WWE Main Event Results – November 2, 2023

WWE Main Event Results – November 2, 2023

Blair Davenport vs. Kayden Carter

Kayden Carter gets a takedown and walks over the back of Blair Davenport before a roll up gets a for two count for Carter and she springs to land a kick to the face for a 1 count.

Carter gets dumps on the apron and Davenport drops her with a kick then she heads up and hits The Jump Scare on Carter before Carter tries a shotgun dropkick but Davenport catches her and hooks a Boston Crab. Carter uses her leg strength to escape and follows with an up kick.

Clothesline is ducked and Carter lands a series of forearms then hits a running one in the corner and hits a side kick to the head. Carter gets a springboard off the middle ropes for another two count.

Davenport tries a suplex but Carter slides off and lands a superkick then a running kick nearly knocks Davenport to the floor before Carter hits The Hangover to get the win.

Winner: Kayden Carter

Akira Tozawa vs. Wes Lee

Akira Tozawa gets a go behind and takes it to the mat before Wes Lee is able to break and flips over to get control then rolls into a pin attempt that gets a two count. Tozawa back with a hammerlock and he takes Lee back down to the mat as he maintains arm control.

Lee rolls over and then flips to break but Tozawa hooks a side headlock but Lee breaks and gets a quick cover for one. Lee flips over to avoid a kick and slides through Tozawa’s legs to get a headscissors.

He follows with a dropkick that sends Tozawa to the floor then Lee goes flying as he clears the top rope with a flip dive onto Tozawa as we go to a break.

After the break Lee floating over into a bridge while working on the arm but Tozawa gets a foot on the ropes to break but Lee maintains wrist control. He throws some strikes and drops an elbow. Lee goes back to a hammerlock as Tozawa is the one fighting from underneath in this one.

Tozawa is able to get free and snaps off a headscissors then hits a Shinning Wizard and comes off the top with a missile dropkick for a two count. Tozawa tries a German suplex but Lee blocks and throws some knees to the ribs.

Kick to the back followed by a Meteora for two then Lee heads up but Tozawa moves but Lee lands on his feet and lands a right hand. Tozawa responds with a knee.

Lee with a superkick and he tries a headscissors but Tozawa sticks him with a powerbomb that leaves both men down.

Tozawa heads up top and then avoids a Lee charge then a head kick from Tozawa and he heads up top and hits the Senton to get the win.

Winner: Akira Tozawa