Why WWE Says ‘Local Medical Facility’ And Not Hospital In Storylines

While appearing on the Something to Wrestle With podcast, WWE Hall of Famer John Layfield (JBL) shared his thoughts on WWE’s long-standing use of the term “local medical facility” instead of “hospital” during Vince McMahon’s tenure. JBL explained:

“Vince wanted to keep things on a more cerebral level. I think that was the reason for the medical center. Plus, he didn’t want people to call the hospital. He didn’t want people to say ‘He’s at the Baltimore Hospital,’ because ]they] would call the hospital. If you say, ‘He’s at a local medical center,’ you have no idea where he went. You have the plausible deniability.”

JBL’s insight highlights how McMahon’s vision influenced WWE’s presentation, down to the language used to describe injuries and events on-screen.

(quote courtesy of Jeremy Lambert)