Tyler Breeze recently appeared on Developmentally Speaking to talk about all things pro wrestling.
During the discussion, the former WWE Superstar claimed he knew his release from the company was coming before it happened, as well as how his WWE departure ended up being a blessing in disguise.
Featured below are some of the highlights.
On how he knew, thanks to Triple H, that he was getting released by WWE: “At that time, I knew it was probably happening at some point. Actually, I believe, when it finally happened, I’m pretty sure like Hunter [Triple H] already told me that like, ‘Oh, this will probably happen,’ just because I was still on a main roster deal at that point. When it comes down to it, and it comes down to looking at stuff like that, you can’t make that much money in that spot. It really just kind of came down to that,” said Breeze. “So I wasn’t really surprised … I mean you can’t ever really be surprised. When they finally fire you, you can kind of see the writing on the wall here and there. Sometimes there’s some surprises.”
On how he considers the release a blessing in disguise, as he was burnt out after being with the company for so long: “At that point, I was a little bit burnt out. I mean, I’ve been going hard … I really only took, I don’t know, maybe a couple days off here and there. I think maybe I took a couple days off to go get married, that was about it. So I’ve been lucky … I’d never really been hurt, so I never really took extended time off. I was booked on everything. I think in 2017 or 2016, I had the most matches in WWE,” said Breeze. “But, I just kind of liked sleeping in my own bed and waking up and making breakfast and not really being in a hurry to go anywhere. Just hanging out with my animals, just enjoying life. A little bit of the reward for the hard work of being on the road for 11 years.”
Check out the complete interview via the YouTube player embedded below. H/T to WrestlingInc.com for transcribing the above quotes.