TNA Star Joe Hendry Confronts Shawn Michaels Backstage After NXT Battle Royal Loss

(Photo Credit: WWE)

In a surprising turn of events, TNA Wrestling star Joe Hendry emerged as one of the unexpected competitors in the WWE NXT Championship #1 Contender’s 25-Man Battle Royal on this week’s show. Despite the odds, he was unable to secure a victory, falling victim to a group of talents who banded together to eliminate him from the match.

Hendry cut an angry promo as he walked through the backstage area. He accused WWE Hall of Famer and NXT executive Shawn Michaels of orchestrating all those talents ganging up on him and eliminating him before saying that he could show up anywhere, any time, on any show, and all people have to do is say his name.

You can check out Hendry’s interaction with Michaels below.