![Impact (Jan 25th)](https://www.pwmania.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Impact-Jan-25th-1-696x392.jpg)
TNA Impact Review – January 25, 2024
TNA World Tag Team Champion Chris Bey vs. Kevin Knight
Chris Bey goes for a cutter but Kevin Knight reverses into a backslide for a two count.
Bey whips Knight into the ropes but Knight reverses it and hits a dropkick onto Bey.
Knight goes to the top rope and hits a springboard lariat for a two count.
Knight goes for a suplex but Bey counters into a roll up for a two count then Bey hits a boot and kips up.
Knight hits a single leg dropkick followed by a brainbuster for a two count then Knight goes to the top rope for a Splash but Bey moves out of the way.
Bey hits an elbow drop onto Knight hung onto the ropes followed by Art Of Finesse for the win.
Winner: TNA World Tag Team Champion Chris Bey
After the match Grizzled Young Vets come out and attack ABC. They hit an assisted DDT on Ace Austin and hits a shot to the throat on Bey then they hit Grit Your Teeth on Bey and leave ABC laying in the ring while posing with the TNA World Tag Team Titles.
We see a vignette of Ash By Elegance and the voice over says she is irresistible and undeniable.
We see a recap of Frankie Kazarian attacking Eric Young last week.
Frankie Kazarian with a promo backstage and says he will talk next week. Rich Swann walks up to him and asks what is going in with him. Kazarian says he’s taking his career into his own hands and that Swann should do the same. AJ Francis walks up to Swann and says he wants to be in Swann’s corner against Joe Hendry. Francis talks about how they met at the back of the plane but now he’s in 1st class and he has a seat next to him.
Before the match Dirty Dango gets on the mic and says that he hates pro wrestling.
Tag Team Match
Dirty Dango & Oleg Prudius vs. Damian Drake & Dante King
Dirty Dango sits outside the ring on a chair and is talking on the phone.
Oleg Prudius destroys Damian Drake & Dante King and tags into Dango & hits Showstopper for the win.
Winners: Dirty Dango & Oleg Prudius
Grizzled Young Vets are backstage and say they conquered Europe and they will do the same here then Santino Marella walks up to them and says they can’t do what they did out there. ABC walks up and they are livid. Marella books a Best Of 3 series between GYV & ABC.
Gia Miller is backstage for an interview with Machine City Motor Guns & Kazuchika Okada. Okada says today they will feel the Rainmaker.
Knockouts Title Match
Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Trinity
Jordynne Grace hits an elbow and goes to the top rope and Trinity goes for a neckbreaker but Grace fights out of it and hits a Vader Bomb for s two count. Trinity hits an enzuigiri.
Trinity throws Grace outside the ring onto the apron and hits a draping modified DDT for a two count.
Grace gets Trinity onto the top rope and hits a delayed superplex followed by Juggernaut Jackhammer for two.
Trinity hits a Full Nelson Bomb for a two count then Grace hits a spinning backfist and goes for Juggernaut Driver but Trinity fights out of it.
Trinity goes to the top rope and Grace for Muscle Buster but Trinity fights it out and hits a Sunset Flip into a pin for a two count.
Grace & Trinity exchange pins until Trinity goes for Starstruck but Grace reverses into a pin for the win.
Winner & Still Knockouts Champion: Jordynne Grace (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
After the match Savannah Evans & Jai Vidal come out and they lay out Grace & Trinity with Gisele Shaw then Shaw poses with the X.
The System are backstage and Eddie Edwards says The System works. Brain Myers says that tonight The System goes worldwide as they take out a New Japan Pro Wrestling star in Okada. TNA World Champion Moose says to trust The System.
Josh Alexander with a backstage promo and he says today is a good day and talks about his match with Will Ospreay and says when he beat Ospreay he became a world beater. Alan Angels walks up to him and invites him to his talk show The Soundcheck tells Alexander to help the future. Alexander agrees to be on his show next week.
Nic Nemeth vs. Zachary Wentz
Nic Nemeth hits a leaping DDT for a two count then Zachary Wentz hits a springboard single leg dropkick followed by a full Nelson inside out slam for two.
Wentz goes for a Headlock Driver but Nemeth counters into a backslide for two followed by Danger Zone for the win.
Winner: Nic Nemeth
After the match Trey Miguel tries to attack Nemeth but gets hit with Danger Zone then Steve Maclin comes in and lays out Nemeth. He goes for KIA on Nemeth but Nemeth hits Danger Zone on Maclin.
We see a vignette from Digital Media Champion Crazzy Steve and he says he doesn’t need a advice from Crazzy Steve and he doesn’t need to listen to anybody. Rhino says he will teach him a lesson whether he likes it or not. Rhino pushes him to the ground and walks off. Steve laughs to himself.
We see a vignette with Knockouts Tag Team Champions Decay. Havok says she had to go back to the Wasteland to remind herself what she is. Rosemary says from here on out they’re doing things their way, the way of Decay.
Tag Team Match
MK Ultra (Masha Slamovich & Killer Kelly) vs. Jody Threat & Dani Luna
Jody Threat hits a kick onto Killer Kelly and hits a Bronco Buster on Kelly draped on the ropes followed by a German suplex for a two count.
Threat goes to the top rope but Masha Slamovich distracts her & Kelly brings her down.
MK Ultra hits a combined powerbomb on Threat for the win.
Winner: MK Ultra
After the match they hits a combined powerbomb on Jody Threat and leave her laying too.
We see Motor City Machine Guns & Okada walking backstage before the main event.
6 Man Tag Team Match
Motor City Machine Guns (X Division Champion Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) & Kazuchika Okada vs. The System (TNA World Champion Moose, Brain Myers & Eddie Edwards)
Kazuchika Okada & Moose face off then Moose goes for the spear and misses so Okada goes for Rainmaker and Moose gets out of it. Eddie Edwards gets the tag and Okada tags to Alex Shelley.
Shelley grabs Edwards’ leg and tags to Okada who drops an elbow on Edwards’ leg then Shelley tags himself in and The System lay out Motor City Machine Guns & Okada.
Myers gets a chinlock on Shelley but Shelley fights out of it but Myers takes him down and tags to Moose then throws Shelley out of the ring and Edwards chops him outside the ring.
Shelley gets back in the ring and Edwards & Brain Myers hit a Russian leg sweep on Shelley for a two count. Moose gets the tag.
Shelley drops Moose onto the turnbuckle but Edwards lays out Sabin & Okada from ringside.
Sabin gets the tag and hits a tornado DDT onto Edwards off the ropes for a two count.
Sabin goes for Cradle Shock but Edwards fights out of it and hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Sabin goes to the top rope and hits a crossbody onto Myers & Edwards.
Okada gets the tag and hits a running elbow followed by a DDT then hits a neckbreaker for two count then Shelley gets the tag before Edwards hits a Backpack Stunner for two.
Myers hits an enzuigiri on Shelley and goes for Roster Cut but Okada hits a dropkick and Okada hits Rainmaker on Myers & Shelley hits Shell Shocked for the win.
Winners: Motor City Machine Guns & Kazuchika Okada
Next Week’s Impact
Nic Nemeth vs. Trey Miguel
Brian Myers vs. Kevin Knight
Match 1 Of The Best Of 3 Series
TNA World Tag Team Champions ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) vs. Grizzled Young Vets (Zack Gibson & James Drake)