfboard submission on Grey who counters for a two count. Both women take themselves down and now Grey is in control, with some takedowns and an overhead belly to belly. Grey hits another slam on Sinclair for the two count. Borne gets on the apron allowing Sinclair to capitalize. Sinclair takes down Grey with a faceplant for the three count.
Winner: Wren Sinclair
We get a superstar profile on Je’Von Evans.
Backstage, MSK gets ready for their match and we see Axiom and Frazer making their way for the main event.
Oba Femi is backstage and says he is putting his title on the line next week. The D’Angelo Family interrupts and says the scoop is that the Heritage Title is on the line next week.
Match 6: Axiom and Nathan Frazer(c) -vs- MSK
The Rascalz come out first with Lee and Wentz accompanied by Miguel for their match. Axiom and Frazer are out next and make their way to the ring. The bell rings and Lee and Axiom start off. Axiom immediately takes down Lee and applies an armhold. Lee spins his way out and flips Axiom and applies an arm hold on Axiom. Axiom flips out of it and tags in Frazer. Frazer takes down Lee but Lee fights back and dodges a splash. The men trade taking eachother down and the match picks up speed with Lee in control. Lee kicks Frazer in the head and Wentz tags in and gives Frazer a Broncobuster for about a minute. Lee tags in for a two count. Frazer and Lee battle it out and Axiom is tagged in who delivers a high cross body which sends Lee outside. Axiom hits a flying splash to the outside and we go to commercial.
We come back from commercial and Frazer has Wentz in a headlock. Wentz is trying to tag Lee. Frazer goes for a lionsault but Wentz conencts with a kick. Both men tag out and Axiom and Lee come in. Lee gets Axiom down and takes him down with punches and kicks. Lee hits a super kick and throws Axiom down for a two count. Lee tags in Wentz and the duo go for a double team but Axiom counters. Axiom gets to his corner and tags in Frazer. Axiom hits a spanish fly on Wentz and then Frazer hits a corkscrew splash for the two count. Axiom accidentally kicks Frazer in the face and Wentz goes for cover for a two count. Lee is tagged in and they double team Frazer for a two count. Wentz is sent to the outside and Frazer takes out Lee. Lee and Frazer are on the top rope, Frazer hits suplex on Lee and Axiom comes in for a two count. Frazer and Axiom double team Wes Lee for the three count.
Winners: Nathan Frazer and Axiom
After the match Miguel and Wentz console Wes Lee. Lee superkicks Miguel and lowblows Wentz. The crowd errupts and is asking “WHHHY??” Lee is screaming “you guys left me alone”. Lee continues to beat down Wentz and then beats down Miguel and sends him into the barricade. He then barrels towards Wentz and crushes him against the steel steps. “Asshole” chants all around the arena as the show goes off the air.
(Credit: Rajah.com)