Vince Russo Says Pro Wrestling Needs WWE’s New Ownership

(Photo Credit: Vince Russo)

Vince Russo recently appeared on an episode of The Wrestling Outlaws, where he talked about a number of topics including how he is excited to see what happens in the WWE now that Vince McMahon and the McMahon family are no longer in charge.

Russo said, “You just said it right there, bro. Double J (Jeff Jarrett”) came out and just said yesterday that ‘It’s official. Professional wrestling is no longer a mom-and-pop business.’ And bro, you know what? I’m excited to see what happens. I’m excited to have fresh eyes look at this industry. What can we do to make this more popular? What can we do to evolve it?”

Russo also talked about how he believes this is what pro wrestling needs.

“What can we do to bring more people to the table? And I have said this all along, bro; I said whether it was Disney or whoever, it was going to take outsiders, to come in and look at this as a business. Not the good old boy network, not the little cliques, not the politics. Not all that BS. And bro, everything we have seen of our friend, Ari (Emanuel), bro, he’s all about the bottom line. The dude is all about the bottom line. I think wrestling needs this, bro, and I’m excited to see what happens.”

You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.