WWE Main Event Results – November 17, 2022

WWE Main Event Results – November 17, 2022

Asuka vs. Kiana James

Match starts off with Kiana James gets a headlock but Asuka counters easily. She hooks a side headlock and clowns James a bit before getting some dancing in. She hits a clothesline, but misses the hip attack.

James works Asuka over in the corner and backflips out and runs back in with a shoulder to the ribs. Slam from James gets a one count. Another and this time it gets two. James hooks a chinlock then James piefaces Asuka.

Asuka throws strikes and gets a backslide for two. She buries a knee to the face and goes crazy with kicks and back fists. Hip attack connects in the corner and she hits a head kick for the win

Winner: Asuka

Back to Smackdown last week as The Usos defeated New Day to retain the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles & to have the longest reign. (Go check this match it was a another banger between these 2 teams)

Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns is set to acknowledge The Usos for their greatness but Brawling Brutes interrupt with Sheamus making his return. The brawl is on and Drew McIntyre is out as backup.

Back to Raw from last week as hidden camera footage catches Miz admitting to hiring Dexter Lumis to stalk him and that he stopped paying him because things went haywire.

Back to Raw this past Monday for Miz TV as The Miz is out to apologize. Johnny Gargano interrupts and is happy that Miz has confirmed what he has been saying for weeks. Johnny lets us know that Miz & Lumis face off in 2 weeks and if Dexter wins, he gets a WWE contract and Miz has to pay him all back owed money. If Miz wins, then Dexter is gone. Dexter then unveils as one of the cameramen and Miz bails, but loses his cardigan.

JD McDonagh introduces himself to Cedric Alexander & Alexander thinks he is creepy, but McDonagh says his body is at zen thinking about what he is going to do to Alexander later.

Cedric Alexander vs. JD McDonagh

Match begins with JD McDonagh gets wrist control and maintains as Cedric Alexander tries to roll his way out. He even tries to monkey flip out, but McDonagh maintains control. He finally escapes, but backs into a corner to check on his wrist.

Another go and McDonagh lands a kick to the stomach and goes back to the arm and wrist. Alexander kips up to break and gets a dropkick. Alexander fires off some chops in the corner. McDonagh escapes a suplex but gets caught with an elbow.

Alexander tries to pick up the pace, but McDonagh goes back to the damaged arm. He drapes Alexander’s arm across the top rope as he jumps to the floor and that takes us to our commercial break.

After the break McDonagh back on the arm but Alexander is able to shove off to break. Sick clothesline from Alexander with the good arm and a nice release German Suplex sends JD to the floor. Alexander looks to fly, but McDonagh back in to cut him off. Alexander gets a Michinoku Driver for two count.

Alexander trys to go for a Neutralizer is a no go as his damaged arm won’t let him hit the move. McDonagh gets tossed to the apron, but low bridges Alexander then hits a Asai moonsault from McDonagh.

Slingshot corkscrew splash back in the ring gets two. Alexander lands on his feet off another German and lands a kick to the back. He misses a 2nd kick, but lands a forearm. Cedric tries another clothesline, but McDonagh rolls with it and hits a standing Spanish Fly.

McDonagh with some Yes Kicks but he walks into a knee to the face. Both up and McDonagh hits a headbutt. They start trading blows in the middle of the ring and Cedric gets a head kick before getting a brainbuster for the win.

Winner: Cedric Alexander

Back to Raw 2 weeks ago as Bobby Lashley destroys Seth Rollins which has Austin Theory cashing in for The United States Title and he loses.

Back to Raw as Seth Rollins defends his United States Title against Finn Balor & Judgment Day & The OC get involved and brawl through the crowd. Austin Theory is out after the match and takes out Rollins.