WWE Hall Of Famer Explains How The Company Should Use CM Punk Right Now

(Photo Credit: WWE)

WWE Hall of Famer Bully Ray (Bubba Ray Dudley) appeared on an episode of Busted Open Radio, where he talked about a number of topics including how the company should use CM Punk right now.

Ray said, “In allowing Punk to talk, you keep him safe. If I have CM Punk on my roster, I play to his strengths. His strengths are his character, his storytelling, his personal issues with others.”

On what he would do with Punk if he was Triple H:

“If I’m Triple H, I’m booking Punk in the most high-profile matches I possibly can right now. [If he] comes out of it injury-free, I book him to the next level. Could CM Punk carry the WWE World Heavyweight Championship? Absolutely, no doubt in my mind.”

You can check out the complete podcast below.