Tony Schiavone Slams WWE Hall Of Fame Delays For Lex Luger & Jim Cornette

(Photo Credit: AEW)

All Elite Wrestling commentator Tony Schiavone recently discussed several professional wrestling topics on his podcast, “What Happened When,” including Lex Luger going into the WWE Hall of Fame.

Schiavone said, “Good for Lex. The WWE Hall of Fame is kind of like the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, in that there’s a lot of people that should have been in there earlier that got into there later. And — like for instance, one of my favorite bands of all time, Kiss. They didn’t get in for a long, long, long, long time. And neither did The Cars, and neither did Chicago really. Some some of my favorite bands. And that’s the same thing with Lex. Lex probably should have been in a lot sooner. And of course, that’s just the way those Hall of Fames are, right? I mean, everybody says, ‘Well, they should have been in sooner.’ But I’m glad he’s in.”

On why Jim Cornette isn’t in the WWE Hall of Fam:

“Why is he not in there now? I think that’s silly. He should be in there.”

You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.

(H/T to for transcribing the above quotes)