Two AEW Members Had Been Considered For Roles In The Pinnacle Faction

AEW star Dax Harwood of FTR recently spoke on his podcast, “FTR with Dax Harwood,” about a variety of professional wrestling topics including how Britt Baker and Serena Deeb had been considered for The Pinnacle faction in AEW:

“We really wanted Britt, and there were talks of Britt being in the group, but Britt is a standalone star, no one needs to mess with her, she’s great. The other one that I really wanted and talk to Tony (Khan) about, he was pretty excited and had the idea, was Serena Deeb. Up until that point, she had been a babyface, but I thought she really fit what the Pinnacle was, especially Cash and myself, just an incredible wrestler who is considered a badass among the women. Those are the two, and the closest was probably Serena Deeb.”

You can check out the complete podcast below:

(h/t to Jeremy Lambert for the transcription)