William Regal Calls Out “Clickbait People” for Misquoting His Comments About WWE NXT UK

(Photo Credit: AEW)

During the latest episode of his podcast, William Regal addressed the rebranding of the WWE NXT UK brand as NXT Europe. The following is what Regal had to say:

“It’s been over 10 years that NXT UK was in the thought process. I also know for the last several years NXT Europe was in process … Things changed in the last year and different things, but now, things have changed again and things are back on track … I don’t work there and I don’t ask, but the expansion of NXT was going to happen. I was personally working on that for the last seven or eight years until January. Unfortunately there are people who are not going to have jobs at the moment. It doesn’t mean they can’t come back. That’s wrestling … Everything was done for the right reasons.”

“So, if they want to try and take me up on this, take me up on it and if I get fired from the company I’m working for now [AEW] for sticking up [for them], then so be it. ‘NXT UK’ was a passion project of mine, to give a decent place for British and European talent to get a pipeline so they could go to WWE and have the charmed life that I’ve had. If they don’t like that, then they can get stuffed … This was all done for the right reasons. How it’s played out is an unfortunate thing.”

You can listen to the complete podcast below:

It would appear that Regal did not appreciate it when certain news headlines stated that he “doesn’t care” if he is fired from AEW, as he wrote the following on Twitter in response to those headlines:

“Please, clickbait people, either listen to my interviews in full so you don’t misquote or get a lovely gossip story to create problems or just please don’t write about me at all. Thank you.”