W. Morrissey Shares Details About His Alcohol Addiction and Being Released From WWE

Former WWE star Big Cass (W. Morrissey in Impact Wrestling) talked about his alcohol addiction on this week’s “The Sessions with Renee Paquette.”

“Like in 2017, the drinking was really out of hand. It was easy to hide, because alcoholics are very good at hiding their alcoholism. So I was hiding it from a lot of people. I got injured and when I came back, I was just in a bad place mentally, and not to blame it on taking medications that I definitely shouldn’t be drinking with, but I guess I just kept drinking and kept fuc*ing up. The drinking, yeah, it got completely out of hand to the point where everybody was noticing. There was no hiding it anymore. Everybody knew. It’s sad to say looking back, but at the time, I knew everybody knew and I still didn’t give a fu*k. I was like, I didn’t care. I don’t know what switch flipped in my head, but I really gave up spiritually. At that point, I was done.”

Morrissey talked about being released from WWE:

“Initially, it was a very small relief because I had known it was coming. But that uncertainty can really eat you alive, especially at night trying to fall asleep. You kind of know what’s coming, but you’re not sure. When I got released, for a very small amount of time, it was a relief. But the drinking got really out of hand after that point because I had a roof over my head. I had plenty of money in the bank. I had no responsibilities anymore. I had no one to keep me accountable, and I was by myself in Tampa, Florida, where none of my family members or my friends from home were around to check on me. It was a recipe for disaster and it really got bad. Looking back now, I faced some really bad consequences, but I’m very fortunate that the consequences didn’t end up worse.”

Morrissey said Diamond Dallas Page helped him out:

“After I had that first seizure in Philadelphia back in 2018, he got in touch with me. He said, ‘You know if you’re ever ready to come down here and visit Atlanta, I’d really like to help you.’ I guess in May of 2019 is when I went down to Atlanta to link up with him just hanging out, working out, and talking. We developed a relationship and a bond.”

“He’s helped me tremendously. He was very instrumental in getting me through rehab the first time.”

Morrissey also spoke about being roommates with Jon Moxley when they were in FCW in 2012:

“I moved in with Jon in 2012 because I had a roommate when I first got there, and he ended up getting released. Jon was looking for a new place to live because his first place was a complete dump. He was trying to move out because it served its purpose, but he didn’t want to live there anymore. So I just told him you can move in with me.”

“This is what rent is, we’ll split it, and then he moved in. We didn’t really know each other that well before that so when he was moving in, it was a bit awkward, like I don’t even really know this guy, and I’m sure he was thinking the same thing.” (quotes courtesy of WrestlingNews.co)