During a recent Q&A session on the Something To Wrestle With podcast, WWE Hall of Famer JBL addressed a listener’s question regarding Vince McMahon’s potential grudge against Vince Russo.
When asked if he believed McMahon held any lingering resentment toward Russo, JBL admitted that he didn’t have a definitive answer.
“I don’t know. Vince never said anything to that. I don’t think he would even if he had them. I don’t know the feelings of Vince when Vince Russo left.”
However, JBL did share a telling personal experience that shed light on McMahon’s stance toward the former WWE writer.
JBL recalled an incident involving his former WWE Network show, Legends with JBL, where he had Eric Bischoff on as a guest. During the interview, Bischoff made remarks about Russo’s tenure in WCW, which led Russo to reach out to JBL directly.
“Russo sent me a text. I sent a very nice text back. He said,’ I want to come on and refute what Bischoff said about me.’ I said, ‘Okay’ so I asked Vince McMahon.”
JBL then brought the idea to McMahon, explaining the situation and offering him the chance to review Russo’s request. However, McMahon wanted no part of it.
“I said, ‘Hey, here’s what happened on Legends with JBL. I had Bischoff on. I thought it was a very good show, but he said this about Vince Russo. Russo has sent me this text. You can read it if you want to.’ He said, ‘No, I don’t want to. Give me a summary of what it is.’”
After summarizing Russo’s request, JBL asked if McMahon would be open to a Legends with JBL episode featuring Russo. McMahon’s response was blunt and immediate.
“Vince said, ‘Nope. Not giving him any press whatsoever. Nope. Not doing it’, and that was it.”
While McMahon’s refusal to acknowledge Russo was clear, JBL admitted he couldn’t say for certain whether it stemmed from personal animosity or a strategic decision.
“I don’t know if Vince had any animosity towards him or this guy was out there saying anything negative about our product and I don’t want to give him press as far as prestige as far as putting him on a WWE show. I don’t know what Vince’s motive was behind saying unequivocally, ‘No, this is not going to happen.’ So I don’t know what Vince was thinking.”
Regardless of the reason, one thing was certain—McMahon had no interest in giving Vince Russo a platform on WWE programming.