WWE Money In The Bank Review – July 1, 2023

WWE Money In The Bank Review – July 1, 2023

7 Man Money In The Bank Ladder Match
Ricochet vs. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Santos Escobar vs. LA Knight vs. Butch vs. Damian Priest vs. Logan Paul

Ricochet, Shinsuke Nakamura, Santos Escobar, LA Knight, Damian Priest & Butch jumps Logan Paul before Ricochet, Shinsuke Nakamura, Santos Escobar, LA Knight & Butch also ganged up on Damian Priest before there was an exchange between Nakamura & Knight and Butch attacks everyone with a cricket bat.

Priest was about to go after Paul but Paul talks him out of it by noting that they were both tall and they should team up. They set up two tables side by side but Priest decks Paul with a uppercut before Ricochet hits a flip dive through a table to the outside.

Knight tried climbing the ladder but Paul brought him down with a Russian leg sweep. Paul dove into a right hand by Priest but Butch saves Paul from Priest.

Paul hits Priest with a frog splash off the apron onto an elevated ladder and Butch puts Escobar in a sleeper on an elevated ladder and Ricochet nails them both with a springboard 450 splash.

Priest climbs the ladder as everyone brawled but Knight brought him down with a back suplex. Paul gave Knight a Zig Zag and Ricochet hits Paul with an Shooting Star Press. Escobar took out Ricochet with a Falcon Arrow & with everyone huddled outside the ring Butch hits a moonsault off a ladder.

Paul prevents Butch from climbing. Paul also took out Ricochet before Escobar took out Paul. Nakamura & Ricochet battled on top of the ladder after Escobar took out Knight with a hurricanrana.

Ricochet and Paul leaped onto a 2nd ladder before kicking Nakamura & Escobar off their ladder.

Knight shoves the ladder with Paul & Ricochet which led to Ricochet giving Paul a Spanish Fly through the tables set up earlier.

Butch knocks Knight off the ladder before Priest shoves Butch off into a ladder in the corner. Knight shoves Priest out of the ring before also getting rid of Escobar & Nakamura.

Knight was on the verge of winning but Priest brought him down with a Broken Arrow. Priest climbs the rest of the ladder and grabs the briefcase for the win.

Winner & 2023 Mr Money In The Bank: Damian Priest (20:25)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)

Women’s Tag Team Titles Match
Ronda Rousey & Shayna Baszler (c) vs. Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez

Shayna Baszler yanks Liv Morgan off the top and targets her injured arm/shoulder. Ronda Rousey locks in an ankle lock but Morgan fought out & hits a Codebreaker and made the tag to Raquel Rodriguez. Rodriguez hits Baszler with a fallaway lam before powerslamming Rousey for a two count.

Rousey tried an armbar with Rodriguez on the middle rope but Rodriguez counters into a powerbomb then goes for the cover but Baszler broke it up.

Baszler put Morgan in an armbar as Rousey locks in an ankle lock but Rodriguez broke it up. Morgan couldn’t make a tag because Rousey wipes out Rodriguez. Baszler gave Morgan a German suplex and locks in a Kirifuda Clutch but Morgan slips out and Rousey tags in.

All of the sudden Baszler attacks Rousey from behind then she puts Rousey in a Kirifuda Clutch. Rodriguez nails Rousey with Texana Bomb and Morgan follows it up with ObLIVion for the win.

Winners & New Women’s Tag Team Champions: Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez (9:00) (NEW CHAMPIONS!!!!!)
Rate: 5

Kayla Braxton interviews Mr Money In The Bank Damian Priest & He wanted to be called Señor Money in the Bank. Priest didn’t know which title he would cash in on but knew one thing for sure he would be champion.

Intercontienetal Title Match
Gunther (c) vs. Matt Riddle

Gunther works over Riddle’s ankle then Riddle hits an exploder but couldn’t follow up because of the ankle and Gunther hits a clothesline for a two count. Riddle fights back moments later and hits a senton for a two count.

Gunther comes off the top rope with a splash but Riddle caught him in a triangle but Gunther hoisted him up and hit a powerbomb for a two count.

Gunther immediately transitioned into a single leg crab as Riddle tried fighting out so Gunther repeatedly smacked Riddle’s injured ankle then Gunther applied a leg lock and Riddle quickly taps out.

Winner By Submission & Still Intercontienetal Champion: Gunther (7:45) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)

After the match Drew McIntyre enters as Gunther celebrated and Gunther shoves McIntyre so McIntyre nails him with Glasgow Kiss follow by Claymore before McIntyre poses with the Intercontienetal Title.

Cody Rhodes vs. Dominik Mysterio

Dominik Mysterio smacks Cody Rhodes before Rhodes rips off his cast before Mysterio bails and tried running to the back but Rhodes caught him. Mysterio tried leaving through the crowd so Rhodes went after him again.

Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley got in Rhodes’ face as Mysterio removes a turnbuckle cover. Mysterio follows with a suicide dive on the distracted Rhodes to take over.

Mysterio tried 3 Amigos but Rhodes counters into a gore buster before hitting a powerslam and Disaster Kick for a two count then Rhodes went for a dive but Ripley got in his way.

The distraction allowed Mysterio to set up for a 619 but Rhodes caught him and hits a spinning Alabama Slam then Rhodes follows it up with a Cody Cutter then Cross Rhodes for the victory.

Winner: Cody Rhodes (8:40)
Rate: 4

John Cena enters the ring and said Surprise! Cena himself was surprised because he’s used to hearing John Cena sucks during his entrance but the crowd sang his song instead.

Cena said this was the 1st premium live event in London in over 20 years. Cena asked What the hell took us so long to spend some time with you? The crowd cheered.

Cena said it wasn’t up to him, it was up to the decision makers who didn’t know how to feel about London. Cena said they think this is a hostile environment and that the crowd can be a distraction. Cena said this crowd wasn’t a distraction, they were the show.

Cena wanted the world to know that they were underappreciated. Cena was big on respect and over the last 20 years, the fans have earned his respect. The crowd loudly chanted Thank you, Cena.

Cena said they don’t like it when the performers stop and let the crowd cheer but that’s what made nights like these special. Cena said there was no crowd more exciting than London, England.

I’m here to try to bring WrestleMania to London & the crowd absolutely erupted with Yes chants. Cena encouraged the crowd to let them know what WrestleMania would sound like.

The crowd cheered for a moment but was interrupted by Grayson Waller & he said he was a fan of Cena and said his performance in Scooby Doo really moved him.

Waller said Cena was lying to the fans if he thought WrestleMania was coming there. He hated the weather in London and wanted WrestleMania to go to Australia.

Waller noted that things haven’t been going well for Cena lately. He’s lost to Austin Theory, Roman Reigns & The Fiend but the fans were simple and only remembered the most recent thing they saw. Waller offered to save Cena by having him on his show at WrestleMania Australia.

Cena said no and was about to leave but Waller stops him. Waller said nobody said no to him which Cena didn’t appreciate. Cena wanted to soak in the London crowd 1 more time but Waller decks him from behind.

Waller posed until Cena plants him with an AA then Cena left while slapping hands with the fans.

6 Woman Money In The Bank Ladder Match
Zelina Vega vs. Becky Lynch vs. Zoey Stark vs. Bayley vs. Iyo Sky vs Trish Stratus

Becky Lynch enters last & Zoey Stark attacks her in the aisle which starts the match. Trish Stratus & Stark work together to take control of the match but Damage CTRL teams up to take over next then Zelina Vega fought off Iyo Sky for a moment but Damage CTRL bounces her back & forth in between a ladder.

Lynch prevents Damage CTRL from climbing the ladder. Vega used Stratus’ body as a bridge between 2 ladders and eventually everyone took turns clearing each other off the ladder.

Sky climbs the ladder but wasn’t close to the briefcase so she wiped out everyone except for Stratus with a moonsault. Stratus climbs the ladder but Lynch went after her. Lynch fought off Stratus & Stark but Vega took out Lynch & Stratus with a crossbody.

Vega shoved Sky out of the ring before Lynch and Stratus teamed up to give Vega a double powerbomb then Stratus gave Bayley a Stratusfaction onto a ladder before Stark drove Lynch into the ring post.

Stark puts handcuffs on Lynch but couldn’t latch it to the ring before Lynch fought her off. Lynch chucks Stratus over the announce table and drops Stark on a ladder. Lynch gave Stratus a Manhandle Slam on a ladder before Stark gave Lynch a neckbreaker.

Vega & Stark stood near the top of a ladder and Vega hits a sunset flip powerbomb onto a ladder bridge then Sky climbs the ladder but Bayley shoves the ladder down.

Bayley shows some regret on her face but proceeded to climb the ladder but Lynch hooks the other end of the handcuffs to fishhook Bayley’s mouth and brought her down the ladder.

Bayley tried fighting back but Sky handcuffs Bayley & Lynch together so Lynch & Bayley were stuck then Sky climbs over Bayley and grabs the briefcase for the win.

Winner & 2023 Ms Money In The Bank: Iyo Sky (18:05)
Rate: 9 (Recommend)

World Heavyweight Title Match
Seth Rollins (c) vs. Finn Balor

Seth Rollins hits an suicide dive but didn’t pop up as quickly as usual because of his injured ribs and Finn Bálor took over by targeting the ribs.

Rollins fought back with strikes, a backbreaker and a knee strike before Bálor went back to the ribs and hit a headlock elbow drop then goes for the cover but Rollins kicks out at 1. Bálor hit a slingblade but Rollins came back with a superkick and buckle bomb.

Bálor got his knees up on a frog splash and follows with a shotgun dropkick before Rollins avoids a Coup De Grace and Bálor avoids Curb Stomp then they traded strikes until Rollins caught Bálor’s Pelé Kick and hit a Pedigree for a two count.

Mr Money In The Bank Damian Priest walks out and the crowd chanted cash it in. Rollins was distracted so Bálor gets a schoolboy for a two count.

Rollins confronts Priest as he simply grabs a chair and sat down. Bálor used that distraction to dropkick Rollins into the barricade then Bálor hit a Coup De Grace off the announce table and off the steel steps.

Back in the ring Bálor hits a dropkick and went to the top rope but stop when he saw Priest get to his feet. Bálor went for the Coup De Grace but Rollins moves out of the way and hits  Curb Stomp to put Balor away.

Winner & Still World Heavyweight Champion: Seth Rollins (12:30) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!!)
Rate: 7

After the match Bálor & Priest are having a argument.

Kayla Braxton interviews Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn who were watching the show in a suite. Owens said it was great to be in London and put over some of tonight’s results.

She asked Zayn about the Bloodline Civil War & Zayn said he’s been waiting a long time to see this and tonight was the night that Reigns got exactly what was coming to him. They played Zayn’s music and the crowd sang along.

Tag Team Match
The Bloodline (Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns & Solo Sikoa) vs. The Usos (Jimmy & Jey) 

Solo Sikoa had the edge over Jimmy Uso but Jey Uso kicks him from behind as the ref was distracted. Sikoa was caught off guard so Roman Reigns tags in. Sikoa hesitated before tagging out.

Jey & Reigns circled each other before locking up then Reigns had the advantage over Jey so Jimmy tags in and they went for a double superkick but Reigns left the ring. Reigns got back in after a pep talk from Heyman and works over Jey. Sikoa tags in and had control until Jimmy tagged in but Sikoa quickly knocks him down with a forearm.

Reigns tags in and hits Jimmy with a Drive By for a two count before Sikoa tags back in and Reigns tags himself in and Jimmy couldn’t tag out because Sikoa yanks Jey off the apron.

Jimmy avoided a Superman Punch and made a hot tag to Jey & he hits Sikoa with punches then an enziguri and a flying crossbody for two. Jey hits a running hip attack but Reigns made a blind tag. Jey figures it out and gave Reigns a suicide dive before hitting Sikoa with one too.

Jey tried another but Reigns hit him with 2 Superman Punches then Reigns sets up for a spear but Jimmy tags in and The Usos hit Reigns with a double spear then goes for the cover but Sikoa broke up the cover.

Each side stood up and they exchanged right hands. Jey shoves Sikoa into the ring post as Reigns hits Jimmy with a Superman Punch for a two count. Reigns went for a spear but Jimmy hits him with consecutive superkicks.

Jimmy went for a splash but Reigns caught him in a Guillotine Choke then Jimmy used his strength to hoist up Reigns and powered him into the corner. Jey made a blind tag as Jimmy shoves Reigns into the referee who fell out of the ring.

The Usos gave Reigns the 1D and Jey covered him but there was no ref so The Usos went up for a double splash but Sikoa made the save before The Bloodline hit The Usos with Uranages before Sikoa hits Jimmy with a Samoan Spike.

Sikoa spiked Jey as Reigns hit a spear. Sikoa stacked up The Usos then Reigns covers them but they kick out at the last second. Reigns seemed without any ideas so Sikoa hammered away on The Usos & that encouraged Reigns to join him.

Sikoa superkicks Jimmy onto the announce table. Sikoa tried a splash off the barricade but Jimmy moved and Sikoa crashed through the table.

Jey & Reigns exchanged superkicks and Superman Punches respectively until Reigns hit a spear for a near fall. Jey actually kicks out by low blowing Reigns.

Jimmy tags in and the Usos handed out superkicks to Reigns & Sikoa then Jey tags in and hits Uso Splash on Reigns to score the win.

Winners: The Usos (32:10)
Rate: 10 (Recommend)

Matches Of The Night

Tag Team Match

Women’s Money In The Bank Ladder Match

Money In The Bank Ladder Match

Intercontienetal Title Match

World Heavyweight Title Match