Wes Brisco Reveals Why He Never Made the WWE Main Roster

Wes Brisco recently explained on Stories With Brisco And Bradshaw why he was never a part of WWE’s main roster.

Brisco talked about his time in FCW and the injury that kept him from rising through the ranks. Here are some of the highlights:

His initial experience in FCW:

“I got there and of course as soon as I got there, I got bullied again. I got treated like, ‘Oh, you’re just there because you’re Jerry Brisco’s son.’ I wasn’t there because of that.”

His chance on WWE RAW going awry:

“Hunter called us and gave us the opportunity to start to be on ‘Raw.’ So, we got the opportunity. We had – I think – the whole month booked, and the last day of FCW, I did my finish off the top rope and the guy missed me and I blew out my knee.”

You can check out the complete podcast below: