WWE Main Event Results – August 17, 2023

WWE Main Event Results – August 17, 2023

Natalya vs. Tegan Nox

Tegan Nox attacks Natalya from behind but Natalya fires back and Nox bails to the floor. Natalya gives chase and gets caught with a knee trying to get back into the ring & that gets a two count. Nox chokes with her boot on the ropes then to the corner where Nox lands some strikes and gets a suplex for a two count.

Nox talks some trash and hooks a chinlock but Natalya fights out and gets a roll up for a two count but Nox drops her with a clothesline which also gets a two count then a flatliner into the middle buckle and Nox follows with a backsplash to the face.

Natalya fires back again but quickly gets cut off and Nox goes back to the chinlock then Natalya escapes and lands an elbow as she ducks a clothesline and avoids a charge in the corner. Natalya with a slingshot Bubba Bomb followed by a basement dropkick for two.

Natalya goes for the sharpshooter but Nox escapes and gets a sit out suplex for a two count then Nox misses a splash this time in the corner and that lets Natalya locks in the Sharpshooter for the submission win.

Winner By Submission: Natalya

Ricochet vs. Tommaso Ciampa

Match starts off with a lock up then Tommaso Ciampa back Ricochet into the corner then he offers a clean break but shoves Ricochet. They take it to the mat and Ricochet ends up getting a side headlock. Ciampa reverses and runs Ricochet down but he kips up. Ciampa swings and misses which lets Ricochet go to the arm.

Ciampa counters into a side headlock and lands a chop to the back. Ricochet back with his own chop and he snaps off a headscissors followed by a dropkick.

Ciampa rolls to the floor where Ricochet tries a slingshot crossbody but Ciampa rolls back into the ring then Ricochet jumps up to the apron and gets hit with a knee to the face as we go to a break.

After the break Ciampa getting a two count then he hooks a chinlock on the mat then Ciampa lands a strike and stomps away in the corner. Running knee to the face gets a two count before we go back to the chinlock.

Ricochet elbows his way out and tries the handspring off the ropes but Ciampa dropkicks him in the face. Project Ciampa is blocked and Ricochet hits The Recoil to leave both men out. Ricochet lands some strikes and hits a flying forearm and another then a handspring elbow before a standing shooting star press gets a two count.

Ciampa misses a knee on the apron but Ricochet doesn’t as he tries to springboard in but Ciampa knocks him off balance and hits Willow’s Bell for a two count. Fairytale Ending is escaped and they go back to trading blows then a head kick is ducked by Ciampa but Ricochet avoids Fairytale Ending again and hits Sliced Bread for the win.

Winner: Ricochet