Unlocking the Internet: Why VPNs are democratizing the WWE

For many, watching WWE in the 90s, starting with Monday Night Raw in 1993 will be a mainstay of childhood for wrestling fans. Of course, there’s a wealth of history before then, reaching right back to the 50s. However, the way we have viewed wrestling has evolved alongside the entertainment industry – today, the majority of viewing is streamed online, on-demand – and it looks highly unlikely to ever change. In fact, the most recent Wrestlemania #36 set the company record as the most viewed event in WWE history, with an astounding 967 million views across the company’s digital and social platforms.

An obvious solution
When you’re pulling in nearly a billion online views for your shows, it goes without saying you’re dealing with a global audience. The digital era has democratized the sport for millions of fans, however, that doesn’t mean they all receive the same viewing experience. Across that viewer base, audience members tuning in will be dealing with a plethora of internet providers and regulators and varying amounts of internet freedom.

That reality may go to explain why Virtual Private Network (VPN) usage has skyrocketed in the last decade. https://dataprot.net/ found that approximately 26% of worldwide internet users have used a VPN service, indicating tens of millions (and likely many more than that) are accessing and surfing content on the internet – including WWE streams – with the enhanced freedom, security, and anonymity that VPNs can provide. In fact, it’s thanks to the affordability of VPNs, which outprice many alternative security providers available, as well as the basic security of ‘https’ connections – that means people are able to confidently access content online, particularly within more restrictive approaches to internet freedom.

A service to suit you
Streaming services, which can be particularly aggressive at working to prohibit VPNs accessing them can block some of the smaller ones, however, large providers found at www.top10.com/vpn continually manage to provide access. It’s increasingly important to know which network provider best suits your needs, and can guarantee you the fastest, most secure experience. The upcoming WWE schedule is jam-packed, and operates as a travelling show, appearing across almost all US states, with a few Japanese shows lined up too. For that reason alone, fight fans who want a safe, unrestricted experience, without missing any of the action, are best served and likely to opt to access VPNs in increasing numbers.

The WWE’s popularity is balanced between those who have supported it since their earliest days and those who are discovering it in later life. For those newer fans, and for the WWE itself, that discovery would not be possible without the digital evolution of sporting events, or liberating services like VPNs. Ultimately, the spectacles that the WWE put on are designed to bring us joy – they often do – but it’s also reassuring to know that nobody has to miss out on those moments and events because of issues like online security. It’s a match made in heaven for fans and fighters, alike.