WWE Legend Blasts The Firefly Funhouse WrestleMania 36 Match

During his recent podcast, Jim Cornette gave his thoughts on the Firefly Funhouse segment at Wrestlemania 36:

“What was that? It wasn’t — and I like John Cena, and I’ve never said anything bad about John Cena. I assume John Cena is gone also from the WWE and will never come back, that’s the only reason he participated in this, I would think. Because he’d never be seen again by the audience.”

“How do I make notes on this? He came to the ring, then Bray’s in the Fun House in the video. Then Cena’s in the Fun House. Then he goes through the door because the puppet tells him to, and you know, and f**king Lewis Caroll has Alice down the rabbit hole. I wrote the following: ‘This is the end of wrestling, why am I wasting my time watching this? This isn’t even a cool movie fight scene. This is just stupid and non-sensical. Even in the movie fight scene, they weren’t obviously acting silly and doing shtick with each other. I’ve never met Bray Wyatt, but I’m disappointed in John Cena. Bray Wyatt was emoting to the silly background music. [stammers] I don’t know what the f**k was going on.”

“It didn’t even make any sense as phony wrestling! It didn’t make any sense as anything. It was making fun of the wrestling business, having them obviously work together to not just do what Taker and AJ did, which was have a reasonably realistic-looking movie fight, but to have silliness and stupidity , and act in it and be a part of it. And it didn’t even — so it accomplished nothing good, because it made the business look like f**king — well, I don’t even. I don’t even know if this could make the wrestling business look bad, because what the f**k besides the fact that these guys were portrayed as wrestlers beforehand, there was no wrestling involved here. It’s just stupid. But it wasn’t good at anything. It wasn’t a good movie, it wasn’t a good movie fight scene, it wasn’t performed well because it didn’t make any sense. You couldn’t follow it to begin with. What the f**k was this?”

“If you did this on a wrestling program even 10 years ago, it would put your company out of business. And now for — for everybody that was waiting on me to cut the big promos saying, ‘Well, this has killed the business,’ it’s too late. I acknowledge that. It’s over with anyway. We have — that’s — what I said a few weeks ago … I have no interest in being involved in this s**t anymore, because the cause is lost and the fight is over. And when we are actually in a position where not only fans but wrestlers are debating whether the Invisible Man should be booked on a card, where anybody can participate no matter what their size, or age, or skill, or whatever and be called a professional wrestler. And where even the participants put up absolutely no pretense that they’re not completely full of s**t, and the fans think that there’s nothing wrong with that, this is not a f**king industry that I want to be involved in anymore as it currently exists. The fight is over. So I can’t really muster a horrible, scathing promo on how bad this was for the business at this point, because the f**king business is f**king done. Whatever this is, it ain’t the wrestling business. And it appeals to an ever tightening circle of f**king people who want to see silly s**t. But the more that they do of this, the more they run off all those people who over 10 years ago, 15 years ago, 20 years ago, 30 years ago, 40 years ago, would have watched wrestling till the day they f**king died. And now we’re like, ‘F**k it, I just can’t take this anymore.’ That’s where we’re at.”