Tyler Breeze Thinks Breezango Would Have Never Won Tag Team Gold On The WWE Main Roster

Tyler Breeze recently had a conversation with Unscriptify on a number of topics including how he and Dirty Dango (former WWE Star Fandango) would have never won tag team gold in the WWE if they remained on the main roster and didn’t go to NXT.

Breeze said, “I don’t think so. I don’t think it would have ever happened on Raw or SmackDown. There was a time where we got really hot as a babyface tag team and they were really behind what we were doing. They loved the Fashion Files, they really liked what we were doing and they cared about us to the point where, we did some in-ring promos with New Day, and we were right in there with them. It wasn’t these random guys that no one cared about. It was right there where they could have done something good with us. There was one or two times where they were going to make us number one contenders or do something, and it was the only time where I thought, ‘Man, I think they missed the boat on how hot we were right there.’ I just don’t know if they would have ever really let it go. It would have been what it would have been, and then away we go. Going to NXT was the right call.”

You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.

(H/T to Fighful.com for transcribing the above quotes)