WWE Main Event Results – August 10, 2023

WWE Main Event Results – August 10, 2023

Tag Team Match
Indus Sher (Veer Mahaan & Sanga) vs. Cedric Alexander & Akria Tozawa

Akira Tozawa starts with Sanga and he crashes into Sanga so Tozawa tags in Apollo Crews & he hits a dropkick and then another to the knee then a enziguiri to Sanga as he is dropped to a knee. Tozawa is in and he gets planted with a chokeslam.

Veer Mahaan is in an he drops his leaping elbow then hooks a nerve hold before he tries the elbow again but Tozawa moves as he catches Veer with a series of enziguiris and makes the tag to Crews.

He runs wild and hits the Stinger Splash in the corner but gets taken down with a clothesline. Tozawa off the tag as he got a blind tag and he hits the back elbow on Mahaan.

He throws a series of kicks but Mahaan shakes it off and before Tozawa gets hit with a modified version of Demolition’s finisher for the win.

Winners: Indus Sher

Nikki Cross vs. Tegan Nox

Nikki Cross with a quick roll up for a two count but runs into a side headlock then Cross back with a shoulder tackle and she does her dance where she shakes his hips and humps the air. Nox with a Flatliner into the corner and then a clothesline gets a one count.

Tegan does her version of Cross’ dance before a monkey Flip out of the corner by Cross and she hits a basement dropkick that sends Nox to the floor. Cross off the apron with a crossbody as we go to a break.

After the break Cross sending Nox into the corner and getting the 10 count punches then Cross off the middle rope with a tornado DDT but Nox pushes her off and gets a running kick to the head then Nox stands on Cross’ head and stomps the ear.

She chokes Cross on the middle rope. Cross tries to fire up but gets planted face first on the mat for two with a release front suplex. Tegan squashes Cross in the corner and that gets a two count. Nox starts firing off hammer fists to the back of the head and then hooks a chinlock.

She takes it to the mat but Cross gets to her feet and breaks with a jawbreaker before Cross avoids a charge in the corner and gets a dropkick to the knee then a splash in the corner from Cross and she brings Nox out with a bulldog.

Cross up top but Nox trips her and gets a two count as the ref catches her feet on the ropes then a suplex is countered into a DDT before The Purge gets the win.

Winner: Nikki Cross