On the December 3rd edition of NXT, we saw a tag team battle royale take place which featured every single tag team in NXT battling it out to get an opportunity to challenge Nathan Frazer and Axiom for the NXT Tag Team Championships. Ultimately, Myles Borne last eliminates Lucien Price of OTM to win the battle royal for the No Quarter Catch Crew.
The match quickly became official as it was announced that Myles Borne and Tavion Heights would take on Nathan Frazer and Axiom for the NXT Tag Team Championships on Saturday at Deadline. Borne and Heights should without a doubt be the team to dethrone Nathan Frazer and Axiom for the NXT Tag Team Championships, and it should happen on Saturday.
Since coming to WWE, the potential surrounding Borne and Heights has been astonishing. Charlie Dempsey quickly took them under his wing, and No Quarter Catch Crew, NQCC for short, was born. This was a group that was born under simple rules, to be the best. All three men are great athletes, competitors, and wrestlers, so they mesh very well together.
Over time, the group grew. Wren Sinclair found her way into the hearts of NQCC and now has become one of the permanent members of the group. With Dempsey being the only one holding gold in the group, it’s time to add some more. Adding the NXT Tag Team Championships to the NQCC is best for business.
Nathan Frazer and Axiom have been great tag team champions. They are both very skilled high-flyers, and that is on display every time they get into the ring. However, it’s time for a change. Frazer has been teasing a heel turn for the past six months or so, and it’s time to finally pull the trigger and end this tag team once and for all.
The fact that it hasn’t happened yet is mind-blowing. This has been the longest tease of a heel turn that I can remember in recent memory. It’s getting to the point where, will fans even care anymore when it happens? The point is, it’s time for a change, and that’s where NQCC comes in.
In the beginning, NQCC wasn’t well-received by the NXT fanbase. They got booed out of the ring, and were not even close to fan-favorites… A lot has changed. Now, Borne, Heights, Dempsey, and new the addition of Sinclair have been a staple of NXT and are huge fan-favorites. This became apparent when Sinclair tried to work her way into the group, to finally be accepted.
Above everything else, Heights and Borne are easily one of the top teams in NXT today. I’d even rank them above Nathan Frazer and Axiom. It’s time to strap a rocket to them and push them to the moon. They are the tag team to build around in a tag team division that is beginning to boom, and on Saturday, they have to win the NXT Tag Team Championships.