WWE Bash In Berlin Results – August 31, 2024

The time has come for WWE Bash In Berlin 2024.

WWE returns this afternoon from Uber Arena in Berlin, Germany with their WWE Bash In Berlin 2024 premium live event, which streams live via the WWE Network on Peacock.

On tap for today’s international PLE is GUNTHER vs. Randy Orton for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, Cody Rhodes vs. Kevin Owens for the WWE Universal Championship, CM Punk vs. Drew McIntyre in a Strap Match, The Unholy Union vs. Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair for the WWE Women’s Tag-Team Championship, as well as The Terror Twins vs. The Judgment Day in mixed tag-team action.

Featured below are complete WWE Bash In Berlin results from Saturday, August 31, 2024. The following report was written by PWMania.com reporter Matt Boone (@MattBoone0709) as the show aired live on the WWE Network on Peacock from 10am-4pm EST.


“WWE Then. Now. Forever. Together.” gets things started for the Countdown to Bash In Berlin 2024 pre-show. Michael Cole narrates a live aerial shot of the capital of Germany, and the host of today’s first-ever German premium live event, Berlin.

He then emerges through a sea of fans and welcomes us to the show. Arrival shots of Randy Orton, GUNTHER and others are shown. GUNTHER obviously got a monster pop upon being seen, but fans were equally loud in chanting “RKO!” upon seeing Orton.

After the cold open video package wraps up, we see more arrival shots of Cody Rhodes, Kevin Owens (eating a lollipop), The Terror Twins and Liv Morgan and Dominik Mysterio. We then shoot to the pre-show panel, where Cole is joined by Big E. and The Miz.

Cathy Kelley checks in from outside GUNTHER’s locker room. She says his family is here for the biggest match in German wrestling history. Byron Saxton is shown outside and the pre-show crowd roars and actually chants “Byron Saxton!” as he talks about Randy Orton’s journey heading into today’s match.

Jackie Redmond is introduced next, and she appears from inside the empty Uber Arena. She says the doors just opened and fans will be filtering in soon. She talks about the Strap Match between CM Punk and Drew McIntyre as the pre-show crowd chants her name.

Back to the panel, where the pre-show crowd continues to treat Michael Cole like a God among men, loudly chanting his name and even breaking out in numerous “This is Awesome” chants as he chats with Big E. and Miz about matches for today’s show.

We then shoot to a lengthy one-on-one sit-down interview between Cole and Randy Orton. Cole sets it up by saying there are plenty of “mic drop” moments. Orton talks in unfiltered fashion about his comeback at WWE Survivor Series last year, and how he found out that CM Punk was also making a surprise return after him.

Liv Morgan and Dominik Mysterio are interviewed live backstage, calling The Terror Twins dorks and vowing victory tonight. Later on, Damian Priest and Rhea Ripley are interviewed and promise The Judgment Day will be served justice tonight. Another sublte Sid reference or just a coincidence?

Byron Saxton sits down with WWE Chief Content Officer Paul “Triple H” Levesque, who calls this the highest-grossing arena event in WWE history. It was set at Clash at the Castle in Scotland and broken by the WWE show in France earlier this year. It’s the seventh international PLE for the year and speaks to the dedication of WWE to their international fans.

The show moves on to Peter Rosenberg with the voice of WWE in Germany, who sings the praises of GUNTHER while reflecting on sharing a locker room with “The Ring General” in the past. We then move on to a god-awful “Main Event Menu” cooking segment with The Miz.

When it wraps up, we return to the pre-show panel, where Jackie Redmond has taken over for Michael Cole, who has presumably left to get ready for the PLE coming up at the top of the hour. Big E. and Miz talk to Redmond about donuts in a true example of killing time with total nonsense.

After some more panel talk about today’s matches, shoot over to a backstage live interview with WWE World Heavyweight Champion GUNTHER. He talks about being ready to “slap left, slap right and go home,” while discussing his title defense against Randy Orton.

Speaking of Orton, when the live backstage talk with “The Ring General” wraps up, we head to part two of Michael Cole’s in-depth sit-down interview with “The Viper.” An elaborate video package showing GUNTHER’s work out airs, with him telling Orton “Weak things break” at the close.

We see a road to CM Punk vs. Drew McIntyre Strap match video package after that. From there, we shoot to a live backstage interview with Cathy Kelley and CM Punk. Punk has a very serious look in his eyes and ala Jake Roberts, talks in a soft but deadly serious tone in a brief discussion.

WWE Universal Championship
Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Kevin Owens

Shortly after that, Redmond, Miz and Big E. wrap up things at the panel and the “Countdown” pre-show concludes. The cold open video package airs to get things started, as we transition over to the premium live event. Paul “Triple H” Levesque is featured in the cold open.

After it wraps up, we shoot back inside Uber Arena in Berlin, Germany, where we get ready for our first match of today’s show. And it’s a big one, as Cody Rhodes defends his WWE Universal Championship against Kevin Owens. 13,149 fans are in the building and they are loud today.

Owens makes his way out first and then Rhodes comes out, and we see our first look at the “Sound Meter” graph thing that WWE uses to determine how loud crowds are during international PLEs. After Samantha Irvin handles the formal ring introductions, the bell sounds to get this one started.

The crowd starts an insanely loud sing-chant as soon as they hear the bell. Owens sits on the top turnbuckle and soaks in the atmosphere. They give the two a standing ovation and stomp their feet, clearly aware they’re being gauged as a potential loudest international crowd ever. They shake hands and get going.

Owens hits a cannonball early on. Cody goes for a Cutter, but Owens has it well scouted. The two lose their cool and go nose-to-nose. On the floor, Owens hits another cannonball splash off the ring apron. Cody fights back and now Owens is selling his arm. Cody slaps on a submission attempt but Owens survives.

Cody gets knocked off the apron and bounces off the barricade. Owens hits a frog splash off the ring apron to Cody on the floor. We learn via Wade Barrett on commentary that what Owens whispered to Cody on SmackDown last night was, “Remember, you asked for this.”

After some more back-and-forth action, with Owens focusing on the softened up ribs and mid-section of Cody, we see Owens hit a top-rope rolling senton to add further punishment to the area. He goes for the cover, but only gets two. Fans chant “This is Awesome!”

Owens goes for a Stunner, but Cody counters with Cross-Rhodes for a super close two-count. Owens takes back over and brings Cody to the top-rope, where he hits an insane fisherman’s brainbuster off the top for a super close two-count of his own.

Rhodes heads to the top-rope, but his left knee buckles and gives out on him. Cole points out that this is the knee that Owens claimed was injured. Cody rolls to the floor and the referee checks on him. Owens grits his teeth and goes after Cody on the floor. Cody says he’s okay and blasts Owens with forearms.

Owens blatantly kicks the injured knee of Cody as his face turns bright red. He hoists Cody up for an apron power bomb, but hesitates. He throws Cody down instead. Cole says he can’t pull the trigger. Owens yells shut up to Barrett for questioning where his killer instinct is.

In the ring, Owens hits a stunner on Cody for a close two count. Cody fights back and hits two Cross-Rhodes in a row. He looks for a third, but Owens counters and hits another stunner for another super close two-count. Seconds later, Cody gets the win to retain. The commentators focus on Owens failing to pull the trigger on the apron power bomb when he could’ve had it won.

Winner and STILL WWE Universal Champion: Cody Rhodes

WWE Women’s Tag-Team Championship
Unholy Union (c) vs. Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair

We see Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair in their ring gear getting ready to come out, before we shift to a commercial break or road to women’s tag-title video package, depending on your level of Peacock subscription. When we return, the challengers make their way out for our second title tilt of the show.

After Cargill and Belair settle in the ring, the reigning and defending WWE Women’s Tag-Team Champions make their way out for their latest defense of the women’s tag straps. The bell sounds to get this one started.

Belair starts things off for her team, and ends up isolated in the ring for 90% of the match, almost all of which she spends on the defensive. Fyre and Dawn constantly use her super-long ponytail to maintain their offensive advantage.

In the end, Cargill provides a key assist when Fyre and Dawn were looking for a double-team top-rope high spot to finish Belair off. Belair and Cargill hit their new double-team finisher and Cargill scores the pin fall for the victory. We have new women’s tag champs.

Winners and NEW WWE Women’s Tag-Team Champions: Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair

Strap Match
CM Punk vs. Drew McIntyre

Following a brief break, we see the road to video package to tell the story leading up to this showdown between bitter rivals CM Punk and Drew McIntyre in a Strap Match. Back inside Uber Arena after the package, we hear the sword-swipe and out comes “The Scottish Warrior” to the ring first.

When he settles in the ring, after a delay, we hear Living Colour’s “Cult of Personality” as the crowd goes bonkers in Berlin and sings along while CM Punk makes his way down to the ring. Fans break out in loud “CM Punk!” chants as he nears the ring.

Before the two are strapped together, McIntyre does what he complained about, and attacks Punk from behind. He beats Punk down and whips him with the strap before the bell sounds. Eventually the two are tied together with the strap and the bell sounds to start things off.

We see lights on the post in each corner, which will light up when each corner has been touched. All four must be touched while dragging your opponent around to win. McIntyre continues to beat Punk down while strapped together in the early goings.

Cole points out that Punk has only landed one single punch thus far on offense, as McIntyre continues to dominate the action. Punk comes alive out of nowhere and connects with his Go To Sleep finisher to set the crowd on fire. Punk teases tagging the turnbuckle but shakes his head “no.”

He decides instead to inflict more punishment, whipping McIntyre with the strap. The commentators talk about this being the same mistake that cost Punk their last match at SummerSlam. McIntyre opens Punk up. Punk is bleeding and McIntyre, seeing the blood, turns it up a notch.

The two fight out to the floor where McIntyre looks to do the same move that hurt Punk in the Royal Rumble, but Punk counters and back-body drops McIntyre on the desk. A regular table is set up as Punk starts to fight back. In the ring, Punk touches three corners, but upon going for the fourth, is sent sailing and crashing through the table at ringside.

McIntyre hoists up a lifeless Punk and carries him around while touching each turnbuckle. Unbeknownst to him, Punk is tagging each buckle along the way as well, while hanging lifeless over McIntyre’s shoulders. They get to the fourth one and Punk tries stealing the win. They exchange shots back-and-forth.

In the end, Punk beats McIntyre down and makes him tap out, which means nothing. He carries him to tag three of the four corners before stopping, regaining his bracelet with his wife and dog’s name on it, and hits a GTS before picking up the win and tagging the fourth corner.

Winner: CM Punk

Rhea Ripley & Damian Priest vs. Liv Morgan & Dominik Mysterio

The Judgment Day duo of WWE Women’s World Champion Liv Morgan and “Daddy Dom” Dominik Mysterio are shown hugging up on each other as we get ready for our next match of the show, which is featured mixed tag-team action. The Judgment Day duo come out first, followed by The Terror Twins team.

The bell sounds and it will be Priest and Dom-Dom kicking things off for their respective teams. Priest charges, but Mysterio immediately puts himself through the ropes to keep Priest back. Mysterio dances around the ring to avoid Priest. Mysterio hits him with some strikes, but Priest shakes it off and big boots Mysterio down.

More back and forth action as the crowd chants, “Who’s your daddy?” to Mysterio. Priest gets Mysterio in the ring. Morgan grabs Priest’s foot, which allows Mysterio to knock Priest off the apron. Mysterio then tackles Priest into the ring steps. Priest hits the steps with his hip. Ripley is furious.

Mysterio kicks Priest in the midsection and attempts the Three Amigos, but Priest counters into a Broken Arrow. Ripley tags in to a huge ovation. Morgan is automatically in. Ripley runs over Morgan with a pair of clotheslines before hitting a facebuster and another clothesline. Ripley hits the ropes and hits a basement dropkick. Ripley is fired up and connects with a release German Suplex. Ripley follows up with a knee to the face.

Mysterio is stumbling around on his feet and turns toward Ripley. Mysterio wants to hug Ripley. Ripley elbows Morgan down and grabs Mysterio’s wrist. Ripley hits Mysterio with a pair of short-arm clotheslines before slamming him onto his face! Ripley has Mysterio in the corner and grapevines the head! Ripley releases him and attacks Morgan before she can attack. Ripley goes for a Riptide on Mysterio, but Morgan breaks it up. Morgan attacks Ripley and hits a backstabber. Morgan hits a high knee in the corner and throws Ripley down. Morgan hits an abdominal stretch slam for a two-count. Morgan grabs for Ripley, but Ripley kicks her in the head. That looked nasty on the replay.

At ringside, Priest pounces McDonagh over the commentary table and superkicks Carlito. Priest superkicks Bálor and clears the commentary table. Priest grabs Bálor, but Mysterio cuts him off. Mysterio has Priest on the table and charges, but Priest turns him inside out with a clothesline! Priest stares at Morgan. Ripley is behind Morgan, and she is smiling. Ripley head-butts Morgan in the face and connects with her Riptide finisher for the win.

Winners: Damian Priest & Rhea Ripley

WWE World Heavyweight Championship
GUNTHER (c) vs. Randy Orton

The road to video package airs for our final match of the show, and out comes “The Viper” Randy Orton afterwards. The fans are obviously going to be pro-GUNTHER, but they are strongly behind Orton as well. They loudly sing along with his theme as he settles in the ring.

GUNTHER’s theme hits next and out he comes for our main event title defense. “The Ring General” is a rock star in Berlin today, as you would expect. Samantha Irvin goes to finish up the pre-match ring introductions, but is stopped by Ludwig Kaiser, who insists on doing GUNTHER’s himself. The crowd loves it.

After the bell sounds, our WWE World Heavyweight Championship main event of WWE Bash In Berlin 2024 is officially off-and-running. Fans sing like crazy as the “Live & Loud” meter graphic flashes on the screen again. They are giving Italy a run for their money in this main event, which hasn’t even started, already.

Orton plays to the rabid crowd, teasing and seeing if they’re more behind him or GUNTHER. The action spills out to the floor, where Orton begins focusing his offensive attack on the arm of “The Ring General.” Back in the ring, GUNTHER tries a sleeper hold, but Orton grabs his bad arm and goes back to work on it.

GUNTHER starts to fight back and takes over for a few minutes on offense, controlling the action with his first prolonged run in the offensive driver’s seat. Orton starts to rally from underneath, and the two begin trading shots. GUNTHER sells his weakened arm with each shot he lands with it.

Orton goes old-school and pulls a blatant heel tactic by hitting GUNTHER low. Cole points out on commentary that referee Charles Robinson is allowing a lot due to the high stakes involved in this one. Orton connects with his trademark draping DDT off the ropes. Fans start chanting for an “RKO!”

Ultimately, Orton doesn’t hit it yet, as GUNTHER starts to make another offensive comeback as the crowd comes to life once again inside the Uber Arena. The two fight out to the floor, where the steel ring steps are used. Orton regains the offensive lead as the fans begin randomly singing stuff again.

We see Orton slam the bad arm of GUNTHER on the steps over and over again. He stands on top of the steps next to the commentary desk and hoists GUNTHER up. He side-slams the big man through the commentary desk. He does the Orton pose on the steps and then drags GUNTHER into the ring.

He looks for the RKO, but GUNTHER avoids it and locks in a sleeper-hold. Orton escapes a few times, only for GUNTHER to slap it right back on. GUNTHER lets it go himself and elbows the piss out of Orton before slapping it on and squeezing with all he’s got. Orton doesn’t tap out, but passes out. The ref calls for the bell. GUNTHER retains.

Winner and STILL WWE World Heavyweight Champion: GUNTHER