Former STARDOM star Utami Hayashishita recently spoke with Fightful’s Scott Edwards on a number of topics including why she left the promotion for Marigold.
Hayashishita said, “I left STARDOM believing in new possibilities. I’m looking forward to seeing myself as a new Utami Hayashishita, one that has never been seen before. I feel that Ogawa-san has always believed in my potential.”
On her goals in Marigold:
“I want to do many things that I couldn’t experience in STARDOM. I’m looking forward to many matches with opponents I’ve never fought before, and I’m looking forward to teaming with wrestlers I’ve never teamed with before. Marigold is a fresh breeze into the world of women’s professional wrestling.”
On what role she sees for herself in Marigold:
“Utami Hayashishita should be the ace of Marigold. I myself think so. I should be, I want to be, and I think I am. I worked hard as a unit leader in STARDOM. Next, I will go to the top of the women’s wrestling world as the ace of this organization.”
On leaving Queen’s Quest:
“They were like a family to me. It was a very sad and hard decision to leave my family. But I was excited to do something in a new place. I can only thank everyone at STARDOM and Queen’s Quest for supporting my decision. I believe that my success at Marigold will be my way of repaying everyone’s kindness.”
On which wrestlers she’d like to face in the ring:
“I have always wanted to fight against IYO SKY. It’s a dream that’s been hard to fulfill, because she went to WWE when I debuted. But I would like to make it happen someday. I am also interested in Rina Yamashita and VENY.”
On wanting to stand on her own:
“I wanted to try out new things for myself. I want to do my best as Utami Hayashishita, not as Queen’s Quest, not as STARDOM. I am looking forward to competing against people I have never competed against before.”
On who she wants to face at Marigold’s first show:
“I am willing to work with anyone with whom I have no experience. I’m looking forward to it no matter who the opponent is. I will put the current Utami Hayashishita into action.”
On WWE star IYO SKY:
“Just thinking about if that time ever comes makes me smile. IYO SKY is someone I’ve been chasing for a long time, someone I’ve set my sights on. I can’t help but look forward to it. I want to tell her in the match, ‘There’s someone who has been chasing you, and her name is Utami Hayashishita!’ But I’m afraid I’ll freeze up with nervousness…. LOL!”