TNA iMPACT returned with a new episode on Thursday, November 14, 2024 at 8/7c on AXS TV and TNA+. Featured below are complete results of the 11/14 episode. The report was written by Matt ten-Hoeve and PWInsider.com
The episode starts off with a recap of last week’s iMPACT! – Masha Slamovich teaming with Jordynne Grace to defeat Alisha Edwards and Tasha Steelz, Joe Hendry calling out Ryan Nemeth, the excellent main event between Moose and Mike Bailey, and Trent Seven’s attack on Mike Bailey.
Mike Santana vs. KC Navarro with AJ Francis
They circle and KC Navarro tries to avoid the grasp of Mike Santana. Navarro uses his quickness to stay away from Santana, including ducking under a Spin the Block attempt. Navarro goes to the outside to briefly confer with AJ Francis. Santana follows him outside. Navarro hops back into the ring and tries to use his positioning to take advantage of Santana. Navarro continues to use his quickness to avoid Santana.
Santana uses his strength to block Navarro’s attempts at some moves. Navarro flips out of a Santana move or two and celebrates with Francis on the outside. Santana uses the delay to hit a diving kick through the ropes. Santana throws Navarro back into the ring and hits some hard chops for a two count.
Santana hits another hard chop and sends Navarro into the ropes. Navarro holds onto the ropes and jumps into Francis’ arms for the save. Santana goes to the outside and has words with Francis, which allows Navarro to hit a dive onto Santana.
Back in the ring, Santana gains the advantage back with more chops until Navarro hits a dropkick. Navarro hits a running elbow and a neck snap, followed by a double stomp for a two count. Navarro runs at Santana in the corner again, but Santana gets a boot up. Santana pops over Navarro and hits a leaping kick. Navarro headscissors Santana into the ropes and hits the 305. Navarro hits a crossbody off of the top rope for a two count.
Navarro goes for another crossbody, but Santana catches him. Santana hits a reverse powerbomb, followed by a sitout powerbomb for a two count. Santana sets up for Spin the Block and hits it for the win!
Winner: Mike Santana
Gia Miller is in the back with Ryan Nemeth and Nic Nemeth. Nic had requested for his match tonight against Brian Myers to be a title match, but Santino Marella declined. Nic wants to be a fighting champion and respects Myers. He knows The System will be lurking and trying to get involved. He’ll be doing what he does best, though – stealing the show.
Ryan Nemeth says that he’ll have Nic’s back after he takes care of Joe Hendry. Ryan says that Hendry’s video about him is ruining his life. Nic says that he knows Ryan will do great.
Trent Seven turning Mike Bailey after last week’s main event is shown.
Gia Miller is in the back with Ace Austin and The Hardys. She says that they’ll be in a six-man match at Turning Point. Before she can announce their opponents, Trent Seven gets in their faces. Jake Something and Hammerstone enter the fray and help Trent Seven beat up The Hardys and Ace Austin. Santino Marella breaks it up and calls for a doctor.
The Rascalz vs. Alan Angels and Jake Crist
Jake Crist and Zachary Wentz start things off. They circle and lock up. Crist grabs an arm, which Wentz flips and arm drags out of. Wentz hits the ropes and Crist tackles him down. Wentz hits a series of kicks and tags in Trey Miguel. The Rascalz double team Crist, including tributes to the Motor City Machine Guns and Chris Bey. Alan Angels tags in.
Miguel hits the ropes and Crist grabs him while Angels distracts the referee. Angels hits a low blow on Miguel and takes the advantage. With Miguel down, Angels knocks Wentz off of the apron. Miguel rolls up Angels for a two count. He tries another roll up, but Angels rolls it into a Fisherman Suplex for a two count. Crist tags in.
Crist hits some punches on Miguel, followed by a boot for a two count. Angels tags back in. Crist and Angels tag team Miguel for a two count. Miguel is thrown into the ropes, he uses the bottom rope as leverage to bounce off, strike Angels, and tag in Wentz.
Wentz comes in hot and takes down Crist. Wentz hits a German Suplex and a running knee in the corner. He follows it with a running kick and a running shooting star press for a two count. Miguel tags in and The Rascalz double team Crist with a series of kicks. Angels pull Wentz out of the ring.
Miguel goes to the top rope, but Angels rips him down and tags in. Crist hits a cutter and Angels hits a splash from the top rope for a two count. Wentz is back in and The Rascalz are both hot again. They take out Crist and then double team Angels. They hit Feed ‘Em to the Lions for the win!
Winners: The Rascalz
Spitfire is talking in the back. They talk about being 1-1 against Ash and Heather by Elegance. Jody Threat talks about taking on Ash by Elegance and how she’ll make sure her “life in plastic isn’t so fantastic.”
A Genesis hype video is shown.
Josh Alexander and The Northern Armory vs. Jonathan Gresham, Eric Young, and Steve Maclin
Steve Maclin and Travis Williams start things off with a lock up. Maclin breaks it and gestures to Josh Alexander before leveling Williams. Judas Icarus tags in and immediately gets disposed of. The Northern Armory try to double team Maclin, but he double clotheslines them. Jonathan Gresham tags himself in and throws Icarus over his head and into the corner. Eric Young tags in.
Young throws Icarus into the ropes and hits a dropkick. Maclin tags in. Young and Maclin hit stereo boots on Icarus with Icarus’ head dangling over the second rope. Maclin throws Icarus into the ropes. Williams tries to hold onto Icarus to save him. Williams gets knocked off of the apron by Maclin. With Maclin close, Alexander is able to get in a cheap shot and tags in. He quickly double teams Maclin with Icarus and then takes full advantage of Maclin, grounding him and targeting his arm. Icarus tags back in.
Icarus holds and stretches Maclin while tagging in Williams. Williams hits a running attack and covers for a one count. Williams continues the arm control and tags Alexander back in. Alexander hits a throw and then slows down the pace with calculated blows to Maclin. Icarus tags back in and snapmares Maclin, followed by a kick to the back for a two count. Icarus grabs a cravat and tags in Williams.
Williams attacks off of the second rope and then locks in a cravat of his own. Maclin throws Williams off, but Williams hits a quick kick and a snap suplex for a two count. Williams kicks at Maclin on the mat until Maclin blocks a kick. Maclin ducks a couple of shots, but then eats a couple of shots. Maclin ducks under a springboard move and hits a bicycle knee. Alexander tags in. Young tags in.
Young comes in hot and drops Alexander a couple of times and goes for the Death Valley Driver. Alexander wiggles out. Young hits the Youngblood Neckbreaker for a two count. Alexander recovers quickly and hits a couple of German Suplexes before eating an elbow. Gresham tags in. Icarus comes in.
They trade blows in the middle of the ring. Gresham gets knocked down, but pops up and hits an Enziguiri. They exchange standing switches before Icarus hits a spinning suplex. The Northern Armory double teams Gresham and tries to hit Up in the Clouds, but Gresham blocks it. They continue to double team him, though, with a bunch of dipping and diving around Gresham for a two count. Alexander tags in.
Gresham is held for the C4 Spike, but wiggles out while The Northern Armory are pulled out of the ring by Maclin and Young. Gresham goes to the top rope, but he is pulled down. The Northern Armory hits Sudden Silence and Alexander goes for the pin. Maclin breaks it up and chases Alexander. Williams and Icarus intercept and take out Maclin.
Alexander goes back after Gresham, but Gresham is able to tag in Young. Young hits the Death Valley Driver on Alexander and tags in Maclin. Maclin hits Caught in the Crosshairs. Young goes to the top rope to dive onto Alexander, but Maclin won’t stop attacking Alexander. Young jumps down and Maclin isn’t pleased with Young getting involved.
With The Northern Armory getting back into the fray, though, Young and Maclin go back to focusing on their opponents. Gresham pushes Young out of the way of an attack twice. Alexander pushes Maclin into Young (who falls off of the apron). Alexander then hits the C4 Spike on Maclin for the win!
Winners: Josh Alexander and The Northern Armory
During the match, it’s announced that The Hardys and Ace Austin will take on Trent Seven, Jake Something, and Hammerstone next week.
Frankie Kazarian is in the back. He’s not happy about TNA airing last week’s archive footage that showed him being Gored by Rhino. It doesn’t matter, though, as Kazarian has the Call Your Shot Gauntlet Trophy…which he beat Rhino for. Rhino approaches and says that he doesn’t need a trophy to beat Kazarian’s ass.
Steve Maclin is steaming in the back and runs into Santino Marella. He tells Santino that his issues with Josh Alexander aren’t over. Maclin then runs into Eric Young and Jonathan Gresham. Gresham doesn’t want to be involved. Young talks about the issues they had in the match earlier and tells Maclin to figure things out.
Ryan Nemeth vs. Joe Hendry
Joe Hendry has a microphone to start things off. He knows Ryan is upset due to last week’s “Ryan Nemeth Story” video. Well, Hendry has the director’s cut of ALL of Ryan Nemeth’s career achievements this week. It’s shown and it’s the same video as last week. The crowd wants to see it a second time. It’s shown again and the crowd loves it.
Ryan Nemeth is fed up and goes on the attack. The referee calls for the bell. Nemeth chokes Hendry on the ropes and then hits a leaping elbow. Hendry powers out of the pin. Nemeth continues the attack in the corner until Hendry strikes out of it. Hendry goes on the offensive until Nemeth rakes at his face. Nemeth slaps on an arm stretch on the mat, which he switches to a headlock. Hendry powers up and out of it, but Nemeth keeps control.
Hendry is whipped into the corner and Nemeth hits a running shoulder. Nemeth slaps on a headlock on the mat. Hendry gets back to his feet, but Nemeth rips him back down by the hair for a two count. Nemeth hits a neckbreaker and climbs to the top rope. Hendry gets to his feet and slams Nemeth off of the top rope. He follows it with a series of tackles on Nemeth. Hendry hits a Fallaway Slam and a kip up. Hendry hits a delayed, one arm Standing Ovation for the win!
Winner: Joe Hendry
A Turning Point hype video is shown.
Rosemary vs. Jada Stone
Jada Stone goes for a lockup, but Rosemary grabs her hand and drives Stone down. Stone tries to use quick strikes and quickness to work over Rosemary, but Rosemary shrugs everything off and hits a side slam for a two count. Rosemary works over Stone on the mat and bottom rope. She hits a running forearm on Stone and then locks in a Tarantula-like stretch.
Rosemary continues the attack in the corner and then hits an overhead throw for a two count. Rosemary stretches Stone’s neck. Stone is able to hit a jawbreaker and a headscissors, but Rosemary hits a big Spear and then As Above So Below for the win!
Winner: Rosemary
A video is shown from before the show where The System celebrated themselves in the ring. They presented themselves with rings. Back in the present, Alisha Edwards comes out to the top of the ramp. She says that The System is stronger than ever. The rings prove that they are united and dominate TNA. They talk the talk and walk the walk – starting tonight with Brian Myers taking care of Nic Nemeth. At Turning Point, Eddie Edwards will be taking the TNA World Championship back to The System.
Alisha Edwards then talks about Masha Slamovich. She says that she carried Slamovich during their time as a team and last week was a fluke loss to Slamovich and Jordynne Grace. Slamovich comes out. Last week was a fluke? Well, why doesn’t Alisha prove it in a No Disqualification Match next week for the TNA Knockouts World Championship? Tasha Steelz comes out to show that she’ll be on Alisha’s side. That brings out Jordynne Grace.
Grace says that although she’s looking forward to Slamovich kicking Alisha’s ass, she still has a rematch coming her way. Therefore, whoever wins next week will face her at Turning Point.
In the back, Nic Nemeth is checking on his brother, who is hurting from his match with Joe Hendry. Nic’s music hits and Santino tells him to get to the ring. On the way, Nic runs into Frankie Kazarian. Kazarian says, “Sorry about your jobber brother.” He hopes that Nic isn’t too distracted during his match and wishes him luck.
TNA Champion Nic Nemeth vs. Brian Myers with Eddie and Alisha Edwards
Just as the match is about to start, Joe Hendry comes out and joins the commentary table.
The match starts and Nic Nemeth immediately goes for a Superkick as a callback to their last match several years ago – which ended in seven seconds. Myers ducks it and goes to the outside. Nemeth follows him out. Myers gets back in the ring and uses his positioning to gain control. He slows things down with calculated strikes and some choking in the ropes. The referee breaks it up and, as he’s scolding Myers, Eddie Edwards chokes Nemeth on the ropes.
Myers goes back on the attack, but Nemeth turns it around. Myers is whipped hard in the corner. Nemeth drives Myers’ head into the top turnbuckle for a two count. Nemeth goes for a neckbreaker, but Myers reverses it into a backslide for a two count. Nemeth hits a quick elbow and a kick to the midsection. Nemeth hits an Olympic Slam. Nemeth loads up for a Superkick, but Eddie Edwards grabs his leg. The referee ejects Eddie from ringside.
With Nemeth distracted, Myers lines him up. Myers charges, but Nemeth sees it in time and tosses Myers over the top rope. Nemeth follows him out and Myers is able to drive Nemeth into the side of the ring. He then whips Nemeth into the stairs.
Myers gets in the ring and the referee starts a ten count on Nemeth. Nemeth is able to beat the count, but receives some strikes from Myers. Myers slaps on a chinlock on the mat. Nemeth tries to power out of it, but Myers drives him back into the mat. Myers tosses Nemeth to the outside and distracts the referee so that Alisha Edwards can attack Nemeth.
Myers hits a double axe handle from the apron onto Nemeth and then drives Nemeth into the side of the ring again. Myers throws Nemeth into the ring and pins him for a two count. Nemeth gets up and they exchange strikes in the middle of the ring until Myers lifts Nemeth and drives him down into the ropes neck first.
Myers hits a spinebuster for a two count. Nemeth gets up and starts to fight back. Myers ducks under an attack, slides to the outside, and trips up Nemeth. He gets back in the ring and stomps down on Nemeth. Myers hits a Side Russian Leg Sweep for a two count and then slaps on a headlock. Nemeth tries to strike out of it, but Myers strikes him back down.
Nemeth flips out of a throw and is able to knock Myers off of his feet. The referee starts the double ten count. Both men beat the count and Nemeth hits a series of running attacks, followed by a splash in the corner. Nemeth drives Myers down and hits Ten Shots to the Heart for a two count.
Nemeth sets up for a Superkick. Myers ducks it and hits an Enziguiri. Myers hits the Edgecution. Myers sets up for the Spear, but Nemeth blocks it with a leaping DDT. He follows it with the Fame-Asser for a two count. While the referee checks on Myers, Alisha hits Nemeth with a Kendo Stick. Myers hits the Spear for a two count.
Joe Hendry doesn’t like what he sees. He gets up and carries Alisha to the back. Myers is livid and distracted. Nemeth tries to roll up Myers, but Myers reverses for a two count. Nemeth recovers and hits a Superkick. He follows that with the Danger Zone for the win!
Winner: Nic Nemeth
Eddie Edwards hits the ring and attacks Nic Nemeth. Brian Myers recovers and joins the beatdown. Joe Hendry returns to the ring with the Kendo Stick and hits Myers with it…and he hits Edwards…and ALMOST Nemeth. Nemeth stares Hendry down as Hendry explains himself.
Steve Maclin is shown getting into his truck. He drives off, down the highway. “To Be Continued” is shown as the episode fades to black.